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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. Seeing that your 15 moving out there is probably not the best idea. Truth is this relationship will likely be short lived for him. His interest may be peaked because of the rebellious nature of it.
  2. Okay since you can't get him to leave, why don't you leave? You can always repay the debt. I've been there I know it's possible. Do you have a friend or family member you can live with for a while until you can scrape together the money to get another place? You will not get this man to leave by talking to him. You will have to take definite action to have him removed, or else you will have to leave. Forget the cars, you can call a junkyard and maybe get a few dollars for them. If one is really worth salvaging pay someone to fix it up for you. He is a waste of your time and life. Get away from him. You will see your life improve dramatically once he is out of it. It won't happen overnight, it does take time but trust me it will happen.
  3. Well I read on some spiritually based site that you should wait 40 days. It's something biblical. I was looking it up myself. I guess it takes that long to really get to know a person in a non-sexual way. And once sex is introduced it alters the chemicals and balance of the relationship. thereforeeee it's recommended to wait (so yeah the 2 month thing is pretty accurate). I won't say it's easy but if you want a geniune non-sexually based relationship that would be the thing to do.
  4. Okay it sounds to me like you are just too nice. There's nice and there's walk all over you nice, and I'm sorry to say but you are the walk all over you nice. The main thing you need to do is start with saying NO. Oh you don't always have to say no, but when someone asks you to do something you'd rather not do, then say NO. You don't have to explain, but be firm. Create boundaries. Draw the line and stick to it, don't waver, don't bend, keep that line right where you drew it. That is why these women run away. They want a man who is going to be a man and not allow them to walk all over him. Think about situations you've gotten into that you weren't really happy about. As in babysitting while they went out. Say NO, tell them they'll need to a hire a babysitter. You'll be happy to be the designated driver, but that's it.
  5. Jetta


    I'm really wondering I stare at people or something. Tonight I looked over at this guy and he kept looking at me. But it wasn't flirty it was like he was watching me or something. He'd stare and everytime I kept looking over he was still looking at me. He was cute, but it was just weird. Later on he was with a girl, and they'd be dancing. Then he'd look over at me while grouping her. Creapy! Yes I'd look over while they danced, which is why I think maybe I was staring. I mean they were the only people dancing and it's not there was much else to look at, but I do know I'd look around the room and talk with people while they were dancing. So it's not like I was just watching them dance, at least not IMO. So what is the deal? She would look over at me then grab him or something. They'd whisper to each other. I'm probably being paranoid, but really it was strange. I don't know what to think about it. And didn't know where to post it. I used to think I understood guys, now I really don't think I understand a thing. Part of me wonders if he was a friend of the guy I'm interested in and was just seeing how I'd react. That's far fetched but not unlikely. Now that I think of it that way I really do think that was it. The guy I was interested in was off dancing with a girl and it upset me. This guy does it and I laugh. Maybe he doesn't believe I really like him so this was his test. I mean the guy was cute, and the type of cute I normally go for. Unlike the guy I'm interested in. He's cute but not the type I usually go for. OMG this sounds stupid but I know that's it.
  6. You can overcome your shyness. The fact is teachers prepare for their classes, and preparation is the key to overcoming it. Go for it. It would really be a good experience for you.
  7. Yeah I think you have to wait until the baby is born.
  8. Yes it could be yours. Sperm live for up to 5 days, then the egg once fertilized would implant, which takes time. Periods or what seems like a period can occur. I had what I thought was a period with my 1st pregnancy. There are sperm in pre-cum. Have a DNA test done.
  9. My son took Adderall XR, but I honestly don't know about the affects on pregnancy (obvious reason, male and then 8 years old). Call the pharmacy, they'll know.
  10. I know full well how judgemental this world is. I'm sorry that you've had to live with this defect. I also have defects that have caused difficulty in my own life. Most can't tell when they first see me unlike you're tooth problem, but it's there and has caused problems in my life. When I run, I limp, thereforeeee I don't run unless I'm forced to. I have a couple more that weren't nearly as painful as that situation has been for me (I am sugar coating it). Friends would actually stop talking to me when they saw me run in gym class. Teachers thought it was a joke and would make me run over again, of course in front of everyone. Ironically both my children are very fast runners, my son is the fastest runner in his class. Back to you. Have the dentist work their magic, they can do a lot for you. Really it'll enhance your appearance, which in turn will enhance your confidence. Yes 8 months feels like a long time but find some other way to pass the time. Maybe you can do something to make yourself feel better. Exercise and eating healthier will do a lot for your depressive state. You'll have to force it for a while, but really it helps. I walk quite a bit myself. Okay so you don't have the best teeth in the world. It really could be worse because your defect IS FIXABLE. By being so self-focussed you have shut people out. Yes it may shock them when they first notice, but how did you handled their shock? None of us can help certain things about ourselves. Everyone has some physical defect they're ashamed of. EVERYONE. How can you deal? Well meds may help you, otherwise find something good to focus on about yourself. With every bad feature name 3 good ones. Make a list, read it to yourself while looking into your eyes in front of the mirror. I'm sure others will have more advice/suggestions for you.
  11. It's a turn off pretty much anytime past highschool, unless the guy is in college and can't afford both housing and tuition. As far as paying the bills for your Grandad that's honorable but still you should be making your own way and then helping him as you can not instead of taking care of your own economic needs.
