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Everything posted by Tesseract_Witch

  1. Being "alone"--I don't think it is really total isolation from the world, so you are never technically alone; knowing that, there is NO guarentee you will never find someone who doesn't share your ideas and loves so that you two may be strongly connected and remain as such!
  2. Kids will be kids--some will mature--and others won't. Do what you can to be a part of their lives--but not as their preacher, and DEFINITELY NOT their friend. That is the greatest mishap of any older-younger person relationship.
  3. Heh, "can't really go anywhere"? You haven't met me and MY friends, yet! as CluelessGuy suggested, give it a shot first. Death is too drastic--besides, what IF you don't totally die, what if you should fail again and land in the hospital--or if you are somehow still aware of your being even in death. That would be hell for eternity...
  4. How awful--but I suppose there is no reason to be sorry for what we take no responsibility for. This is not, of course, in offense to any of those who apologized; I will mourn for you, too.
  5. My friends' friend Nico has passed away recently. They are very disturbed to say the least. This could not be a worse time--not only does it affect my friends' schooling (for our school system doesn't allot us to get off until the 27th of June!), but they are typically meloncholy people. What could I do so as to possibly console them? The funeral's today....
  6. Hold your head erect, look upon this world with a smug smile if you must--show that you could care less what everyone else thinks, you are proud to be you (the courage and confidence will be very attractive)!
  7. Heh, I have managed to use the cheapest little myths and found that rubbing alcohal has calmed my extremely oily face.
  8. What is the point of suffering for such a relation? In fact, I think it makes you feel disconnected from everyone else in the world--good people like your friends and family, even yourself!
  9. Men are indeed physically and, often, mentally superior--oftentimes the mental superiority is only accounted by the damning fluxuations in hormones of women. Taking that into consideration, males are also not as victimized by the stereotypes that women are meek-minded weaklings.
  10. Self-injury doesn't assuage any pain--it only adds to your greif. If you must mar something, attack a punching bag, a pillow, a stuffed toy. Don't deface yourself; how can you see where you stand if you cannot see you?
  11. It is not the intended statement that may irk some--in the respect of one that is attempting to recover from an abusive past and sort out her acquired knowledge from the experiences--but the manner it was presented is an obviously inappropriate genralization; a point that many wished to clarify to her.
  12. "And I don't detest them or ever let on that I feel like I shouldn't have had them." I know you don't detest them; some fear that their children will see them as hateful parents--as you said, it isn't the case. Frustration happens, but as long as you aren't suffering any physical complications, it subsides and everyone knows you aren't just a crotchety old miser!
  13. As a child myself, my parents are ALWAYS telling me that I am the cause of all their gray hairs, blood pressure issues, and overall aging process. They don't offer me any negative vibes; just people being people--I am no angel, but hardly anything more diabolical than a child (if that isn't enough strife!) I don't believe your children will think that you detest them; why, they will look back on all those times you were there for them in any way--you were because you loved them.
  14. The purpose is not to construct a new analogy; it is to show you the flaw of your own. But I will not have someone harbor ill feelings towards me, so I will accept this point.
  15. That is an interesting thought: "and other ppl have a few drops in them at best." A few drops of poison are enough to kill, are they not?
  16. "Cold" people are people; the idea of general populace refers to an asexual group. Thus there is, as many recognized, no specifications of particular gender, race, religion, martial status or age. Anyone and everyone is capable of apathy, malign, and treachery--stereotypes are the manifestation of associating with a particular sect of this general population. Don't be hasty to give into your impulsive thought; it is a defense, but not a reliable one--see the inaccuracy of a statement forged of this reflex?
  17. Everyone acts on impulse at times--a hazardous quality, indeed. But we must not allow past scuffless as your own to direct such stereotypes, as they induce rather hostile situations. Be wary!
  18. My friend suffers what I describe as an: "obsession with intamacy of the cruder sort." Indeed, that is referring to the idea of a man-woman--or otherwise of like gender, if that suits your fancy--relation. I say "crude," for she has a nearly desperate longing to be "with someone" for the sake of loving them and being loved in return. I am somewhat confused; I myself couldn't be more satisfied with making brothers of all my guy friends. In my opinion, there is nothing so intamate as brotherly love--true, undying loyalty among family. So why does she pine away and reduce herself to a slump whenever the idea of "being with someone" is at hand?
  19. As DN suggested, these instances do NOT have to continue. These instances are very unjust (I believe that is a word).
  20. I feel you have outpoured your very soul into this lengthy passage. Many of the classifications you specified were unfamiliar and rather mind-boggling to me. I don't see why now you will not accept your being who and what you are, having consulted a plethera of sources as you stated; if that many different ideals still don't seem right in your eyes, who is to say you are wrong? I can understand if you are afraid to be a "loner" with naught but his own cunning and stamina to rely upon, but who needs anyone else to lean on--you would fall into categorization of character anyway--and not a favorable one at that, I think.
  21. Why ever not; if you are truly commited--and I trust you are, from your tone.
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