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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. Well you want to break up but you haven't. Why not? Why are her feelings more important than your own? This is something I have had to learn the hard way in life, so I do understand. It's time that you make yourself #1 in your life because NO ONE ELSE WILL. When you become #1 in your life, people respond differently to you, more respectful for example. Now is the time before you end up married with children who will feel the effects when you finally do wake up and opt to divorce her. Now is far better and easier than later.
  2. Well that's a bit much really. I mean even if I'm interested in him I need and want space. So yes that would be clingy to me.
  3. Get a part time job. Get into some extracurricular activities, there are other things besides sports to get involved in. Find something that interests you and try it out.
  4. Okay yes that is a workout in and of itself. However you may have to force yourself to go for a run to get the cardio in. You'll feel better afterwards but that is why adults shy away from exercise (we're tired!).
  5. Hoppy, If you are interested in a woman you need to ask her out. It's a rare girl that will ask a guy out no matter how much they like him. Eye contact is a sign, touching, etc.
  6. Oh that's about a diverse as the girl. I think I'm too obvious really. But yeah she could have been checking you out.
  7. How strange. The one place called me. I may have a job offer or at least a 2nd interview. I'll know for sure tomorrow.
  8. Ha you're still a youngin' Truthfully it was those fears that kept me out when I really wanted to return at age 23. Now I'm 31 and making plans to return in the Spring. Do it now because you're only going to get older. So you may be more mature that the other students, but really once you're there you'll just be another student.
  9. Forgive yourself for the fight, your father already has forgiven you. I'm sorry for your loss, but know he is at peace and happy now. The timing may be off for the girl, or perhaps she really isn't the girl for you. You are looking too hard out there for things to make you feel good. You need to look within.
  10. INFP Introverted (44%) Intuitive (50%) Feeling (50%) Perceiving (11%) Woah Princess Diana is on my list. I never would have considered us a similar personality types.
  11. Thanks for sending the info. I'll read through it, maybe it'll help in the future. Need to release some feelings now. I was just notified that they choose another candidate for the position. Truth is there was no other candidate they just really didn't like the impression I made. I'm tired of this whole job search already. Normally an interview means I got the job now I can't even expect that to be the case. Maybe that woman was right I should quit looking for a job and just go back to college. Incurring more debt just scares me, but I'm obviously not getting anywhere as it is. I don't know I need to figure something out because I can't stay in this limboland any longer. I'm in a pressure cooker that is about to blow.
  12. Glad things are looking up for you and your family. Sometimes a new perspective is all we need.
  13. Not really know the details it's hard to say. Maybe you are just trying too hard. You know they say when you aren't looking you meet someone. Maybe instead of focussing on women you need to focus on improving yourself in some way. I really don't know. Sorry it's just hard to get a feel for the probelm or possible problem from your post. Maybe it's not anything you're doing maybe the timing is just off.
  14. Got a letter in the mail and I wasn't one of the choosen ones for the financial advisor position. Oh well. I was really surprised I was called about that one anyway. Sure it was interesting, exciting, etc. But internally I knew if I were to get it would be a shock. I had an interview today but that didn't go well. Oh I was there for an hour but I just know. Being calm, feeling confident, none of it matters. I just suck at interviews.
  15. Well Beec, My body language seems to attract men. Men hoover around me, women start making out with their boyfriends or husbands in front of me. I don't know why this happens, I really don't, but it does. I was standing in line at an amusement park with my son and these things happened. I mean it makes no sense to me. I return home and my ex is trying to talk me into having sex with him. I give off some vibe, and I really don't seem to know the source of it or I would control it. I thought a ring would somehow help, or at least ease womens minds.
  16. People my age are married. Now I see couples okay families everywhere, and the breaking up the family thing is really hard for me. Some couples make me smile because they're still in love after years and it's sweet, yet at the same time I wish I could have that long lasting loving relationship. It's nice to see it exists but why not for me? I know I smile more. I'm generally happier. So I've made a good decision, but I'm still sentimental. I really want to wear some kind of ring on that finger. I'd can't use my former wedding band, just too weird. However I need time to heal, and I really don't want guys to be thinking I'm after them when a simple conversation is my intent. Is it a bad thing to wear a ring on your ring finger when you aren't married? I just don't want to be available right now, and I'm starting to get lonely, which worries me because I really know I'm not ready for a relationship. I figure that would at least keep things in check for a while.
