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Everything posted by CrazyKarl13

  1. not really an expert on "medical" things lol.. but I get that feeling all the time. During sex you go through so many things.. whether it's physical or mental.. and being light headed is just one of those things that come with it. I honestly think it's kinda cool.. haha. But, no worries!
  2. Hmm.. I dont know too much of what to say. Is the favor you gave her oral? Because since you did it for her she may feel obligated that she has to do it for you, and quite honestly a lot of girls feel uncomfortable giving head.. and feel like it IS a favor.. which it shouldnt have to be. I think you two should really talk it over and see what her views are. I can understand how she doesn't want the relationship to be based solely on sex.. but there has to be SOME lol. Just talk with her and let her know it bothers you before things start to get worse and you both get frustrated with each other. Good luck and hope everything turns out ok!
  3. I'm not the best with advice, but if I was in your situation, I would definetly talk to him about it. Tell him that the relationship has changed recently and you're not sure about it. Tell him that you want to be with him, but with the way things have been going it seems that being with someone else would be the best bet. Just talk to him about it! I'm sure if you feel this way, there is no doubt in my mind that he thinks the same
  4. not really much i can say about how to get him back. honestly, i think that is almost hopeless, because you can't change the way he feels. the only suggestion i have is for him to get a blood test so you can see if that baby is his.. and if it is.. he has no choice but to give the baby support.
  5. I totally feel ya. im not fat at all, but sometimes there's just those days that you feel like it. uhm, there are ways you can lose weight, but im not sure about you losing it FAST. because if you lose it fast, there is no doubt in my mind that you can gain it just as fast.. which is INCREDIBLY unhealthy! I would just cut your eating proportions in half.. and just exercise a whole lot. Run for 20 minutes, then go work out. You can eat, just not as much. That's the only thing "healthy" i can think of that is safe. Good luck!
  6. Depends on how you say she flirted with you. I hate talking to people on the internet, because they say things that they normally wouldn't say in person. I would talk to her in person and talk to her as confident as you did online.. and see if her reaction is still the same.. because you can see her facial expressions.
  7. Hey whats up. I can kind of understand your situation. My boyfriend just left Thursday to go to a different state to play in a baseball tournament for his college. When he left it felt so weird for me. I mean, there have been days where we don't talk on the phone, but just the fact that I knew I could see him if I wanted to just bothered me. I don't think there really is any way to get over not being able to talk to your gf. Long distance relationships suck and I salute you for being able to stick it out. Honestly, don't wanna be rude or anything, but I think you'd be better off in a relationship where you can do more than just talk to a girl. Hugs and kisses are nice too ya know. But just try and keep yourself busy and you'll be amazed.
  8. Totally understand you! I'm 19.. and I didn't get my boyfriend until 7 months after my 18th birthday. It's okay and normal to feel this way, and the right person will come a long. I thought something was wrong with me and that nobody liked me.. but that wasn't the case. Different people have different tastes. Just gotta push yourself out there and if you find someone worth having, dont let her go!
  9. Honestly, you think you need advice on what to tell your girlfriend, but you just said it in your last paragraph! Tell her how you feel. I'm sort of in the same boat you are, but a little different. I'm 19 and have been in a relationship for 8 months now. I love my boyfriend so much and could possibly look at him as "the one".. but he's only my frist boyfriend, so it's hard to tell what I want. So you need to tell your girlfriend that you're not sure of what you want, and being with her is holding you back from exploring who and what you want to be. Just go with how you feel and don't hold back! Good luck!
  10. Yes, you can TOTALLY get infected that way! Why didn't you think about that before, but you can think about it now? It's not for certain that you have it for sure, but it's totally common for that to happen. Hopefully when he went down on you he didn't really stick his tongue in your vagina. Hopefully he just went around the outside by the clit, because that is easier treated.. Good luck and I wish the best! Next time be safe girl!!
  11. That's really cute. But I honestly wouldn't do anything TOO extreme. Because I know as a girl, it bothers me when my boyfriend spends more on me or comes up with something more creative. But then again, your girlfriend might like it! Haha. You dont have to use my ideas.. they're just some suggestions Maybe take her through a walk in a park and have a cute little picnic. (no money involved here! haha) Take her somewhere fun like bowling, then you're movie (maybe even bring a little blanket and you guys can cuddle haha) Burn her a CD of some songs that remind you of her. Be creative and like make her a little book (ex: Sandy's Book of Confidence) and just write random cute things that you love about her
  12. haha.. thats funny. making out to me is just french kissing for long periods of time. If you added some gropping and dry sex in it.. then i would call it "fooling around".. but how can you not know what to call what you did?? lol that amazes me..
  13. My friend's boyfriend had the same problem.. still does. So don't think you're the only one. I would say masterbation has a *LOT* to do with it. I'm a girl.. but this is just what I've heard from my boyfriend and some of my guy friends. They tell me masterbation is great, but there is no way that it can be compared to sex. So you'd think you'd get turned on more by sex since it makes you feel good. Do you usually cum outside of her, or just not at all? I would say to do all the other things that other people have suggested like using lubricant when you masterbate.. see if you can cum then. But I'm sure there's not too much you can do, and tell your girl to take it easy.. it's not so much your fault
  14. not sure this has anything to do with an orgasm. lol. but anyways.. as far as your blow job experience goes.. go to link removed
  15. hey whats up! I think if it made you feel better by calling her, then there is no doubt that you did the right thing! I'm not sure if I'm understanding the whole story now... lol. But it seems to me that if you two are going to go on a break.. the thing to do would be to move on. And I know it would be really hard to move on if you two are still constantly talking to each other. I think you should give eachother space for a little bit (but it really is your decision if it makes you feel better to talk to her). And if you meet someone else that you like and is closer to you.. go for it! Otherwise when you go to see her.. see how things go and if you really love this girl and if she is worth waiting for!
