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Everything posted by LostInMyThoughts

  1. Is he's being mean to you, or treating you any differently
  2. Next time I'm in LA, you and I'll hafta go out on a date. It'll change your mind for sure
  3. How does one look promiscuous? But to answer the question, based on what you've wrote, *I* wouldn't go for it. You guys have an on and off again relationship. What makes you think that this time is going to be any different? Past behaviour is a STRONG indication of future behaviour. You said she's always had certain issues since you've known her. No change. Your exact words. So, after all this time, think things will be different? It's up to you to decide if you want to make one last ditch attempt, but to me, relationships shouldn't start off as a last ditch attempt. It didn't work the first 4-5 times, it's probably not going to work the next 4-5 times.
  4. Think of dating as an opportunity to spend time with someone you want to get to know. To me dating is awesome (I had two dates this past Sunday, both were pretty much rocked!!!). I love getting to know people, and showing new people how great of a person I am. I also enjoy honing my conversation skills and seeing where I need to do some self improvement. The downside is that I don't like to hurt other peoples feelings and if I don't decide to carry a relationship forward, I find it hard to do the right thing.
  5. Funny stories from the past are a good route to take. It's okay if you're not funny. So many people out there are plain and serious; just make sure you laugh though A good date doesn't need to be have jokes and laughs. If you're passionate about something and talk about it, your date will see that and it will keep the date going. I think being able to hold an intelligent conversation with someone is far more important on a date, than being able to make them laugh. I know I can't stand people who joke around all the time.
  6. I would still be interested for sure. Physical Fitness (though being overweight doesn't necessarily mean somoene is unfit) is important to me, but so is intelligence, and conversation.
  7. Actually your muscles get tired because of acidosis, due to your bodying using anaerobic metabolism for energy (ATP/ADP cycle). This causes fatigue. With elevated creatine, and it's effects on the ATP/ADP cycle, your muscles can be pushed further due to more ATP (sort of more bang for buck).
  8. I should also add that creatine is more than just pumping water into your cells. It's an important part of the ATP/ADP cycle (what your body does to generate energy).
  9. Too much creatine (usually from Creatine loading) can place a lot of strain your kidneys. I use it as an energy boost. The creatine and protein seem to be the best combination on non-anabolic steriod based muscle growth, with protein supplements being the major contributor. I personally prefer taking creatine in syrum form.
  10. Based on his past behavior, it *is* possible that it can happen. Given that you two aren't even dating, and he's proven before that he'll be unfaithful even in a committed relationship. Whether or not it happens, it's hard, but try not to dwell on it. Why do you feel insecure about him hooking up with his ex?
  11. This is a key sentence. You can explain how you are worried about her, but ultimately it's her decision. The best thing you can do, is support her when she pours out her feelings. Avoid the "i told you so's" and the "Well you should do this..." because I don't think thats what she wants to hear.
  12. shes2smart brings up a great point. Diet for weight loss is a bad mental approach. Changing your diet as part of living a healthier lifestyle is a much better long term solution. It might seem like there isn't a difference, but there is a subtle one. The key to weight loss and lifestyle changes is to set small, measurable, attainable goals. Losing 12 lbs is an okay goal (unless you weigh like 112lbs). Make it better by giving a realistic timeframe to do so, and come up with a plan that wont set you up for failure.
  13. Are you looking for advice to give your friend? You can tell her till you're blue in the face that she needs to cut him out of her life (the best option) but until she wants to end things with him, it wont matter. Given your two choices, she should definitely cut him out. If she's getting hurt by him (i'm guessing its not physical), then yeah, time to end things. Tell her how you feel, then let her go. Just don't let yourself get taken down by her inability to do the right thing.
  14. Aporia is right. Dropping weight fast is never a good idea either. The amount of healthy weight you can lose per week depends on your level of fitness and health. Generally speaking, 1-2 lbs of fat is safe to lose every week with a good diet, and decent exercise. Thats not a golden rule by anymeans, and if you're heavier and do moderate exercise and work out a better diet, you could lose a lot more in a week.
  15. I'm recently divorced, and like your bf, I think my ex is a horrible person. The answer to your question, is yes, it's possible. In fact, it will be even easier! Think about it. If you fell in love with someone, and then they later turned around and I don't know, destroyed your pokemon collection, you would be hurt badly. But then you met someone new, and were mindful of your baggage, and fell inlove with this person. Only instead of destroying your pokemons, they didn't, and perhaps they bought you a gold foiled pikachu. You would probably find that you were in deeper love with this person, than the person who wrecked your pokemon cards. He might have some hesitations because he is afraid to get hurt again ( I know I have hesitations) but I know that after what I went through with my ex, having a normal, healthy partner would definitely make it easier to love someone. For me, love and looks don't really have much to do with each other. Sure looks lead to that initial attraction, but thats only the very beginning stages of love. Don't think of it as you being 2nd best. Think of her being the practice swing =)
  16. Well if you live together, then I certainly would hope you talk to each other on a daily basis. If not, I guess it depends on how far along your relationship. Near daily communication is probably good enough.
  17. I didn't have a proper girlfriend till I was 18. Now I'm (seriously) having problems trying to decide which girl I should focus my devotion too. What I'm trying to say is, let it happen, and when it happens, it'll happen. It sucks now, but it'll get better. *Trust* me.
  18. Actually they are less dangerous because there is far less risk to the trachea and throat. It's true, lack of oxygen to the brain is bad, but a blood choke is less dangerous.
  19. Learn how to do a blood choke, instead of air chokes. Blood chokes restrict blood to the brain, which does the same thing. There is less chance of damaging the throat. Even though it's embarrassing, I'd have your gf talk to a doctor and ask.
  20. Yep, I agree with Beec as well. It's as important as both partners deem it to be. If both people aren't really interested in sex, and have other ways to connect meaningly, then it probably is less important. For others, it can be the single most important aspect in their relationship. You and your partner define your relationship, not some self-help book, formula, or online forum.
  21. Over 90% of sexually active adults will have contracted some form of HPV. That is why, for women, it's so *very very* important that you go for routine pap-smears when you become sexually active. I've heard that the chances of beating cervical cancer are very good if you detect it early on.
  22. Yes you can get certain types of HPV via oral sex. You can contract herpes (a form of HPV) from oral sex.
  23. When I was isolent in class, my teachers took hot irons to my feet. You should try that. Also there seems to be some kind of cold/flu going around. 1/2 the people in my Mixed Martial Arts class have been out because of it. Sorry to hear class was frustrating, sometimes you just can't force a person to give 100% effort (thats where the irons come in)
  24. manda, I'm so so so sorry to read about the loss of your mother. There are a well known set of guidelines called "The 5 Stages of Grief." 1) Denial 2) Anger 3) Bargaining 4) Depression 5) Acceptance It could be that you are in the first stage, and are in denial. What worked for me in times past was to surround myself with friends and people who cared deeply for me. I leaned on them when I needed to. At work, even though I felt empty, I tried my best. I never forced anything, and just rode the feelings out. I never hesitated to play sad music and cry my heart out. It's not easy at first, but it does get better.
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