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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. Almost forgot...as far as the running goes Id ask your coach or phyed teacher what to do.That is there job.
  2. My step dad was some what like that.If it becomes too much for you,you obviously will have to reach out to somebody.If it doesnt go that far just remember you mwill get your revenge when your older.Me and my brother take a sadistic pleasure in f*ing with the old man.My mom doesnt see it and he treats her well so......just remember people always get whats coming to them.
  3. Agh..Ive been down this road when I was in high school.I know how your feeling.I really can't offer much in advice because your 27 and at the time I was 16.The general thought process is a little diffrent.But what I can tell you is it probably is going to haunt you forever.I think about it alot espeacialy around christmas with my nieces and nephews all over the place.Im sorry I wish I could tell you something positve but I can't.Just know that I feel for you and I wish you two the very best.
  4. Im very into fashion and I love to dress well.As a matter of fact in high school I was voted best dressed.There is nothing sexier to me than a girl that knows how to dress right and put herself together.That comes before weight overall looks and that kind of stuff.Good for you.You should be proud of yourself.And one more thing,remember it is always better to be over dressed than under dressed.
  5. Id avoid her at all cost.When I drive past my ex's work I look the other direction.I dont even want to see her car.It may sound childish but the only way your gonna get past this is to just cut her out.As far as life seeming to favor her.You only see a portion of whats really going on.You never know how she really feels about herself.I know a few people that put on a good show but are miserable inside.Hell,Im one of them.
  6. Well I don't know much but I do know your not going to find your knight in shinning armour that way.You can't be yelling "save me, save me"with di*k on your breath.
  7. Yea dude dont feel bad.I did all the same stuff.Most everybody does it.Just last night me and a friend were laughing hystercaly about how mental we went after our breakups.It's normal,when your in love logical thinking just goes right out the window.All's you can do is take what youve learned and move on.The next time around you'll know better.Besides dont beat yourself up to much,after all you were in love .Thats the strongest emotion there is.Entire wars have been fought over women.
  8. Don't call her.That is another mistake that I made about 2 weeks after my break up.I told myself I just wanted closure.I jgot more than what I bargained for.She was so cold and so mean I couldnt believe it.I wont go into details,but it was a terrible idea.After I got of the phone I laid in bed and cried like a little girl for like over an hour.That was the last time I talked to her.My advice to you is just let her go.I know how hard it is but your just torturing yourself. That brings me to another question.My ex was cold as ice that night,and heard from other people that have gone through the same type of break up that there ex's became very cold and mean.What's up with that?I never knew of her to be mean to anyone until that night.
  9. I've been reading alot of post's latley where the person say's "I fell out of love either him/her".My question is how do you just fall out of love with somebody?It seem's to me that if you truly loved somebody you would love them forever.So if you fell out of love with someone,is it safe to say you never really loved them to begin with? When my ex left me I heard the famous lines"I just dont love you anymore".Well if you can just stop loving somebody it reasons to believe you never loved them to start with.I have also noticed that this phrase seem's to come from mostly women.I think that is because most women expect the gitty honeymoon phase to last forever.While men think more logicaly, women think more emotinaly. So I guess my question's are.If you fell out of love with some one did you ever really love them?And why is it women seem to say this the majority of the time?And finally how can you ever trust when somebody say's they love you?How can you be sure the won't "fall out fo love with you" down the road?Be it 1yr or 20yrs later.
  10. I kinda laughed out loud after reading that.The reason being that even today when I look at my friend Ann Iam still struck by how beatiful she is.And I still get warm and fuzzy inside.As far as any long talks or anything like that,I wouldnt go there.Those things will come up when the time is right.As a matter of fact me and Ann never really had a long in depth conversation about are previous relationship until after I broke up with my current ex.(I always go too her for advice on women.)Over the years it would inevitably come up.But that night when I went to her house, to tell her what had happened, we talked about our relationship and were totaly honest about everything.Even though we had talked a little before there is always some things you keep to yourself.But that night finally after 7yrs apart,we went over every single detail of our relationship.Every emotion,everything we thought at the time,and the reasons we did what we did.We laughed more than anything.So I guess what I'm trying to say is just take it easy and go with the flow.You two shared something very speacial, and I believe that you can take that bond you had and reconnect it on a diffrent level.It takes time.I can't stress that enough.Don't push for friendship either.I don't talk to Ann every day.Sometimes weeks go by before I hear from her.It will come around slowly but surely.I promise. The next day.I told a friend of mine about our conversation.He said "why don't you just marry her and get it over with already?"I hear that alot.And I still think maybe someday. If I can ever help please ask.And goodluck.