  12. You really have use a tampon with thong underwear. You can try lining it with a pantyliner, but if your anti tampons this your best bet is regular underwear. I'd rather the underwear lines are noticed than a pad inadvertinly sticking out.
  13. I really like what you said RayKay. I do firmly believe in changing what I can. Those close to me know the real truth.
  14. I'm really curious how others view life. I always thought life was supposed to be fun an adventure. Well this stranger said I take the easy way out and by doing so I won't accomplish anything. Maybe I do, but I don't feel like I have. My family views me as a risk taker. My life hasn't been easy, and really has been lacking in the fun department the last few years especially. So is life supposed to be hard? Am I skirting off when I should be putting forth more of an effort?
  15. Oh I'm so relieved. I spoke with the guardian, she said she met with bio-dad and my son yesterday. And the report was glowing, oh I know he's a total charmer, and maybe it won't be as wonderful as it sounds. But I'm so happy to hear that he really wants to be a good father to him, and really wants to try. This will really give my son a chance to bond with his dad, and me a chance to get my life back on track. Oh wow I feel so much better about sending him there now. Still not going to be easy, I miss him and it's only been 2 days since I saw him last. But I'm feeling less anxious about it now.
  16. DN, I am still really thinking about this. I'm going to speak with the court appointed guardian to see who she really thinks he'd be better off with, if she'd tell me. Seeing as how she asked if I was sure about transferring custody I really want to know what her opinion is. This woman I met in a bar, which is really a restaurant/bar attached to a hotel is experienced in dealing with these kind of issues. Hearing her perspective was helpful. Basically she says they have programs for him, parenting classes for me, and can offer support (via taking him for outings to give me a break). But she says I have to ask for these things. She says she's familiar with those kinds of kids and knows it's tough, but really wanted me to consider what's best for him, not just easiest for me.
  17. Been feeling the way you do for a while. I suppose the point is to pick something to focus on. Create goals to work towards, attainable of course. So then you can feel like your accomplishing something when you achieve them.
  18. Truthfully I'm not all that familiar with this stuff. I grew up in an upper class home and am now living otherwise. I don't even know where to begin with most of this stuff.
  19. Yes it's normal to stress during a major life transition. As far as the education, that was my problem. Now I know you can get low rate loans, due when you stop attending for 6 months or graduate. You can also speak with the financial aid office they'll be able to offer you the most insight as to programs available. Figure out where you want to go and work it from there. Not sure what else you're stressing about but writing used to help me. I had a notebook by my bedside just to release whatever thoughts were flowing. Then I could go to sleep. I'd often get drowzy while writing.
  20. I know this will sound crazy, but I need to write this down mainly because I don't want to forget. Now tonight at karaoke I began talking with a woman whose a music teacher in town for a teacher convention. It was a very involved conversation and I really think she was sent to give me some very important messages before I made some very big mistakes. The biggest insight was "be proactive". She said to "Go to Church" a message I've been getting a lot since my dad's passing (really think he's behind this somehow). I actually think he was talking through her, because certain things occurred that were very much like him. Anyway she said "Finish your degree. Go to a local college tomorrow, take an assessment, get financial aid and finish your degree." She said "Call social services, call the school, and talk with someone at your church. Ask for programs, parenting classes, support, and get involved." Basically I need to make sure my son stays with me, rather than send him to his dad's (from my understanding). Quit trying to find a job and work on developing skills. She said I can get very low rate loans to cover rent, daycare, etc. That I need to make education my full-time job for now and get my children involved in activities, as well as volunteer at those activities and at church. Now I've asked for guidance and honestly, this is about as direct as it gets. Today the guardian appointed to my son's case asked if I was sure about sending him to his dad's. Then I said I was, now I know otherwise. This came in about the nic of time, since we go to court Thursday to transfer custody. Now if that's not divine intervention I don't know what is. I'm honestly shaking as I write this. Now I see why so many things haven't been working. I'm so grateful for this woman I can't even tell you. I know I won't ever see her again. I don't even know her name.
  21. Really I don't think they'll make a big deal out about it. College is about changing who you are, and in some ways the way you present yourself.
  22. Thanks I'm feeling more like myself now. I pray a lot and it really does help me. The therapist I currently have is through the county. But your suggestion about the christian based therapist is good. In the future I'll look into something like that. Once I get a regular job and benefits again. I didn't realize how good I had it a few years ago.
  23. I would consider them materialist, not necessarily a gold digger. However it does show they have more expensive tastes and are likely to attract those kind of people. Oh one other thing, they could have bought that stuff an outlet stores or thrift stores. You really don't know where someone buys their designer stuff.
  24. I have found that religion is a way to judge and descriminate against people, which is why I deem myself spiritual. I do believe there is a God. I also was raised Catholic but even as a child I disagreed with some of what they were teaching. And of course being divorced pretty much ended my Catholicism. God is an accepting, loving God. He's not standing there judging and condemning us, he's forgiving, moreso than most humans. If you read the Conversation with God books you'll gain a new perspective. Also finding a more accepting church might be helpful to you. It's something I'm looking into myself. I did find a Catholic church that was more liberal, but I don't feel Catholic anymore and am looking into different religions.
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