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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. shes mad her family doesnt like him because thats a insult to her ability to make a c good decison.as far as whats going through her head who knows.people do crazy things after a break up.
  2. dude,you need to cut this broad out of your life completely.i dont mean to be harsh but your torturing yourself.who cares what the rebound situation is with her.in the end it doesnt even matter.you should be looking to grab a board of your own.goodkuck bro
  3. When me and her got together there was no talk abut rebounds or any of that.Her previous boyfriend,her first love.Literaly droped dead about 3 months before we hooked up.Its a long story.When she dumped me this alst summer one of reasons was she never gave herself time to get over him.Hignsights 20/20.
  4. aagghhh..Rebounds a very tricky and they come in many diffrent forms.Im really sorry that you have to witness such a specticul.In this particular case Id venture to guess she is just using him to help herself get over you.Ther is no telling how long a rebound can last.I think I a was a rebound for my last gf after her bf died.It lasted 3 yrs.
  5. I can't believe it.An ex of mine just called me, andI havent talked to or seen her in over 3yrs.She just called me out of the blue. We were together for about 2yrs.We had lived together for about a year.She dumped me for another guy and I moved out.I pretty much never saw her again.We had a good relationship we did fight alot, but that seemed to just add intesity.After it didnt work out with this other guy she made an attempt to reach me.I blew her off because I couldnt forgive her for sleeping with him. So after all this time I get a phone call.I was so surprised to hear from her I didnt know what to say at first.We just caught up a little.We talked for about an hour.Id be surprised if I ever talk to her again.I know Im not going to call her, and if she calls me I dont think Ill answer.Im not mad at her and I wish her nothing but the best.I just have zero intrest in wanting anything to do with her.I really couldnt tell you why either. Anyhow,I posted this because just today I was asking my brother if he ever thinks my current ex will ever call.He said hed bet on it and to just give it time.(its been 5 months of absoultley no contact)I told him Id take that bet.Then tonight, one person I thought Id never hear from again calls.So maybe, just maybe they really do call.Of course when they do you'll want nothing to do with them.Weird!!
  6. i dont know what tell you,but good for you,thats a lucky man
  7. great thread..when my girlfriend dumped me after 3yrs she told me "i never loved you"and "i was just infatuated"and alot of very hurtful things.i was pretty sure it was BS,but it worked i havent talked to her since.(that was in august)anyway, i agree with RC,shes lying to herself and you can only convince yourself of something for so long then itll come back to haunt you.ive had it happen to me.
  8. Whether or not you get a new place together, or move into his house is irelevant at this point.The most important thing you to need to do is come to a concensus on what your expecting.Is this move a prelude to marrige?Or is this a roomates/lovers arrangement.What I reccomend is that the two of you have a long talk about what you have in mind for the next couple of years.If you two are truly in love and marrige is a real consideration,then where you live shouldnt make any diffrence.If he loves you and truly wants to be with you,he will never make you feel like a guest.
  9. There was just a study released that said the actual feeling of love only last about one year.That is known as the end of the honeymoon.Love is a choice not a feeling.Too many people expect the gittyness and butterflies to last forever.They never do.Everybody falls out of love at some point,and that is where a great meaningful relationship really stars to grow or it dies.You dont fall in love with your children or family,you chose to love them.Its basically the same.
  10. Ahhh dude,I know how you feel.I know everybody sez this and I know you hate to hear it but its true."Time heals all wounds".The first couple months suck the most.But you will get better.I havent seen my ex in almost 5 months.I still think about her a million times a day.The thing is,its not so painful to think about her anymore.I highly recomend you go rent the movie Swingers.That movie gives the definition of why NC is so important.Stay strong my friend.Dont give her the satisfaction of knowing what shes done to you.
  11. My very first love was with this girl for 4 years.Towards the end she started flaking out on me.I cant blame her I was living like an idiot smoking pot everyday and stuff like that.Anyway,She met somebody else and dumped me.I was so hurt and angry I didnt talk to her for over a year.In the mean time she had got pregnet by this guy.I had heard about all that and was espeacialy hurt.Well one day im chilling at home and this car pulls in my driveway.I had no clue who it could be.I walk outside and I was shocked to see Ann with her baby girl.She came over to interduce us.Me and ann have been great friends ever since.
