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Everything posted by EvaGina

  1. He is married to YOU. He can refer her to the proper authorities, help her get councelling, get her commited, do it through the proper channels. I take it he isnt a psychologist? Then its not his problem, YOU should be his priority.
  2. Baby talk is evolutionary, a developmental necessity. Not for partners, obviously, but for babies. The high pitch and softer words are easier for babies to decipher and help with their communication development. This spills over into adult relationships as people arent shown enough affection after childhood. Which is also why we get so attached to our pets. I find myself doing it, and I feel like an idiot for it... but its instinct... by now, I should have a few kids... that biological urge just slips out. EDIT not a hard-out baby talker... every now and then Macca'll just look at me funny..
  3. ^^^^ BAHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA, these two posts are classic!!! v v v v
  4. ^^ Fair enough... I dont know if I would be that accomodating with someone I wasnt exclusive with or who wasnt a really good friend.
  5. You have already asked her out more than once, no? She isnt interested in you for a relationship. Just because you are physically attracted to someone, it doesnt mean you want to be with them.
  6. EvaGina


    Shes breaking up with you, you cant tell her that it "cant happen" IMO, she doesnt want to be with you and is trying to let you down gently by saying its jsut a break, becuase she knows you would try and stop her, which isnt fair. and dont use "gay" that way, its just a really ignorant, low life thing to say.
  7. EvaGina


    So whats actually happeneing. Do you mean she is attracted to girls?
  8. I agree with the second part I dont agree with the first If I am with someone, I am there for them... if they need someone to just be with... then I am there... If I CAN see them, I do. EDIT: Not that I mean you should give up all of your passtimes
  9. Well said!! What right and wrongs are you talking about? Do you mean that her parents havnt taught her YOUR values? Her tattoos and piercings are up to her... kissing with a lip ring is fine... I dated an AMAZINGLY straight D&D guy who loved mine once he got used to it. And a lot of jobs are fine with it as well. Once it heaps she can always take it out for work if her work doesnt like it.
  10. You dont play games... You just make an effort to be fair, and to be fun and interesting when you are together. Thats about it... it will fall apart anyway if you have to pretend to not be interested in order to keep their interest. Most people grow out of that "treat em mean, keep em keen" thing...
  11. Dont MAKE PLANS, what if she decides she cant go though with it? Just organise a nice night, if it happens, it happens, if not, then so be it...
  12. ^^ LOL indeed I cant even hold out two days!! MONTHS would killme!
  13. Dont have friends around Just make it her and you... or if your parents are away all weekend, have it just you two on the first night and have friends over on the second night. Dont supply booze, if your mates want it, they can bring their own. Make her a nice dinner, candles, PRIVACY and good music
  14. Its not statutory rape, you're 16. there is a 2 year leeway, meaning a 17 yr old can have sex with a 15 year old, and all of that, otherwise all these highschool sweethearts would be screwed Dont worry, its not actually that easy to get pregnant. RELAX, Im sure everything is fine, and if its not, there is no point in stressing.
  15. -hug- Have you spoken to your brother about it? GQstatus, I know what she feels like... it does get better if you make the effort.
  16. I met this guy at a mates place and made out with him The next week I stayed at him place, we fooled around for HOURS before just going "meh, why not" and doing it... I was in shock, I was probably completely starfished... not that I can remember. We did it again in the morning, I foudn out he had never even gotten up a chicks top before that night. Then I never heard from him again, and when I tried to get in touch he went mental at me. -shrug- I think he was miffed because he wanted to go out with me and I said no becuase I was off to boarding school, where I met Macca. I wish I had held off a few months and had my first with Macca instead, but you cant change the past. EDIT: I got pregnant and had a miscarriage too... that condom had been in my wallet through the vans warped tour... oops...
  17. -I cant orgasm from oral unless i have porn... I come close tho
  18. I get bumps all over my hands, they itch like fury tho. They COULD be calcium deposits, totally harmless. Try cutting out dairy for a week and see what happens. Mine calm down when Im not eating so much yogurt.
  19. Been there, and although WoW is a good game, it is also DESIGNED to turn you into a pasty unhealthy little cave troll with no real life friends. I have seen too many people sucked in by that game, it ruins lives. I wouldnt reccomend it to anyone.
  20. AGREED although I dont condone violence, if I slap a guy, Im not going to be peeved if he slaps me back (as long as he takes the stregth difference into account when he does it) my ex and I had HUGE fist fights... shes an idiot, dont worry about it, she wanted you to grovel after her like a dog.
  21. I love: How GOOD he is, he messes up, but his heart really is in the right place his quick wit and amazing sense of humor (even if I am the only one who gets it) his sincerety... He wont say somthing unless he really means it I hate that he smokes so much weed
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