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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. NO, I get what you are saying, I do, and I admire your generosity. But you CANT judge people for doing what they want to do Different people = different values
  2. Men and women both masterbate... even when attached...
  3. Either you trust her or you dont. Dont tell her who she can or cant be friends with, and dont insult her by insinuating that she cant take care of herself or that she is going to cheat. So they sit together at lunch... who cares? its not like they are out on a date, there are heaps of other people around. yes, it would be different if the two of them were going out places alone together, but if she is a flirty kind of person who doesnt mind dirty joking... thats the person you entered a relationship with. Sure, she should tell him to back off... IF she thinks he is being serious. Male mates and I ALWAYS joke about doing the deed... but I know that we are both joking. You might just not be compatible.
  4. I think if you build it up to much then it becomes too much of an issue, for the parents as well. I have always met my bf's parents in the first week or two of dating, make it informal and its never a problem.
  5. ^^ Fair enough, I am there for my friends as well. But what if they dont WANT your "help"... what if they dont feel like they are in trouble? If they did feel they wanted "out", then kudos for you for being so giving, but if htey dont want your input, and you just force it on them, your not being a friend, your being a dictator.
  6. Yes its relevant. You dont have to tell me but if there is a chance you are pregnant I would go see the doctor, you could have an eptopic pregnancy, apparently those are unconfrotable/painfull... and they can KILL YOU.
  7. Yeah... thats bad hi lexi!! we call them snail trails here
  8. Dont worry about it! Most people do stupid stuff when drunk, I used to do it almost every night, adn I never lost any GOOD friends becuase of it
  9. Trust her. Unless she gets into real trouble, you will most likely embarrass her if you try to puff out your chest and get all manly. My bf gets this and Im not a model!! I am just really chatty and friendly and people take it the wrong way. He, however, sees this and lets me do my thing. He knows that Ill bat them away and if someone is aggressive about it (although I can take care of myself) if I ask him to, I know he will come to my defense. I really think the best way is to just let her do her thing. If she is going to cheat, she will, no matter what you do.
  10. a bit of a trim I can understand, but yeah, I like hair. each to their own. (plus as gross as this may sound, I also dont mind a bit of "musk" only a teeny bit tho... its sexy)
  11. me? Yeah, tried everything we CAN do it, and we do, but yes, I have to lean forward, and hold myself up, which means no hands free for "playing"... which I need to finish. PLus, Im always just concentrating on keeping rythm and stuff. Our sex life is fantastic tho, so I cant really complain EDIT: Sorry about the run-away thread OP
  12. I know what you are saying. But all it really boils down to is that everyone is different and as we all have our right to choose. As long as our choices dont hurt anyone else (although some ppl choose to be hurt out of self-importance, which doesnt count) then no one can tell you what to do. Its wrong to judge people on things like this.
  13. It hurts me if we really go for it, its like I have been kicked in the stomach.
  14. Men should be hairy. I cant abide the thought of a smooth genitaled man -shudder- I get hairsin my mouth all the time, it doesnt spoil the mood, if you can laugh with your partner it shouldnt be a problem.
  15. I really dont get that! I know its true, but I just cant do it!
  16. ^^ exactly. My father cheated on my mother when they were first married and left her stranded in a country where she knew no one, they got back together and he hasnt strayed since. People get scared, they do stupid things.
  17. You probably just thought about it to much. It happens a lot, dont worry about it. I hate that feeling tho, when you are SO CLOSE but it just wont happen.
  18. "Organic" is a crock. ALL IT MEANS is that there are no pesticides used in the feed. Same with muesli bars and stuff, people think that because its "organic" its healthy, when they normally have just as much additives and things as normal foods. "free range" is also a crock, in NZ at least, seeing as the animals only have to be exposed to natural sunlight for 1 out of every 24 hours to be classified as "free range". I am not vegetarian, but in NZ its easy to get beef from free-roaming cows. I dont eat pork becuase of how the pigs are treated, I eat chicken although I get the guilts from it. I only eat SPCA approved eggs and cows are treated well in NZ so I have no problem with milk. Yes, Vegetarians can be hypocrites, Vegans can be HUGE hypocrites, but although no one can do everything to help animals, everyone can do somthing. Thats like berating all non-smokers who have eaten junk food. It just doesnt work like that.
  19. Dont you know? Valentines day is a celebration of the woman in a relationship!! Just as christmas and anniversaries are also specifically to show the woman how much you care by doting on her I agree, she needs to grow up. Its about working together and having fun no matter WHAT you do, not about cheap cliches like flowers and cards. EDIT: He probably got you to pick out your own flower as he was scared nothing he chose would be good enough for you.
  20. Thats a pretty nasty thing to say. I have cheated, when I was miserable, with a lot of problems. I havent cheated since and I have definitely had the chance to. I could easily have cheated on Macca, I could have slept with other men before I moved down to this city (we said that was ok) but I didnt.
  21. ^^ yep, even SOAP can mess things up and give you an "abnormal" smear
  22. Selfish. She was probably trying to teach you a lesson for not wanting to be with her continually, but then realised how STUPID she was being. Tell her you are annoyed, but that everyone makes mistakes and youll let this one slide.
  23. Wow, I feel sorry for you, surrounded by selfish women. Stick to your guns man, NO WAY should you stay with a person if you dont love them anymore. Your mum will get over it. Its none of her damn business anyway.
  24. My good friend has. she ended up having to get cells cut out. She is fine now, and it just felt like bad period cramps for a few days. No heavy lifting allowed. -hug- Youll be fine sweetheart, this is more common than you may think
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