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  1. Though you said it was just for sex, you didn't quite make you're other reasons clear. Before you do anything, figure them out first. I've always found that it is always about compatible maturities and personalities rather then just the simple number of year. Were I you, and I really felt the need to pursue this I could only think of one way of going about it. 1) Make sure you intentions are pure. 2) Make sure her feelings are shared. 3) This may sound frightening, but talk with her and her family about it. If you really are a family friend, and you seem responsible they may consider it. If not, and you pursue it anyway, it may result in a legal nightmare. good luck
  2. Plutopia, I'd love to hear more about your relationship. I've found that though many people have age differences, very few are this big. Your problem, in dealing with compromising aspirations, is also one thats been on my mind as of late. There seems to be quite a few things in common betwen us actually.Thanks for leaving a reply, I really appreciated it.
  3. The choice not to have children is more mine then his. I love kids, and work with them a lot, but I've never really felt that maternal need. I know I'm young yet, and most people will probably tell me that those need develop, buit my issues aren't that I'm too young or overly vain, or what have you. Were I to have children, it would just be to have kids, out of whatever traditional reasons, for me, personally that isn't enough. He would have loved to have kids, but thinks that for the two of us, that option might not be the best idea. It's mutual, you see, but for different reasons.
  4. Nope, niether of us really want children, and we understand why we shouldn't, given the circumstances
  5. Thank you, all of this has been helpful... I guess I was just hoping the general consensus wouldn't be "you're out of your mind." But still, any and all advice is encouraged. As for my family... If they choose to "disown" me over this, that is their choice, right? Not my fault. Or, at least, thats what I keep telling myself.
  6. That's actually what I think about a lot... I'm a very loyal person, and yet I know it would be hard for me to give up that much of myself. What it comes down to, in my mind, is that at 60 he's given me so much of his time and his love, and though there is no ring around my finger, there might as well be: not only do I owe taking care of him if need be to him, I'd be honored too.
  7. Hope you guys don't mind a post, I'm new here. So, I guess the basic facts go as follows: I'm twenty, an aspiring artist/college student with a less than stable personality, he's just turned sixty, the all-around good guy, never married, who, at this late point in life, has given up any hope for greater achievement, and the two of us, as you have probably already guessed, are in love. Goddamn crazy, no? Well, crazy as it is, it exists, and has for the last two years. I genuinly love him, and yes, I most certianly do know - have learned the hard way, in fact - the difference between love and infatuation. That isn't to say that we haven't had our fits, screaming "you're too young!" "you're too old!" back and forth till we're both hoarse accross an apartment; we're certainly not perfect, but we work. You see, I find it amazing that the two of us can sit down, have a passionate conversation - over politics, or art, or even just a movie, and then make the most amazing love. Where the problems kicks in, in my oppinnion, is not actually an internal part of the relationship, it's having friends as a couple, and being accepted by our family and friends, and being able to go out to dinner with out feeling like we're violating some sort of law. There's also, on the more morbid side, what happens to me after he's gone? There is also the silent issue of marrage that looms continually over us. See my confusion? I'd love anyone's input. Thanks. ](*,)
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