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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. Yup,Dudes 100% correct.I too was cringing while reading this. Let her go now.If you try and fix this or anything like that your done for good.Take it from me Ive been there.Run dude, run and don't look back.Its just gonna do further damage to your heart.
  2. Thats alright dude. That feeling will go away soon enough and you will look back at this thread and cringe.You will see that your just heratbroken and temporarily insane.Everything you said is very common just hang in there and youll feel better in no time.I guarantee it.
  3. HEy buddy, Im sorry to hear all this. She sounds young,thats for sure.Sometimes people just need time away.If I were you Id steer clear of her and just do your thing. It sucks that you have to hurt like this,but thats the way it goes.Everything you are feeling is perfectly normal and common after you lose someone you love.unfortunately you have a long way to go.Im not going to lie to you.Its probably going to get worse before it gets better. This guy she is seeing is obviously a total rebound.That wont last to long.Shes putting up a front as to how happy she is.She is lying to herself.Id bet my life savings on that. As for you my friend there isnt much you can do but tough it out.I say stay away from her and anything that has to do with her.I know its hard and I know you feel like your going insane but you just have to be strong. What else can you do? Ive been where you are and I can tell you it will get better.I know thats not much comfort but it is what it is. Im sure in time she will see the grass isnt greener.But by then one of you will probably have totaly moved on.Just be strong and come here to vent.Im listening.
  4. I think its all just a bunch of fairytale crap.If you take the time to read up on the pshycology behind love you will see there is nothing magical about it. When someone falls in love they eventualy fall out of love.That is a fact.It happens every single time.When that eventualy does happen thats when you then make a conscious decision to stay with that person or leave.You choose to love them. That is the facts.There is nothing magical about love. I know what its like to be in love and I know what its like to be heartbroken.The fact of the matter is sooner or later I will fall in love again.When the time is right.When will the time be right?When my subconsious tells me so.Then that special someone will coincedentaly appear. How magical. I hate to sound cynical but that is the reality of it.On the plus side anyone out there who is actively seeking a mate is guaranteed to fall in love.To bad there is no guarantee it will last.
  5. I hate to say it but Shysoul is exactly right. However, it is true that nice guys finish last.Shy will agree with that as well. Every girlfriend I have ever had has said they want a man that treats them like a princess.And everytime I finally give in and start to do that they lose intrest and start flaking out.Whats up with that?
  6. I was just thinking the same kind of stuff you are. It's snowing outside and the whole city I live in is basicaly shut down.So I'm stuck at home, all alone, with nothing to do but think. As always when I have an idel mind I start dwelling on my ex. I Wonder what she's doing today? I wonder if she's still seeing that dude? I wonder if she ever thinks about me? I wonder if she feels bad about totaly using me? I wonder where she'd be today had she never met me? I wonder what was the point of it all? How could she live with me,tell me she can't wait to marry me,and then just ditch me once she graduates,turns 21 and starts a new job? I could understand if we fought alot or we had diffrent interest's or something. But no,I got reasons like"I want to be young and dumb","Im getting attention from guys I never got before",and "I just think there is more out there". And then she turns into the coldest,meanest person Ive ever known.When I told her "I feel like youve just used me"The only answer I got was "Well Im sorry you feel that way". How could she do it?After everything we had. What happened to the girl I loved and cherished with all my heart? Why can't I just move on? Why do I feel great some days and then other I just feel like crap all over again? Is true love even real? Why am I asking all these questions?I know they will never get answered. And what will become of this Andy_Stone? I know one thing for sure.If she lives to be 1000 years old she will never find somebody that loves her as much as I did. To answer your question I want her back?"No, It's been too long.I could never look at her the same. But,why did she have to go wreck it?We had the kind of relationship some people spend there whole lives looking for.I guess that was truly "young and dumb". I kinda feel a little better now.Thanks everybody.
  7. When I was 14 I looked like I was 18 or so.I used to buy ciggarettes for my friends all the time. I dated a girl that was 18 for a couple months one summer.She found out how old I was from a friend of a friend.She stuck around for a couple weeks then dumped me because her friends were teasing her about me. Anyway..I say don't tell her.I say ride this thing until it blows up in your face.She is going to dump you after you tell her.It might not happen right away but she will.I say have fun with this.You have been hiding this for 6 months she's going flip once she finds out regardless if you tell her or not. Good job by the way.Your friends must think your the man! P.S If you want any good advice on this feel free to PM me.
  8. Dude that was so deep and so true.
  9. aagrhh...Im sorry to read that.Happy Valentines Day and I hope you feel better soon.
  10. Malibuanpine,That sucks!That really sucks, but that doesnt happen everytime.You never know what might happen.Maybe he will turn out to be a total jerk.Thats the risk you have to take.
