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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. Yea she definetaly has a thing for him.Theres no doubt in my mind.As for him id bet hes oblivious to it.For some reason guys are blind to that alot.Its the kinda thing only another girl would pick up on.It goes the same way for guys.And if he can see it, he would have moved on her, boyfriend or not.Id say stop worrying about it shes just making a fool outta herself. Now check this out.After i broke up with my girlfriend of 2yrs two of my best friends just fell off the face of the earth.There obviously trying to bang my ex.And her being a women she doesnt see that.She figures there just trying to be nice.I ran into one of them about 3 weeks ago at a bar.When he saw me he looked scared to death.Then preceded to act as if i wasnt there.My buddy said we should wait for him an jack him in the parking lot.That sounded good but i dont want to come off a jealous.So F-em all.And i suggest you say the same about your friend.
  2. rescuediver said it perfectly.that kinda advice is priceless.I sure wish someone would have told me that when i was 15.There only a couple things id like to add.First is that you ask "open ended questions".That is a question that requires a real answer, not a yes or no answer.By asking open ended questions like "How did you get into judo?" will help start a conversation.Asking closed ended questions(questions that require a yes or no answer)will sound almost like an interigation.keep it light and be funny.Third if you strike out dont get down on yourself.Getting with girls is all a numbers game.For every 10 i talk to 9 blow me off.But i wont let it get medown.Every player does that.God luck buddy.Let us know how you do.
  3. Thanks for your insight folks.My brother has since quit drinking.Hes kinda shut himself out of the world.That doesnt really concern me though.When im stressed or feeling diffrent i kinda do the same.We havent talked about it yet.I can tell he doesnt wanna disscuss it so ill let it be.I guess if he wants to talk hell talk to me.Right?
  4. Ive been having alot more dreams than usual latley.Im wondering if any one else can relate.Heres the scoop. Ive been having reacuring dreams about my recent ex.I dream that were together going through pictures and stuff.Its very vivid when i awake it takes me a minute to realize it was all a dream.Did anybody else have something similar?Do you think it means anything?I also keep dreaming that me and 50cent are cooking in my kitchen.The thing is i dont like his music.Whats the deal.If anyone has any weird reacurring dreams post them id be intrested.
  5. i was 14.She had been my girlfriend for about a year.We stayed together until we were 18.Today we are very good friends.Actualy i should of married her when i had the chance.
  6. i feel really bad for this guy.I know you dont want to hurt him, and im sure he is a great friend, but you gotta cut him off.You need to explain to him that while you do want to be friends you think it would be best if you spent a few months apart.After that stop answering his calls.Its tough love.Othewise your just torturing him.
  7. standtall and bigbilly i went through what you both are going through.I was a hermit for about 3 months.It takes time youll both start to come around i promise.I recomend you both read Men are from mars and women are from venus.Itll help explain alot.Goodluck fellas
  8. I broke up with my ex about 4 months ago and its been about 3 months of nc.Ive had alot of time to think and ive come to a few conclusions that I believe I need to share with all you fine folks. Love is as love does.When you truly love someone you do whatever you can to help that person grow and be better at life.Ive read countless threads where people say "i did everything for him or her"or "i just dont under stand".I was and in many ways still feel like that.The question I asked myself today was,what did she do to help me grow?What did she do to help me be a better person?I can think of things I did for her.But when it comes to me she never did anything to help me grow and become better at life.All of us,I dont care who you are or who you think you are, you need help in at least one aspect of your life.Did your ex try to help you?Or did they simply take,take,take and take somemore until they got everything they needed and now have the confidece to think they can do so much better. I want all of you to really think about it.I did and Ive concluded the next time I fall in love its gonna be with a giver.Someone who really understands what it means to love.For awhile I thought the last two and a half years were a total waste.But I now see ive learned something that alot of people never understand.So too he*l with her,I know something about life that she doesnt and its gonna take me along way.I sincerly hope that you take time to think about it,and im willing to bet that more often than not the readers of this thread are gonna understand why there so much better off.And please remember"what goes around comes around".
  9. dont do it.im sure they havent even considered sending you a card.
  10. your a prude for other reasons
  11. Well, I have been browsing the forums here for some time now, and I have realized that everytime I come here, I lose a little bit of hope; I see my flaws in others' threads that I don't believe that I can change
  12. its a tough call.I look at it like this.I feel like i was given a lobster dinner and a bottle of the finest wine in the world.Only to be told after i finished eating that i will now only be able to eat canned tuna and water till the day i die.But i still can almost taste that lobster.
