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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Its not all about the male my ex and I got right into it (it was an occasion thing) and it was great and the anal fissure thing? You have to really be going for it to do that!!! keep it slow and gentle and itll be fine
  2. You poor thing!!! For next time, I dont care if its her father or if you feel you cant intrude, you jump on him and STOP HIM from hitting her!!! That is absolutely and utterly unnacceptable!! Apart from that, I think having a talk with him would be the best idea... sneaking around does nothing in your favour.
  3. I think you can be too honest. example: There is a guy in town that likes me, and I used to like him, I am planning on spending time with him as I have no friends here and I dont want to crowd my bf... but Im not going to tell him I used to crush on this guy as I know Im not going to cheat and although my bf would say he didnt mind, I wouldnt want to stress him out. There is no win side to telling him... its not better for either of us... so why do it?
  4. If the trust isnt there tho, you just feel dirty, in my experience anyway
  5. eep, im glad my nipple piercing hasnt grown out... that seems so scary!!! my navel has to a certain degree, but I havnt had jewellary in it for ages, I need a mirco bar
  6. [-o a repy in smilies... this post is sooooooooo funny
  7. ummmmmm I did it with my ex and he was above average... he wasnt HUGE but he was big.... it was okay, we just took AGES doing it... he bought toys and stuff... -blush- (haaha Akatea , guess who that was with?!!?!?!!!)
  8. I just found videos of us as well, late night in bed ramblings... I got rid of all of them... it was kinda horrible, Im just looking at him with absolute love... -sigh- anyways, I found a really cool video which I wil keep, its nice to know there were fun times as well
  9. If you do it properly, it can be great you have to take time, a lot of time, make it a night where neither of you have anything to do the next day, beucase you dont want to be thinking "god i have to be asleep in two hours" time... lube... and you HAVE to focus on relaxing...
  10. He knew you would look at his myspace, he wants you to hurt. Im glad its over for you tho, although it hurts now, its hte start of healing. think about how bad it would be if your problems with him were still dragging on in a years time!??!
  11. imo, its stupid to try get back with an ex anyway... relationships end for a reason. I do agree with you... You should use hte break up in a postive way, by learning from it and applying hte lessons to your next relationship
  12. I love men, despite their complete inability to express themselves. Its a great feeling when you learn to decipher how your patner is feeling, even if they dont express it in hte same way you would.
  13. for me? when its an amazingly hot, sticky night, we are sweating like pigs, but he still wakes up in the middle of the night and holds me That and when my friend gives me this funny little look...
  14. lesson: if you are always accusing someone of cheating, they probably will in the end... they are getting all of the grief with none of hte fun... being attacked is HORRIBLE!!! by telling her she is cheating you are telling her shes a bad person, you are telling her she is a liar and a tart.... I wouldnt stand for it!
  15. lol I know, huh? talk about beauty and the beast!! (not that looks should matter in love and all, but WHOAR!!)
  16. NO, its not childish at all. You are allowed to stop talking to your friends, you are allowed to feel like you have grown apart and dont paticulary relish the thought of spending time with them
  17. We broke up REALLY well, things didnt turn sour until his new girlfriend came on the scene, you know how girlfriends do that... we were good friends until then. I dont think the emails made him hard to let go of, I think it was our mutual friends NEVER SHUTTING UP about it to the point of asking me if I thought the new gf was better in bed than me or not, just to get a rise out of me -shakes head- kids can be so cruel
  18. dont get her a gps unit, geeze, its not romantic at all!! lol how about pre-natal yoga classes? I say that becuase my friend went to them and she said they were a godsend, they relaxed her and made all those annoying physical things that come along with pregnancy a lot less severe
  19. you keep living you life like everything is normal? one of my best friends was in love iwth me for six years before he admitted it while he was drunk... I moved to his city, we went out, it turned to custard, that was a year ago and we only had our first real conversation last night.
  20. I dont know if that is PROOF so much as just differences in how we communicate.
  21. there was a really raunchy email I sent to someone I shouldnt have as well, that gave me a good giggle
  22. I was clearing out all my in-boxes and things lat night, and without a second thought I deleted all the sweet little emails I had saved from my ex. I didnt even bat an eyelid. These emails made me cry when he sent them to me, they made me cry a few months ago... Last night I trashed them, they were as useless to me as the registration emails I deleted from really bad forums. thats a bit of an epiphiny
  23. I say write to her, do it nicely, but at least you have your closure
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