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Everything posted by NR498E

  1. I absoultley guarantee you he likes you.This is very typical he's just shy.I was the same way forever. Id say strike up a conversation with him and be obvious that your interested in him.Guys like this are usually blind to any signs you might throw at him. Ive talked to several girls over the years that have said they had a thing for me at one time or another.But I was to scared to approach.Or to stupid to see the signs they were giving. Just initiate a conversation with him and let me know how it goes. Goodluck,your friend Andy
  2. I just entered my 6th month of Nc.There is kind of a hump you have to get over.It definitaly gets harder before it gets easier. The only thing I can really tell you is just to hang in there.Remember that if she wants you she'll call and if she doesnt you didnt have anything anyway. Goodluck and stay strong.
  3. Ahh you poor thing.I really feel for you.When stuff like this happens it always comes around.When my ex left me I was so depressed.I got fired from my job,I had to move out of our apartment.I had no money and no where to go.Ive been living with a friend for the last few months.Its a tough transition,Im sure things will work out for you espeacialy if he used you. Here's a quik story my brother told me last night. His neighbor was living with a girl for about 2yrs.They were planning on getting married and starting a family.Well Bill comes home from work early one day and finds his fiance in bed with his best friend Fred.Bill packed up and moved away right then.The poor guy had to move back in with his mom at 32yrs old.He said he was on there verge of blowing his head off. So the other day Bill runs into this girl at the store.The first time he'd seen her since that day.(this all went down about a 1 and1/2 yrs ago)She told him that she thought she was going to marry this guy and they had made plans and what not.Well Fred being the crafty guy that he is used this chick.He maxed out her credit cards,got her to put her car in his name and then dumped her.She thought Fred was going to be so much better and she totaly dissed poor Bill like a heartless monster.Well it all came around, now shes looking for a place to stay. Last night we toasted several drinks to Fred for giving this girl what she desreved. Bill by the way is now living with his new girlfriend and is quite happy.
  4. I say giver her a call.The only reason I say this is because she did make the last effort to communicate.You never know what she is thinking and feeling.Whats the worst that can happen?Say she say she's in love with this guy.Well then you know it's really, really over. I would always recomend staying NC, but because she did make the last attempt at contact, you can attempt to contact her without looking like a tool. Whats the worst that can happen? Goodluck.
  5. i agree with everybody here.I say do it and have fun with it. You have to let us know how it went when you do see her though.Inquiring minds want to know.
  6. I womens finacial situation wouldnt be a deal breaker for me as long as she's doing something about it. As far as being gun shy about moving in together I would be too.After my breakup Ive decided Im never living with a gf again unless were engaged.Goodluck.
  7. Sorry to say it buddy but this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. But, do what you gotta do
  8. Novaseeker is exactly right. Id bet if you work on him a little you can get him back.Everybody makes mistakes and everybody deserves a second chance.Im sure he feels pretty crapy about this whole thing as well.
  9. Good job buddy, After my ex bailed she never made any attempt to contact me either.We were together about 3yrs. It doesnt matter though,any thing she says that comes short of "I want you back" is going to just put you back. Youve been very strong so far."Self contol is a virtue"
  10. I started taking a yoga class at my gym.The ratio in there is like 30 to 1.
  11. I say call him.After this long what do you have to lose?
  12. First and foremost dont ever aplogize for posting here.Thats what its for and everyone here is more thatn happy to help. I know how hard it is to not call her but it is imperative that you dont.Since your breakup is still pretty fresh the best thing you can do is give her time to miss you.And even more important than that give yourself time to get your head toghether.The fact that she says she wants to be your friend is irrelevant,thats what they all say. I truly do feel for you and I wish you the very best,but the best thing you can do is stay away from her.You are your own worst enemy right now and remember "self control is a virtue." So far youve been doing very well alls you can really do is take what youve learned from all this and use it to better yourself.Goodluck your friend Andy P.S. Youve barely scratched the surface of the lessons your about to learn.
  13. No dude your anything but a coward.In fact your very brave for doing what your doing.Most people wouldnt have the guts to do that.Good for you.