  13. ask her out to do somthing thats obviously just for two.if she says no, she says no.But if shes says yes just go out and have fun.For gods sake DONT TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL.that'll scare her off faster than a pistol.Just have fun and by all means be a flirt.if she likes you shell go out with you again and if she dont she wont.I can guarantee you one thing no matter what shes says shes going to be flattered you asked.And maybe down the road you can take another stab at her.And she will most certainly tell her friends,her friends will respect you for having the balls to ask.so who knows maybe one of them will take a liking to ya.good luck.
  14. coolsome said it best,and swingers is a great movie
  15. the best way to bench is simple.find the maximum amount that you can bench 3 sets of 10 with, and make sure it is good form.Bring the bar down to barely touching your chest than up again.Dont worry about percentages and that stuff.The bench press is one of the most commonly miss used pieces in the gym.Everyday i see some clown in there pushing up an unsafe amount and hes got a spotter eging him on thats how you end up with bad shoulders and elbows by the time your 30.
  16. ive been lifting weights for years and the best advice i can give you is dont lift to heavy concentate on form and breathing.also try link removed its full of great advice on everything a guy should know
  17. "everything hapens for a reason"that is the most bogus statment ever.Of course when somthing happens somthing elser is gonna happen.Its basic science cause and effect,For every action there is a reaction.People just try to make themselves feel better by saying that.Ask yourself this,a guy spends his whole life in prison for a crime he didnt commit.What would the reasoning behind that be.
  18. dude i know exactly how you feel.i feel like the last 2 and1/2 years were a total waste.I cant figure out the purpose of it all.Ive heard that when truly unfair stuff happens god will pay you back double.
  19. dont let them mistake your kindness for weakness or your confidece for arogance
  20. My brother checked himself into a mental hospital last night.He was drinking and cut his forarms up.I went to visit him in the hospital today.I was shocked to find out he cut himself like that.I know hes never done it before.(Hes 24 yrs old by the way)So i dont really understand what hes thinking and whats going on.can anyone please shed some light on this for me. thanks andy
  21. dude my ex did the exact same thing before we finally broke up.Shes not sure what to do right now.The way shes is acting is very common.My advice is stop talking to her all toghether.I know how hard it is but your just making things worse.She is gradualy losing more and more respect for you the more you sweat her, and her ego is blowing up.I know how your feeling right now and i know its hell.But be strong i wish i knew then what i know now i woulda saved myself alot of heartache.be strong and remember self control is a virtue.
  22. i spent years isolated i couldnt live with myself/i was troubled as a kid my tears didnt help/manic depression was evident i held it deep/felt so alone with these walls caving in on me/trobled was my mind state wanting to die/never really happines just sad times living a lie/rather leave it/ sucidal day dreaming bout slittin my wrists/moms thinking i was crazy bringing to myself all this danger i was shakin inside/maybe it was my iner feelings coming alive/i remember waking up like i was headed for school and i was left by myself locked in this room/put away im a troubled kid losing my mind/mama did all she could papa left me empty inside/sat up late hoping somthing would fill me inside
  23. Why did you dump him?
  24. When i was 17 i was at friends house for a party.The party was cool i went home early about 10:30 because i had work the next day.At about 12:00 that night i get a phone call from a friend at that party.He said Adam was acting crazy and he wanted me to come back and see if i could settle him down.I was kinda pissed about the whole mess but i got outta bed and went back.When i got to the house the whole place was a drunken mess.Everybody was trashed and it was just crazy in there.Adam walked up the stairs looked at me then went into a bedroom,my girlfriend said "you should go after him he's got a gun in there" i said "dont worry abou it" 10 seconds later we heard a muffled gun shot.My girlfriend and a couple other people went in the room, all you could hear was screams.I knew what happened and i didnt need to see it.I called 911 and that was that.I had known Adam for many years and he was a good friend.That night after i was done with the cops and everything i went home and i remember thinking "well i guess adams gone"And feel right asleep.The next day it hit me what had happened and i was screwed uo for a long time.I was more mad at him than anything for taking the easy way out.I thought it was a selfish act.And it is.But in retrospect he was never really happy here anyway and i can understand why he gave up.For some people like Adam they have all the friends and love a person could ask for yet there just not happy.Sometimes life is overwhelming for people and they just cant take it anymore.In the end though,no matter how much we loved and respected them, there cowards and thats that.
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