  12. thanks for your words of wisdom guys.It does help.
  13. I still dream about mx ex on occasion.Its been 5 months since Ive seen her.I dont know why.I guess its just because she still is a part of my life in many ways.I see things that remind me of her.I think about her.And i try to push those thoughts out of my head.When you sleep,that is when your mind is really working and things you subconsiously absorb throught the day just come up.Go to google and do "dreams" itll make more sense than me.
  14. Hey man,Thats messed up.Id be very surprised if you get jail time.Your going to get something worse Its called probation.And if you got a drug problem while on probation your in for a world of hurt.Your P.O is gonna make your life a living hell.My advice to you is get a lawyer.Since your a druggie its a safe assumption your broke so call the public defenders office asap.Get your self into AODA right away.The court is going to order it anyhow so if you do it first that'll look good.Obviously you gotta kick the drugs man.Your too old for that.
  15. There is this women who works at the health club that I go to.Im very attracted to her.When I see her she always flashes me the biggest smile.But I can't tell if its just me or if she does that to everyone.I'm normaly not bashful what so ever about approaching a women,but this one is tricky.Here's why.How should I go about aproaching a women at work?I have no idea what to say.Im mean she's working.How in can I break some ice?She always looks very busy.If I could run into her outside somewhere Id go for it.I even tried figuring out when she gets off so I could leave at the same time and talk to her outside,but no success.Anyway, I just can't seem to come up with anything.Im in serious danger of overthinking this thing so I need some help.Thanks.
  16. trust me youll know your in love when it happens.
  17. if your using a condom that might be it.i had a girlfriend with the same problem it turned out she was allergic to latex
  18. Ive been broken up from my girlfriend of 2and1/2 yrs for almost 5 months and about just as long with strict no contact.Im still very depressed that it's over.I truly did love this girl and I was damn sure she was the one.Ive dated a few girls in the last few months.But to be completely honest it sucks.I constantly compare them to my ex. My real problem is Ive been avoiding my ex like the plague.She's made no effort to contact me since the break up.I have absoulutly no clue what she's been up to.We have a few mutal friends but they don't talk about her in front of me.I don't know if they fill her in on what im doing or not.Anyway, I don't go to any of my old hang out spots or anywhere there might be the slightest chance of bumping into her.I cant stomach seeing her yet. She must know Im avoiding her if I was going to the places I used to hang out I woulda run into her by now.Do you think she realizes that Im avoiding her?Do I look like a total punk?Should I start going back to my old spots?They were mine before hers anyway.Or should I just keep trying to avoid her?I hate to say it but Iam still in love with this girl and a big part of me wants her back.Im trying my best to move on but its sooooo hard.What does a dumper think after they can somebody theyve been with for so long.Does she think about me?Does she hurt even a tiny, tiny bit.I know these are difficult questions but if anybody out there could offer a little insight or anything I would be very grateful.Thanks everybody.
  19. They really are more often both things at the same time. a a
  20. I didnt even read your post bud.Whatever it says really doesnt matter.If you like this girl go talk to her.Stop going over every detail.Either get up the balls to talk to her or dont.The more you think about this the more your screwing your own head up.Just try and have a little fun with this.The worst that can happen is she'll blow you off.And if she does thats fine.If you plan on dating alot your gonna have to get used to it sooner or later.Goodluck
  21. sounds like a psyco to me.I say ice her before she really gets weird.And with all the info youve given,no shes not pregnent.I dont know a bookie in the world that would take that bet based on that info.
  22. i didnt know you and your friend were that close.That certainly complicates things.Id trust my gut.If you feel that strongly that there is something going on your probably right.Id flat out ask her.Tell her that people are talking.If shes lying youll probably be able to tell if your that close.And if not and there is something going on you know your gonna find out sooner or later.goodluck
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