  11. Well if your not going to contact him then all we can do is hope he shows up one day.I unfortunately don't think that is going to happen.I really think you need to find the courage in yourself to contact him.You never know what might happen.I think your making a big mistake by not doing anything. Im telling you he's just scared and thats why he sent those emails.Put yourself in his shoes how would you feel?If he just wants to be friends then you can officaly let go and move on.If he wants more then weve got a whole new situation. I'm telling you to get a hold of this guy one way or another.It makes me cringe to think you could go through life wondering.
  12. It makes perfect sense that your afraid if being "further hurt".Like I said I know exactly how you felt after he left and how you feel now.(read my old posts) If your too afraid to call then do something.You said yourself you dont want to "wonder".It would be great if he'd show up at your door and declare is love for you.It has been 8 months he probably thinks you have moved on, or have a boyfriend, or hate his guts. This could either be the start of something great or the proverbial nail in the coffin.So do something,dont let it eat you up inside.And please let us know what happens.
  13. I got dumped by someone I loved very much.For the longest time I thought I screwed my self over for life.For several years I dwelled on what might have been. Then I fell in love with smebody I truly loved more than anything in the universe.I had no idea it was even possible to love somebody as much as I loved her.Then she dumped me. So I have to believe that if I fall in love again.I will love the next one so much my head may physicaly explode. If we don't have optimisim we don't have anything.
  14. I agree 100% that any man who has dumped you should have the courage to pick up the phone and call you.The way he dumped you was cowardly by the way.I think that when people say they need time away they are just dodging the real issues.I think any man or woman with integrity will be straight forward and about the problem or problems not hide behind the "I need time"excuse.Thats second to only "Its you not you its me".But not all people are as great as us.So anyway.. The reason he is using the email (in my opinion)is because he is simply scared to call you.He doesnt know how you will react and he is afraid of what you might say.I thereforeeee think you must call him.You must take the higher more mature road and not do this bogus email thing.To me thats the same as passing notes in middle school.I don't think that there is anyone out there that can understand why your apprehensive about calling him more than me.I know your risking a serious set back by contacting him.But I wouldnt want to go through life wondering "what if?". If you don't your going to wonder about this for the rest of your life and you may regret not having the courage that he obviously lacks.I once heard that when we get old and gray,and we know that death is right around the corner that the things we will regret most are the things we didnt do. Goodluck with whatever you decide.Let us know what happens.
  15. I'm not saying that .What I'm saying is its been a year already and now she feels bad because he's finally moved on.I mean, come on.
  16. I think he could want a number of diffrent things.However until you contact him its all just speculation.If I where him I wouldnt say "I miss you" or anything like that either.He doesnt know what youve been up to and he doesnt want to look like a jerk. I say call him,ask him what he wants to talk about.You can usually tell what is on a persons mind just by the tone of their voice. Im sure he's leaving these emails short to make you curious.Thats what I would do. If you do contact him make it seem like this is no big deal to you and youve been sooooo busy you havent had time to get back to him.
  17. Interesting post. I'm sorry you feel this way but yet I can't help but think you only feel this way because he's moving on.I think it is kind of selfish and I also think that what your feeling right know is only a fraction of the pain he has felt.I guess I don't feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for him.This is just selfishness.
  18. Imaginary...that was very well said.I concure.
  19. Being friends with an ex just sort of happens on it's own.Being true friends that is.Normaly when a couple decides to be friends one of the two is still harboring some feelings.I'm the only person I know that is true friends with an ex and that took over a year of NC to happen.We didnt set out to be friends again it just kida happened.I'd steer clear of her for awhile.Everybody here is right and most of us have been down the road your looking at.
  20. I don't know what to say about all this.But Laddy Bugg, that was one of the deepest post's I've ever read.WOW!
  21. Come on dude.You know seeing her is a bad idea.I would have taken that braclet and given it to a homeless guy before giving it back to her. This whole thing gives me the creeps.I hope you didnt tell her dhe can only have it back if she meets you for coffee. I'm serious,mail it to her and don't talk to her anymore.She knows she's got you by the balls.She knows you still love her and she knows she can have you back at the drop of a hat.Its a power trip for her.Don't give her the satisfaction.Id take that thing and through it out the window on the expressway.Who cares how much it means to her.She doesnt care what you care about.Get rid of it and tell her you gave it to a girl your seeing.I'm dead serious....don't talk to her anymore.
  22. Tell her to get a lost.It sounds to me this relationship she is in know is on the skids and she is or was looking for a familiar set of arms to hold her.She doesnt want you she wants the comfort.
  23. I agree with that 100%.I come along way since having my heart ripped out and stomped on right in front of me. However I can't seem to forgive my ex.I try, I really do but she hurt be so bad and I just feel so used by her. I don't know if I will ever find it in myself to forgive her.I wish I could, I really do.Everything Ive read says you have to forgive to truly be free and able to move on.But what if you just can't do it.It's been 6 months since my ex cheated on me and bailed, and I in all honesty I hold more resentment to her now than ever.What gives?
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