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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. I say do what make you happy.What is this guy's secret?I hope I'm that good when I'm sixty.
  2. LOL...Those are some awesome questions.Unfortunatley I can't give you any answers because I don't know.If you took those three questions and fliped them so they were coming from a guys point of view you would have my top three. Ahh...The dating game what fun it is.
  3. I had one girlfriend I dumped several times because she drove me nuts.We would get in these fights that were just insane.They never got physical but man they were hot.I remember one time she kicked in the door of my new Impala SS because she said I loved it more than her.I didnt talk to her after that for like a week then she called me apologised, got it fixed and we were back toghether.I was glad because I really missed her.This type of madness went both ways for like a year.(I've got some pretty entertaing stories.)But we always got back together.When we finally broke up for good I was pretty depressed and I know she was too.But the madness had to end. There was anger,frusteration,resetment and you name it in that relationship.But we always got back together.When you love somebody you always try,try and try somemore.In retrospect we didnt love each other like adults we loved each other like big kids. She called me out of the blue a few months ago after about 3yrs of no contact.We talked for about an hour and I never heard from her again. Weird....Maybe she wanted to give it another go.But I'm to old for all that. So yea,I did alot I regreted and so did she.But it always worked out.It was a fun relationship now that I look back at it.Never a dull moment.
  4. GottaLetItBurn vbmenu_register("postmenu_976221", true); That was very well said.But why are you so sure she will brake contact?I dont think she will..not for a long time anyway.
  5. I say call him.You have nothing to lose at this point.Not in my opinion anyway.
  6. Hey buddy, I would say don't call her.If you still want her back anything less of her saying "I want you back"is just going to be a big let down. I don't know how long ago she dumped you for the first time but in my experiance there is usually one or two break up's before one sticks. I'm really sorry you have to deal with this.Three years is a long time.My advice to you is to not call her.Be strong and hold up.If she wants you she will call you.until then try and move on. By the way 3 weeks is not long at all.
  7. Yea dude,From my experiance girls all say the same things when they dump a guy. There all bogus.She is just trying to let you down easy.My favorite is "I need a break".To me that transalates into "i wanna go ho around for awhile, but dont go too far in case I want you back" The best thing you can do my friend is cut all ties with this girl and try and move on.Maybe someday you can be friends again.But that can only happen after all the feelings are gone.I mean if you guys are out as friends and she goes home with some cat how are you going to feel?Probably like crap.So until that day comes were you could care less stay away.Far far away. If the day comes were she wants you back or reallises she made a mistake she will find you. The best way to get a girl back is to do everything not to get them back. She can't miss you if you dont go away.Ya dig?
  8. You do NC to better yourself and help you realise there his life beyond her. By doing no contact I don't think that will push her away.Calling and becoming a pest will drive her away. The best thing you can do is leave her alone. The one thing I've learned and I think most people here will agree with is that the best thing you can do is to do the opposite of what you want to do. In other word's there is a great qoute from th movie "Swingers" "The best way to get her back is to do everything not to get her back" It might not make sense to you right now, but trust me.
  9. If I were him I wouldnt want you to look at it out of pure principale.I keep my phone close to me because it does have some personal stuff in it.Nothing I would want my girlfriend to see but on the same token if she did see it it wouldnt be a big deal.I hope that makes sense. Now if you think he's cheating because of other reason's then go for that phone.Thats how I caught my last girlfriend cheating.She had like 20 text messages from some dude.The context of which still makes me cringe.
  10. Good Job!! Now arn't you glad you did it.That made me all warm and fuzzy over here.
  11. Thats ok dude.I know exactly what you are feeling. Don't give her the satisfaction of knowing you still care.Your doing very well.Someday you will find somebody else you can share those speacial moments with that will truly appreciate it. It's sounds to me like you deserve better. By the way 3 months after my break up.I had to drop all my stuff in the grocery store and split for my car because I was staring to cry.What set me off?Strawberries.Things like that that you enjoyed toghether can set off some wild emotions. The site off strawberries today still makes me upset.
  12. I don't wanna jack tihs thread but Dako I bet your wife said that exact same thing.
  13. This is just so sad and so immauture.What a retarted statement. This is what every girl in there twenties says when they dump somebody. I bet this guy was great husband and a great father and your taking it for granted mostly because your bored.I feel bad for this dude. "I don't feel the same"Its been 20 yrs what do you expect?Good luck out there after the divorce.I've seen this happen with my uncles and my former boss.The woman never finds what there looking for.You need to stop thinking with your emotions and start thinking with your brain. How retarted.(head shaking)It's becuase of threads like this I'm never getting married.
  14. I just want to touch on this karma topic for a second. I really believe in karma.Why,because every rotten,underhanded,and all around evil thing I've ever done has come back to bite me in the * * *, in some way, shape, or form. I think if you take a long look at things you've done or have seen other people do that were truly wrong they paid for it, some way, some how. Someone posted earlier that her ex cheated on her and left her for some chic a year ago and there still happy or whatever.Well,It can take years before something comes around and just because there relationship is good doesnt mean he won't pay for it in some shape or form. Who knows?Maybe they will get married and then in ten years she will leave him.Or maybe he'll grow to hate her but he won't have the balls to leave her and live miserabley.Anything can happen. I think the best thing anyone can do is just move on and forget about it.Because it really doesnt matter to you anymore anyway.
  15. I've loved every girl I've ever been with. But, my very first true love still holds a place in me above all the rest.That is true with every male friend of mine I can think of. So yes I say it is true.Why do you ask?
  16. That is so,so ,so true.For all of you doing NC and want your ex back.Take note.
  17. That was said perfectly. And that will never end,no matter what age.It's the basis for attraction. If your not palying the game,you're getting played.
  18. I didnt wanna be harsh dude.I know what it's like.But there really is nothing you can do.If you can at least do push ups do that otherwise you've got to wait it out Sorry buddy.
  19. Well your screwed my friend.Theres nothing you can do if you can't lift weight's.I know what its like.You can eat all day long and not gain an ounce.Your gonna have to deal with it.
  20. All you can do is hit the gym.Also there is a website with all kinds of free advice I don't remember what it's called but google "hard gainers" and you'll find it. I know where your coming from.I still have a very hard time keeping my weight up.I've had to stay out of the gym the last two weeks because I hurt my wrist and I can already see I'm loosing weight. So lift my friend lift.You have to becareful with protien diets.I stay away from them for the most part.The average American takes in more protien than what is recomended to begin with.High amounts of protein can really trash your liver. Your lucky though.If you eat right and hit the gym regularaly, you'll have a lean, toned, model body in no time and the chicks will stare at the beach.
  21. Thanks for the advice everybody.It was all excellent. I went to the party last night and she was a no show.which really surprised me.All her friends were there.Anyway, the party was cool.Thanks again.
  22. Dude the best thing you can do is just go with the flow.Just keep making her laugh and keep showing her a good time and I'd bet in no time she's your's. A wise man once said "If you can make her laugh, you can make her moan."
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