  14. That ShySoul....He's so nieve it's almost cute.
  15. You should never hang up on your boyfriend.Its ok to get mad,but its never ok to get mean.Hangnig up is just mean.
  16. I have a friend who lives in California.She lived with her boyfriend for about a year.He started to flake out on her and eventualy dumped her and she had to move out.She was just devastated.She did what every heartbroken/temperarily insane person does.She pursued him and just pushed him further and further away. That spring she moved out to New York for the summer.She dated a few guys.She tried everything to get him out of her mind.But nothing worked. That following winter she moved back to California.After being home about 3 months she got a phone call from him.Slowly they started to talk and become friends again.She told me she was very reluctant to even talk to him because it hurt her so bad.However they are now back together and are planning to get married this spring.One thing she didnt do was run back into his arms she made him chase her for awhile. Now heres the weird part when she was in New York,he had moved out there as well and the whole time they were living about 2 miles apart from each other and never knew it.I remmber her calling me one day saying she swore she saw him driving one night.I told her to just let it go."your starting to hallucinate"i said. Now that there back toghether she told me that sometimes people just need time and if its really meant to be theyll come around.If they dont,you never really had anything anyway.Which is now my motto. So there is hope but first you just got to let them go.I know easier said than done.
  17. She will pay,you can bet your life on that.Here's a perfect example.My mother told me some things about her break up with my dad while I was going through my breakup which really got me thinking about if everything really comes around.And I think it does.Heres an example. About 20years aro my father bailed on my mother.He up and left her with four kids on top of that he used to beat her up on the regular.Well my mom told me she was crushed.She said she thought about him first thing every morning and the last thing everynight for a good 2yrs.About 13 years ago my mother found somebody who truley loves her and treats her like a queen.They married about 10 years ago.Mean while my father whom Im sure thought he was going to move on to bigger and better things is still alone after all these years.My mother couldnt be happier and I know my father feels lonely I see him regularly and I can tell.Now my stepdads first wife left him after being married about 10yrs.She was having an affair and split on him.She ended up marrying this guy and they had a couple kids toghether.My step dad told me that when she left he couldnt even look at women for about 8 months.This last spring we heard shes getting a divorce from this guy.She's pushing 50 and she wants a divorce. If you think about it Im sure you can come up with a bunch of examples yourself.Things really do come around but like my mom said"unfortunataly it may take a decade and you wont be around to laugh at them".So I believe it does, I have to.Its what gets me out of bed every morning.(I say all this while knocking on wood by the way)
  18. Im not trying to get her back.I day dream about it but I know its not going to happen.Im not doing NC to get her back.Ive been doing NC so I can get over her and thats not working.I think if I start going back to my hold hangouts again and stop avoiding her,maybe I can get used to the idea that she has moved on.I think maybe it would be a good kick in the pants for me.After all I cant really feel any worse.Whats the worst that can happen Ill through up again.Maybe im thinking stupid and if iam please tell me so.
  19. I ran into my ex on New Years Day.I went out for breakfast by myself around noon.As I was leaving the resturant I saw her and her new boyfriend sitting down to eat.(they obviously were together all night).I glanced and walked out pretending not to see them.which was stupid she looked right at me and smiled.When I got to my car I made about one block then pulled over and puked my 10.00 dollar breakfast on the side of the street.That was the first time Ive seen her since our 3yr relationship ended almost 6 months ago now.I was doing pretty good and I had been trying to stay away from enotalone because it makes me think to much.(you know)Well since then I just feel like crap and I just had to tell somebody.I know what you are all going to say but Ive been seriously thinking about calling her brother.Me and him were best friends for years and I havent seen him since the break up either.I called him a couple times after and he never returned my calls.I dont know why me and him were best friends for years.Do you think its wise to call him?And more importantly how can I get her out of my mind?Ive dated a few girls and I had a great New Years.But I still feel like crap.On New Years I was hanging with this beutiful girl all night and I just couldt stop thinking about her and comparing her to every girl in the club.To me she is still the most beautiful girl in the world.I think I should be given some type of award for my sticking to NC like a true champ.But its not helping like it should after 6 months.I think maybe a little contact maybe the only way to get over her.I still avoid all my old hangouts out of fear Im going to see her.But after Sunday Im thinking I should start showing my face aeound there.And if I see her just say hi.I think maybe with a little contact I can start to accept the fact that she is totaly out of my life.If icansee that shes moved on personaly,maybe then I can really start to move on.Any thoughts?
  20. My brother and his roommate are having a christmas party tonight.Last night my ex called my brother to ask if it was ok if she came over.She said shes having a very bad christmas and the guy she was seeing dissed her last night.(thats all she said)My brother said he didnt know if it was good idea staing that id be there.She said she still want s to be friends with me.This girl tore my heart out back in August after a 3yr relationship and im still not even close to over her.Should i tell him to tell her no or what.It is christmas.I really dont want to see her.I havent seen or heard a peep out of this girl since the summer.And why would she want to come to our party of all places.
  21. Kingdead I wish I had a logical explenation for this.You'll hear several diffrent opinons Im sure.But to me there is really no other explenation other than when a woman turns 21 she goes mental.There is post after post on here about breakups when the woman turned 21.It happened to me. It was as if she almost went crazy.
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