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Everything posted by Tesseract_Witch

  1. I assume, then, you are having a problem, or the "other"--the one you've met--is. What is it that makes you think rules are set--are things not working out to your liking? Or is the other suggesting that you ARE rushing things? I may be young, but I think I can comprehend and agree with the other posts--especially veteran "Scout."
  2. "Simple question"? Hardly; girls aren't so much complex as they are eccentric. They have a nausiating tendency to twist words, take immense offense to critical comments--even in jest, and have this ironic sense of memory, selective, I assume; they only remember the negative things when strife comes about. But if you should manage to find a girl that doesn't fit that description, you are one of the blessed ones, guarenteed. Not to lash out at girls, but that is honestly how far too many of them are, so don't despair if you don't 'understand'--even I don't comprehend, and I AM a girl. But I am sure that your differences, if the relationship is fruitful, will work themselves out. But, agreeing with bellcallmjr, take time to try and learn why they think what they do..
  3. I don't quite comply with this: "I have to ask anytime I want it." I thought that was understood; how can you expect her to read your mind? And besides, what is the purpose of your girlfriend? She is your girlfriend, and you are meant to love her entirely--but that doesn't necessarily mean physical love-making. It is also possible she has taken a sudden awareness to something most people--trust me, I have heard numerous accounts--tend to overlook; unplanned pregnency. Although you may think you are protected--and you abide by every noted rule down to the very last--it is not impossible that it should occur. What then? Are you BOTH prepared for such a thing as abortion, or if it should be too late, to have to raise a child at so young an age? Your girlfriend may have wised up, and isn't trying to put you off, she is protecting your relationship from a rather nasty situation.
  4. No matter how many "blessings" one may have, he will continue to envy those around him if he isn't so conceited in thinking he has everything and is himself, a model of perfection. I personally don't know of anyone like that, so I assume you too have this jealousy for everyone's joy. It is like being completely content with flying a kite, but then wonder; what is it like for that kite? Why should it have more fun than me, flying up in the air and I am stuck to the ground? It is a strange comparison, yes, but I think it gets the point accross.
  5. What makes you think you need to conquer all this at once; eagerness used to get to me, too. However, nothing is accomplished if you run head on to meet it--you aren't exactly prepared, physically, mentally, etc. to do such things at a time. Each activity you listed takes almost all your effort, so relax. What is most important to you? Whatever it is, tackle that first. I know I am really young, but I have tried to kill two plus birds with one stone and let me tell you; one stone that misses every bird comes crashing down on you. Besides, you are only 28; how much of your life do you think you have left to do all these things--I think a LONG while. Why, I am not even there yet!
  6. I suffer from the most irregular form of jealousy; I am envious of the guys in my school--a good portion of the ones I know. I don't understand why they strike me as so appealing. Physically, most of them are very attractive-but it is the spirit of them that truly brings about my uncanny desires. I envy their open-mindedness; rarely do they stereotype,and they seem to care to what I have to say, regardless of how "crude"--or, as someone described in a previous thread, "brutally honest"-- it may seem to most girls. The boys also manage to keep counsel exceptionally well. And did I happen to note that they have this irresistible charisma about ALL of them? It is more than I can bear, feeling shadowed by their imposing characters--they don't look down upon me, but I still feel inferior to them. Is this one form of jealousy that cannot be explained?
  7. I admire the concept of the final line; nothing. I always had a terrible fear of "nothing," and those poems that frighten me always are on my mind, for I often think of that which startles me. Have you noticed that, something that bothers you is ALWAYS in your head, until it is solved? Heh, I love having this heroic tale upoon my mind. And I want to thank you for posting on my silly threads.
  8. I wouldn't know much about birth control, but I think I know enough about some people. When upset, they try not to show their shame; I don't think your boyfriend is really upset and really thinks that this is ALL your fault. Honestly, I think he feels more guilty about it than even you. I seriously believe he is worried about you, and wants to protect you, but he didn't once happened recently is that I messed up my birth control pills, forgot about it in the moment, and had a scare with emergency contraception, blah blah." That probably frightened him, but he didn't want to show it, so he just lashed out on you. It's a defensive thing. If he still does, he still hasn't gotten over it. I think that he is not being "affectionate" for fear you may be once more unprotected. And he doesn't want to be blamed for that any more than he wants to upset you by being so critical. I think he is actually trying to scare you and himself into never repeating such a thing, but going about it the wrong way. If you are not showing ANY affection, that isn't a healthy relationship. Abstinence--if it comes to that--is okay; not even physically connecting isn't. But, don't let me be the only one to tell you; I hope someone else posts!
  9. I passed the day, and all through the thought; I swore the light of everyone was darker; For the windows of their minds were scarcely open that I had to creep into the cracks. It is no surprise they wouldn't know it was me that got into their heads and tried to find the lightswitch..
  10. I have a knack for upsetting people; I don't know why I am so cruel. It isn't as if I am out to get someone, but I tend to injure people without realizing it. I am not "not empathetic," I simply state my opinion. If that is a crime, then sue me, and you had better win. I only wish it didn't harm people, but I cannot keep from holding within if I am bade to do otherwise. I don't want to harm those who don't deserve to be harmed; there is no point in that. Why would I, when I, like so many others, are trying to escape pain? It is contradictory and a waste of everyone--truly wasting away everyone. If there is some way to ammend this heinous wrong, please, enlighten me.
  11. I don't believe that love is IMPOSSIBLE, I just never had it interpreted that way. Danke, RayKay!
  12. I am certain this is his way of seeking revenge on you; it is not as if you have a healthy relationship any longer, obviously. Only those spiteful pull crap like that, so you should almost anticipate it. I am not saying it will be the worst for you, but understand that this will definitely be a rocky relationship..
  13. I don't understand the obsession, if it may be, with finding a "soulmate" or "lover." In my opinion, these sort of things are "too good to last," and require more heart to keep it from failing than to enjoy its pleasures--or at least, the relationships I've seen. Please, if you can, elaborate as to why this makes ANY sense whatsoever--and I would appreciate a reason that would convince me that falling in love is worthwhile. Dankeschoen!
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