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Everything posted by smilelikeyoumeanit

  1. Yes, maybe you could get a restraining order against them right now, though that might be hard with their "connections". I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. You may only be able to get a restraining order once your girlfriend is comprehensive though...
  2. No one can even touch (and i mean like rub my back) me when i'm sick so i couldn't even imagine how much some girls gorw distant when they are pregnant. Good luck. Lol, but seriously, shes the one carrying a human being inside her, gainign all that weight, and having mood swings from hell. You just get the bi-product, so think of what she must be going through. You made your deposit in the bank, now you have to deal with the * * * * *y teller to get you money back. Cheers and congragulations!
  3. Seriously, practise in a mirror first and actually say it outloud. It will be a bit easier then. I tried to do it without practising and lets just say my mouth was open but no sound came out so I kind of pretended to breathe in / yawn.......
  4. Lol, wow! And i had a nightmare becasue of your picture last night Some guy!
  5. You could try to ease your friend that Orlando doesn't like into liking someone else. Other wise, sorry mate, but you're going to have to deal with it. I know it sucks but you can't change the way people feel about eachother. But I wouldn't go around bad-mouthing Orlando to the one he doesn't like either because that could screw up your friendship with him. I've had this dicussion with one of my friends. We were talking and decided that even if we both liked the same guy and he asked one of us out we wouldn't hold any resentment against the other person becasue obviously if this guy asked whoever out then he didn't have feelings for the other girl. You can't change the way people feel. Maybe if you had a similar conversation with them then only a small piece of hell would break loose???
  6. 19. Draw on or rub her back as she is tryin to rest or sleep [This just feels good HAHA!] {not with a pen you idiot, with your finger} They are all sooo good (especially the pick her up one. that's the only time not to stop when a girl tells you to) but that one is my favourite. Plus the pen part was funny.
  7. It depends on how long you've been going out, your comfort level with eachother, ect.... If you could tell us that then we might be able to have a little clearer understanding and in turn give you more help.
  8. Smiles! Girls love simels as greetings! SMILES! Sorry, wanted to get the messag out, lol. You don't sound conceited, I would think the same thing as you. The fact that she made the effort to talk to you so much makes it seem like she definatley likes you. It's possible that she liked you, was too nervous to do anything about it, found out that you liked her, and gained the courage to do somethign about it. The fact that she started dancing with you the way shes seen other girls dance with you is a sign that she wanted to get close to you. And now that you pushed her away, she is probably feeling a bit confised and maybe a bit hurt. I would walk up to her and explain that you didn;t mean to push her away, you were just sort of uncoordinated at that moment. Then........ ASK HER OUT! That's my advice, for the sake of those young and misguided, please take it!
  9. Well, as long as it isn't all you talk about, and you have more light-hearted conversation, there isn't anything wronf with talking about your interests and world issues.
  10. So there is this guy I have like for 1 and 1/2 years plus and that's longer then alot of high school relationships last. And I think I still like him but im worried that I might be growing tired of being at the stage I am currently in. I don't know, it's sort of like I hoped we would be going out by now, but we're not. Okay, that wasn't making much sense so I guess i'll give a breif overview. I met him Grade 9 (very very end of it, like a few weeks before the end of school), thought about him a bit over the summer. I am pretty good friends with his best guy friend and a few of his guys friends. So then in grade 10 i hung out with them at lunch almost every day, but i only hang out with girls outside of school for whatever reason, so i haven't really ever seen him outside of school. So halfway through grade 10 my guy friend (his best friend) was bugging me about who I like so I told him because I trust him and he's a good guy. So then grade 10 ended, and through the summer I didn't see him and i thought / talked about him alot (my friends find it entertainig and annoying at the same time). So I am now in grade 11 and have been hanging out with them after school for about 30 minutes everyday, and i've also become friends with more of his guy friends. And ever since september i've ben saying i'll ask him out (hasn't happened yet ](*,) ) and my guy friend about this in October???ish i guess. But nothing has happened. So my friends keep telling me to ask him out, but i am absoutley petrified to do so. Why? I don't know. And everyone tells me I over analyze stuff way to much, which is true i guess, so i'm not sure if the signs i've been picking up on are just fignments of my imagination or real. But im lead to believe that they are really because my friends see them too and I trust them because I know they only want the best for me. Also, the way he acts towards me is different. He's kind of shy, but I have now known him for however long so I would have thought the shyness would wear off by now. And i think it has, but he still acts differently towards me then to his other friends. But I act the same way towards him kind of. I can look everyone else in the eyes when i'm talking to them but whenever we look at eachother i feel almost like i shouldnt look right at him for so long because he'll find out I like him........ I think i might be scared of loosing any friendship with him or something I don't know, I really want to go out with him but I can't seem to get the courage to ask him out (never done that before). So yes, I don't know why I cant. Friends tell me I have nothing to loose, but I feel like if I ask him out and he says no Im goign to loose all of the friendships with the people who he is also friends with. I don't know whats wrong with me, I want to go out with him so badly. SO BASICALLY, MY QUESTIONS ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, WHY CAN'T I ASK HIM OUT, AND CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT WHY I AM SO SCARED TO ASK HIM OUT! PLEASE! ( I mean, waiting a year and a hlaf to ask someone out is insaine! Oh my goodness.........)