  17. I was going to suggest counseling but with him saying it's your problem and not his, right there is your answer. Divorce is really your answer. It's not an easy one either but it takes two to make a marriage work and he's not willing so you can either stay unhappy or leave. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear. Honestly I know I had to divorce and I still hate that I had to do it. I wish I could have made things work and live happily (or mostly happily ever after).
  18. Go for the license! It won't hurt you to have the training. There are younger people who are successful in it, it just really depends on you. You just may make the 30 under 30 list one day. There will be some challenges you'll face but really anyone who gets in the business had to put forth effort to achieve their success. If you find it isn't working for you yet and you really think it's the age thing, find an area that does work for you. Yes it is a tough business, but if it's right for you it'll work out.
  19. I've always done various forms of journals. Not really to review just to release my thoughts at the time. I rarely go back and read them actually.
  20. Yes there is such a thing as karma. Only it never comes in the form expected. You see my ex put thousands of dollars of debt in my name. He ended up paying that amount in childsupport (garnished from his wages) every year for the last 7 years (the time I've raised our son without him). Now that he is taking over custody he is suprisingly and kindly not charging me for childsupport. So that is why I view the entire thing as karmic. He's actually so happy to have that extra money every month he sees no need to be taking from me. It's a true blessing on my part. He just asks that I pay his activities fees (they're expensive but not nearly as costly as childsupport would be). I'm sure I could come with more stories but to me this one is the most powerful example I have.
  21. Just updating. I had interview #2 for the financial advisor postion today. I was totally calm during the questioning process. I even got excited when I was talking about the job itself, which is so unlike me. Maybe having an interview set up for Friday took the pressure off. Anyway I did as good as I possibly could. I have this if I get it great, if I don't life goes on mentality. He said I'd hear back in about a week and there are two positions with about 200 applicants. I saw one guy that I know will be hired. He was leaving as I was arriving. So either I'm the other one or not. Part of me thinks they created two positions rather than 1 just for me. I do like to think I'm special.
  22. Okay now I'm laughing. Sometimes God has other plans. I have an interview for New Home Construction on Friday. I applied for this position several months ago and really gave up on it altogether. The good thing is I'm already licensed, they provide training, base pay, and regular hours. All the tings I've realized I need in a job at least right now because of how unstable I feel in other areas. Woohoo I may not be starting all over after all.
  23. Hi Mick, Well the grieving process varies per person really. And it also depends on the how long the spouse was ill. Was it sudden or a long disease that finally just got to out of control? My dad passed in April. My mom has been dating pretty much right after (maybe a few weeks). However my dad's health wasn't great for years and got bad the last two, and we knew he was dying before he did and his passing was peaceful. Yes she has her moments. It's a huge change going from a couple to a window. She also has to learn things he was handling, etc. So it comes and goes. Now in your case. It sounds like she just needs companionship, not necessarily a serious relationship. She's lonely, she's missing him, she's seeking comfort in pretty much any warm body (not the best thing but it happens). Thankfully my mom isn't doing that, she's really picky she's realized. How does this affect you. Well if you really like her and want to end up with her, give her the space she needs. She needs to heal, she needs to perhaps date around (that's also individual). She just needs time and space. Maybe she really isn't interested in you that way but I really get the feeling your not there and she's in need of comfort right now, not someone who is going to make demands upon her. I hope that helped somehow. Most of the people on this board are young so this isn't a topic too familiar to any of us really.
  24. The reason I'm resigning now rather than waiting until after something is confirmed is because I was making myself ill continuing with real estate. I just need to release myself from it financially and emotionally so I can move on.
  25. From real estate. An opportunity to become a financial advisor has come to my attention, which really excites me. I have to go get certified and some other training (after of course making it through their screening process). Interview #2 tomorrow (wish me well please). This position is more in line with with my previous work experience. I also would never would have been called for this position if I didn't go for the real estate license because they see that I'm a risk taker, entrepeuner type, etc. This is totally up my ally! I just glow talking about it according to my friend. Everything happens for a reason. Real estate was so challenging for me, yet I kept pushing myself to work through it. Well I have learned a lot in this experience and it has helped me progress. I have referred my clients to my broker. I am turning in my stuff and becoming one of the many inactive licensees. I feel so good about this decision. Now I just have to have faith that things will work out accordingly. So far the interview has all but told me I'm perfect for the job. He said "Sometimes you try things that don't work to lead you to things that do.", among other things. I really hope this works out. I really am excited about it.
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