  11. That is also the same thing Ive been thinking.Success really is the best revenge.When I do see my ex again.(unfortunitaly i think it is inevitable)I have to look good and be doing good.Iam absolutley determined to make her regret it.As far as if she'll go back to her old self.Thats not gonna happen people never go back to any way they used to be.She couldnt if she tried she is forever tainted with skankdum.
  12. Thats weird.That is the exact same story as me to the Tee.I don't understand why they say and do these things.After my break up I heard bits and pieces about what me ex was up to.After hearing really anything about her I just wanted to through up. So I completely tuned her out of my life.I dont want to hear what she's doing and I sure don't want to see her.My friends can tell and the don't utter her name around me.which is great she could be a prostitute or a astronaut for all I know.And thats the best way to deal with it.
  13. Don't forget to dress better than usual and make sure your wearing good colonge.Have a wine that goes with the meal.(id have a second bottle of wine stashed in the fridge.that way after you finish the first bottle and your only half drunk you can pull out the second using the old "i forgot this was in here"and procced to finish getting her a drunk with out seeming like thats what you want)
  14. Why not believe in soulmates?I thought I found mine,but I lost it.For awile I went through the phase that your going through.I'm not sure if I really believe in true love anymore.But,why not believe in it?What's the harm?Im sure your ex still believes that her knight in shinning armour is going to come take her away some day.And they'll live happily ever after.I think as men were allowed to believe in something as corny as soulmates.Why not?
  15. he's totaly into you.the lol is just because he's nervous and he's trying to keep it light hearted.i guarantee you he can't stop thinkin about you.
  16. For god sake don't spill your guts to her.If it didnt work then(and it almost never does)its not going to work now.Take it from someone whose been there.The best thing you can do is move on my friend.If you pour your heart out to her shes just gonna think your pathetic.Thats my opinion anyway.
  17. I went to a wedding over the summer right after I broke up with my girlfriend.It was hard it seemed like all my friends were either married or engaged.And here I am starting all over.I took a long hard look at everybody then it occurred to me.Statisticly half of these people are going to be divorced within 8yrs.So whats the rush.
  18. good call ocrob..and i agree it wasnt a waste of time for me either,a definent mistake..but not a waste of time.i certainly learned alot.But god what a price to pay.
  19. That is a tough call my friend...But I guess it boils down to this.If she really truly loved you then why did she leave?Regardless of what her reasons are you don't bail on someone if you truly love them, no matter what the situation.Now I am a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance.She did it once that's one thing.After the first time what did she say when she came back?I venture to guess it was very similar to what your hearing now.That fact that she pulled this twice is where I get concerned.If something like school and needing time to think about the relationship is her reason thats totaly bogus.Especialy after 4yrs.Id guess there is more at work her than that.Especialy since she didnt have time to think about the relationship.(yea right)My advice to you is leave her alone for awhile.See what she does.If you go back to fast she's going to lose a little respect for you.You have to be a challenge to her.See how badly she wants this.If she is willing to do anything to get you back,then you may have something here.But if she gives up after it seems to difficult for her,well then you never had anything anyway.And most importantly take time to really think about what you want.What is the type of woman that Orlander deserves.I think he deserves a woman that will stick with him through thick and thin.This is your life were talking about here.If you do marry this girl,do you really believe deep down inside that she will be with you no matter what.Marrige isnt easy.Just look at this site.I think thats what you need to think about.Goodluck
  20. I dated a girl for about 4yrs.When we broke up it was pretty messy.We didnt talk for well over a year.But slowly we started to become friends again.Today we are very good friends.It is possible but it takes along time,and all the feelings have to really be gone.if you seriously want to persue a friendship with this girl I say go for it.But it is going to be a little weird for awile.
  21. i just wanted to add something.i feel like my whole time with my ex was a giant waste.id rather not know what i missed than have to think about what i am missing.like you id love to take my memories of her and through them out.i keep asking myself"what was the point of it all?"
  22. i hope what your feeling and doing is normal,because ive been doing the same things.
  23. how long were you together?and what reasons did he give for dumping you?and what kind of relathionship did the two of you have?
  24. i say give them a call,i just got a call from an ex two nights ago,i had not seen or talked to her in over 3yrs when i realized it was her i almost fell outta my chair but i was delighted to hear from her
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