  16. not really much i can say. just make sure that you think the girl is a little attracted to you.. cuz it sounds to me that you are just more of a great friend to them. What I would do is grab a bunch of people and invite a girl you like.. so that she can see you outside of school.. and determine for herself if she can see you as more than a friend, and it will be very good as well, since it wouldnt really be a "date" since other friends are with you guys, also it being less uncomfortable! Hope I helped.. PM me if you have any more questions! byez!
  17. I can understand why she would be uncomfortable with it.. but blowing up in your face is not acceptable. You should have understood her situation and at least talked with her about it before. If she is a good and understand sister, she will understand your feelings for him and face it. If she can't accept it, I really don't know what to tell you. It's really up to you on how you want to engage the relationship.. like whether you want to respect your sister's feelings.. or go with your own feelings with a guy you care a great deal amount. No one is gonna tell you what to do, its up to you girl
  18. I'm soo confused. LoL. Are you going out with this girl?? You said you've known her for 6 months.. but are you dating her?? I would think you are since she said that she loves you. But yeah she calls you.. do you call her?? That might be a problem. She tells you that she loves you all the time, but do you tell her?? I think maybe she stopped calling because she is getting ahead of you in the relatioinship, and wants to know that you feel the same way about her. Give her a call.. let her know how you feel about her! We like to know!!!
  19. I wouldnt say that. Not *all* women are like that. Just because one girl did that to you, doesn't mean the next will. What one girl did, is what one girl did. I wouldn't hold it against all girls.. you'll regret it. I know you're hurt, and you're angry, and you want to vent. But just put it in the past, and don't let it affect your future relationships.. because if you go on thinking that all girls are like that, you relationships are going to be screwed. Give it a chance.
  20. Best solution is to just tell her how you feel. Don't feel embarressed at all that you haven't dated. I'm 19, and didn't start dating until 4 months before my 19th birthday. I think the only thing you really need to do is find out HER feelings. No need to set yourself up for heartbreak and give so much to try and work out a relationship when she doesnt feel the same way back. You should probably ask her to like something small for valentines day. Like take her to a movie.. so she'll know you are a bit interested. And once you get to know her, she'll eventually know all about you and how you have never had a relationship before.. so you can ease into that.. so you wont just throw it into her face ya know? But it seems to me that you dont know her TOO well. Cuz you keep saying your friends tell you.. or you "found out". Think you should find out for yourself by talking to her and getting to know her
  21. I agree.. give her something really small.. and tell her how you feel about her. And let her know you like her just the way she is.. and not when she's drunk and what not. Tell her she's beautiful
  22. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 7 months, and have been sexually active for 2 months. He's done just about everything for me, like oral and what not, and I feel that I should give back to him. We are each other's "firsts" so I've never given oral before. I'm not sure that I necessarily feel uncomfortable with it, I think it's just more of the thought that I might be bad at it, and he wont enjoy it. I mean, I've read just about every article on it, but I dont think it really prepares you, just gives you a heads up. But anyway, he knows that I was a bit hesitant on it, and now he told me that he doesn't want me to give him head throughout our WHOLE relationship. I don't get it. He said he doesn't want to put any pressure on me or feel controlled that I have to do it. I mean, that's nice that he thinks like that, but I told him that I don't feel pressured, yet he still doesn't want me to do it. We fought about this for about 2 hours last night. Is it wrong for me to mad about it? I know it probably sounds silly and a stupid thing to fight over, but I feel like I need to do something for me since he does stuff for me!! And I don't know if he's just telling me that he doesn't want me to do it just to make me feel better.. or just saying that. Erg, so confused!!!!!
  23. I can understand.. that's a pretty tough thing to do. I only see my boyfriend once a week.. and I get angry when people complain when they don't see their bf/gf one day.. when they see them every day! For your girlfriend, I can totally understand where she is coming from.. and you should too. She wants a man who can be there for her, and since you are away all the time, it's hard. I think taking a break might be a good thing to see how it is, and when you come back home, try and see if you can work things out again. If you do that, you'll realize that you were able to stick it out and that the relationship is worth fighting over.
  24. mmm.. some of the stuff that I did was basically TELL him. Know that doesn't help much.. but it's really true. Just really let him know how much he means to you, and that you would be lost without him. Other things I have done.. is just when it's like a month aniversary.. I would write cute/funny poems.. I wrote 100 things I love about him.. and also made him a "book of confidence" and just wrote nice things about him. There's not really much you can do. As long as you tell him all the time and constantly remind him, I don't think he'll mind.
  25. Guys will be guys, and they will still probably make fun of you because your a virgin. But if you're not ready, there is nothing to be ashamed of. After a while it will cool off and they'll leave you alone. But yes, you should totally come clean. But it's really up to you. Maybe just tell one of them, that you can trust, and see his reaction or see what he says. Then you'll know how the rest might react. I dunno.. just a suggestion haha
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