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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. Yep... did it with the ex... But then, those kinds of dates are expensive, especially for people around my age
  2. -dies laughing- no... no it isnt... and although getting him to cum at the back of your mouth is good, dont do it TOO far back or it goes up the back of your nose and that HURTS!!! dont suck too hard!! a bit of sucking is good, but too much hurts them
  3. I just dont think ya get me it may SEEM like a relationship ends quicker becuase of having sex early, whereas the relationship just was sex... it never would have started anyway. I dont know how to explain it properly. Its more... it lasted LONGER becuase of sex... from a few dates with someone you dont like, to a couple of months with someone you like bedding...
  4. becuase you would never start a relationship in the first place. go on a few dates, dont hit it off, leave it... it was never a relationship that turned sour from having sex too early, it was just some person you dated for a while.
  5. lol okies if you have sex straight away, and its great... you might keep chugging on in the relationship even if its entirely unsuitable. sex is a very strong thing... (my last "relationship" was like that... I coudlnt stand his company, except for in bed.) whereas if you have a few dates, find out you dont like their personality and stop seeing him, then you will never stick around just for the sex, will you? People equate a sexual compatibility with an emotional compatibility quite a lot...
  6. ^^ or that you base the relationship around sex, which is entirely possible. But then, if you have great sex with someone early on you are more likely to forgive undesirable behaviour. The relationship wouldnt have worked anyway.
  7. ^^Yep, my engagment ring was about $130, it was silver and absolutely gorgeous, but very plain. I know, this is the kind of stereotypical gold-digging behaviour that I shoudlnt really take notice of. Its just disgracefull that it happens at all.
  8. Let him go... its REALLY not worth it!!! "He was gunna concider me again"Be thankfull he didnt, you dont need that kind of stress
  9. Selfish little moo... "wha wha wha, I want a bigger ring becuase my friends one is bigger!!! Give it to me or Ill have a childish little temper tantrum" ?!!!?!!??? See, this kind of behaviour is why I generally dont like women. What more can you do? You CANT afford it!! What a sly little cow, going out and getting it behind your back, trying to pressure you into it.
  10. ^^ I know a girl who gets a UTI every time she has sex, somthing to do with her urethra being abnormally close to her vagina... Shes been to the doctor and there isnt really anything they can do. BUT, that doesnt seem to be the case with this girl, she got spooked and she is going to have to get over it. "sounds like an excuse to not have sex... are you sure that she doesnt have a worse problem, like herpes or genital warts of something that requires longer treatment that she is keeping from you?"
  11. EvaGina


    BAHHHHHHHHHH HA HA yeah, if I am around Macca I HAVE to wear panties, we walked to the supermarket and back and I wasnt wearing anything under my clean jeans... STRAIGHT back into the wash when I got home
  12. im 23, I have no credit card and never will. I have $1000 back loan (nz$ remember) and about 20 grand in student loans... oops...
  13. she needs to pee before and after sex and drink plenty of water I think she is being a bit silly to be honest But on the other hand, you have no idea how AMAZINGLY painfull and uncomfortable a UTI can be.
  14. I was at that point when Macca came along, I was SO over men and dating... then yes, the rest, as they say, is history
  15. my ex had a PA ring... it was fun to play with, but nothing special. I think eyebrow rings look dirty... lip rings are hot on the right guy I had two labrets, they were awesome!
  16. yeah, looks count to a certain extent once people get to know you, do you open up? if not, you will be deemed as boring and it wont matter what you look like... LOVE the avatar, btw
  17. MUCH rather A... Looks arent anything to be proud of... people lean to heavily on them, what do you do to deserve them?? nada...
  18. Come to think of it, the only times I have ever "waited" and not just gone where my physical urges took me... it all turned to custard...
  19. Dont have sex to fix anything Dont have sex to celebrate something if you are forging a new start, then the 6 month thing isnt an issue, what counts is what happens from here and dont have sex if you are just thinking with your pants. If you have sex and it is good, she WILL think everything is done with, judging from what she said about it "She has told me that she cannot wait to make love to me to show me that she made a mistake and to prove to me that she loves me and only me" If you have bad/awkward sex, it will just be horrible.
  20. hmmm I dont know about that My ex and I lasted 2 years first time I met him/we cuddled the next week we met up again and made out the next night we had sex... it was his first time I find if something is going to fizzle out for me, it fizzles no matter what we have done physically.
  21. I dont think you are ready. You are obviously questioning it, and no one should EVER have sex unless they absolutely want to!! If you have sex with her, she will take it that you have forgiven her and things are fine... if you havnt completely come to terms with what she did to you, then I would abstain, it will just make sex unenjoyable in the future, that "bond" you spoke of will be broken.
  22. ANY piercing can grow out, it just depends on whether your body rejects the jewellary or not... we arent designed to harbour forgien bodies like that.
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