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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. No, you get her turned on... or use lube.
  2. friction. she woudlnt have been wet... it happens... more foreplay!!!
  3. I would much rather have sex with my bf than masterbate, but then I dont always finish with him and although I am satisfied emotionally, im not physically... so I do it when hes not around. Or if I am just suddenly in the mood and I wont be seeing him any time soon, Ill do it then, too.
  4. of all things I can do the whole facing away thing, but that dosent really do it for either of us on a regular basis... imfine with just being on top for him, and then switching around
  5. You cant help him, he has to do it himself. Just look after yourself and keep away from him. As you said, you dont want to her "sucked back into" his junk.
  6. Or dont becuase you sort of need social skills and sitting in front of a damn box wont help you with that? (Im at work, the box is somthing I cant escape) EDIT: People are just as rejected in cyber-space... My friends all got into WoW... my ex got a WoW gf, and when I met some WoW guys in real life, they were all stand-offish at first becuase the gf had been bad mouthing me. there is just as much rivalry and mean childishness on the net as there is in real life.
  7. I was depressed for ages. I also suffer from a mish-mash of other disorders. They didnt so much kill a relationship as generally stop relationships form starting in the first place Its not easy for people to respect you if you cant leave the house while sober. Are you ok? Whats up?
  8. You dealt with it well just leave it how it was, if he wants his stuff back he can get it, but apart from that, just leave it alone
  9. No matter how hot someone is, they still have fat/ugly/greasy/bad hair days...
  10. From memory it has only happened once... my friend and I were drunk at my house, he just kept moving closer and closer... I said something funny, he laughed and just goes "oh my god, can i PLEASE kiss you!?" I said somthing stupid like "sure" then that was that it was very sweet, but I think he only pulled it off becuase of the kind of guy he is (nerdish D&D gamer
  11. I TOTALLY know what you mean... I normally lookin the mirror and all I can see are my separate parts and how much I hate them. Then yesterday, I caught a glimpse of myself and realised Im really not that bad... I might not be a "knockout" as Batya puts it but Im not malformed or anything. Think about it this way... the small things you like about his body... the way his shoulder curves into his spine or how his arm is shaped, or any of those small, amazing things we love about our partners... he has them about you. He probably finds your hip, or back of your neck, or that little bit of soft skin that joins your thigh to your buttock... completely amazing
  12. he offers me peanuts because he knows I hate them he can tell my mood by the way I walk he knows when Im fake smiling, or laughing even if I am upset he knows how much salt n pepper to put on my tomatos on toast, and how toasted I like the bread He knows not to tuck my top sheet in when he makes my bed I know he likes soft poached eggs with fried tomatos and mushrooms. I know the bread to topping ratio I know what mood he is in as soon as I look at him, even if everyone is falling for his happy demeanor when he is really upset. and I dont think either of us could be described as "predictable"... but we get eachtoher... we understand eachothers jokes when everyone is scratching their heads...
  13. gah people think they are so clever when they "cover their tracks" like that. He COULD have just said that he felt like hanging with his mates without his girlfriend there... but no, he has to try make it some male bonding thing that you cant contest without looking like a cow. He got caught lying... not cool... DONT let him turn this into your fault.
  14. Yesterday I loved myself, today Im not sure.
  15. After 3 years of living together you have pretty much al the same financial and legal rights as a married couple. In NZ at least.
  16. Its all just BS words, definitions, none of it means ANYTHING but to the people they involve.
  17. If there is personal communication, if he is developing a connection with one or two girls, then I see a problem. I have NOTHING against porn or internet webcam things, until things start getting personal, then I think a line is crossed.
  18. I dont think its ok. Maybe as a one-off thing one day when feeling adventurous, but being "addicted" and forming relationships with these people is not cool imo.
  19. it depends are you entitled to some money off him? if so, you just have to decide whether the emotional trauma is worth batteling him. EDIT: instead of "taking him to the cleaners" you could always just take what you need... be fair about it. Just becuase he isnt just it doesnt mean you have to be greedy.
  20. Oh yeah, they must be GREAT friends if they want you to be the piggy in the middle. You know that you are going to have to either talk to them and see what they do, or just leave both of them.
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