  11. I agree with you. Cheating is cheating. If you really care about someone, the thought of giving into temptation shouldn't even cross your mind. The problem is cheating has become so common-place in our society and is so far out in the light that people take that to mean it is okay. Misconstrued conceptions of what cheating is is also a major problem. Do you define cheating as a kiss or as having sex? As hanging out with someone you are attracted to or as going on a date with someone you are attracted to? There is no offical answer, more everyone's personal opinion. Myself, if someone I was going out with, and i mean boyfriend/girlfriend realtionship for any period of time, I would classify kissing definatley as cheating, and as short-leased as it may sound, I would be really hurt if my boyfriend was flirting with someone else. If someone does something that they know could hurt you, then they don't care enough about you to carry on a relationship, and the act should be considered cheating. It's wrong and selfish to cheat on someone. If you really don't care about someone anymore and you do like another, respect the other person. Breaking up with them and explaining the situation will still hurt, but it will hurt less then finding out you're being cheated on. Cheating is being selfish in its most raw form. I am also curious to hear what people's reactions would be to finding out their partner was cheating on them. Would you break up with them, try to make it work, or continue on as if nothing had happened? Interesting topic here........
  12. Please bring breath mints too...lol. Nothing like eating pizza 2 times in one night....
  13. Thanks for the link, i'll be reading that. Um, i've liked a guy who i've been friedns with for 2 or 3 years now and i've like him for 1 1/2 + years, so I really don't think there is any specific time when u can't like eachother anymore. I know people who have been friends since kindergarten and then only last year they decided to go out. And the friendship border isn't that hard to get accross again if you break up. I knew two peole who were best friends, feel inlove, went out for years, broke up, and are still best friends to this day.
  14. Omg, everyone hates everyone they've ever gone out with! THey're tormentd byt their past! I'm scared now, I don't want to hate the guy I like, I couldn't stand that! U make it sound liek relationships are a horor moive!
  15. I don't agree with about half the stuff in there.
  16. RED! lol, i don't care really but people always ask what your favourite hair colour is. That's my answer. I'm not superfical though, so I sincerley dount you will ever hear me say "blonde, no thanks! dye it or bye!" A guy I know once told me that he was glad the red had prety much gone on it's own from my hair(My hair changes it's colour naturally, i've never died it. my eyes change colour everday for some reason too..... chamelon DNA must have been mixed in with my own...) He was like "I'd never want kids with red hair. And then I scoffed at him. Lol....aw the superfical amuse me RED! But natural red, not the died colour
  17. lol! Aw, sorry, I just don't like his style, that's all. Pillow huh? lol
  18. Oh hey! Um, i'll be talking about the person I like. Physically: Smile, eyes Peronality: Caring, humor, attitude, intelligence Other: The way he treats his friends, the fact that he watches a certain show, what he does, what he doesn't do, begins with a P, all the little things that would take forever to list, lol
  19. lol, yah i have that "this year's love" song by david gray and another song by eva cassidy i think, but i'll definatley get a few more. Thanks, keep 'em coming! lol
  20. Sorry, just wondering what some of your favourite songs were to, kiss too. No barry manelow (don't how to spell that, lol) Those songs annoy me, basically older ones I don't like in this case. Thanks. Oh and I love this day. I'm not going out wth anyone and It doesn't make a differnce. Today is a day of love. You don't have to be going out with someone. If you are, then that's fantastic! Show the person you care. If not, you still love your friends and family. I decided to do a grade 4 Valentine's Day this year and give out Valentine's with cartoon animals and chocloates on them to my friends. I showed them that I cared, which is what I used this day for. If you're not going out with anyone then obviously there is no one you like, so why should you be sad? Right now is just not the time. And if you like someone (i raise my hand), be happy you like them! Everyone is at a differnet stage in their relationships right now (even if you're not going out with someone, lol) and just be happy with progression. Happy V-Day! I might not be going out with the guy i like (for a long time.....) but I'm still happy because I have those feelings fro someone, and because I know others care for me. Oh, please don't forget to answer the song question! Lol, thanks
  21. Don't say anything, just look deeply into her eyes....... Oh, sorry, got lost in a memory for a second there. If you need to say anything, say that she looks really beautiful. Then lean in and close your eyes (open eyed is sort of scary) and kiss her slowly. Then slowly break away, look at her, and if she seemed to enjoy it, kiss her again (looke at her for about 3 seconds). The temptation and anitcipation will make then enxt kiss so much better.
  22. No matter what other people have done to you, don't use others to get back at them. That's wrong no matter the circumstances. I don't know how much you like this girl, but if you really like her, not just want to fool around with her again, then I think you should tell her. Don't use K to get back together with her. Explain your feelins to your ex, and if she still has feelings and wants to get back together with you then you should. It's not fair to K if you sneak behid her back and if you really care about your ex you wouldn't use someone she cares about to get back with her. Be honest, don't be mean.
  23. Alright, if she is that type of girl then it might be best to save the love thing until later.
  24. Okay, I still think you should ask her out. I don't know exactly what type of girl she is so I can't say wether or not she would like to hear that you like her right away. If you think she would like to hear that then tell her. If you think she might like you but be a bit weirded out by the L-word, then tell her you like her alot. It all depends on what you think she would like to hear. Trust your feelings. I hope it works out!
  25. I agree NJRon. She could be using you as a shrink without knowing it.
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