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Everything posted by someguy69

  1. I don't understand the obsession with black or white definitions. Sexuality is a spectrum. There is no need to label yourself a "gay", "straight" or even "bi". What's the point? Why commit to a fixed orientation?
  2. No. Most lesbians did not have a very good relationship with their father, and many were sexually abused as a child. Please note we are talking about true lesbians here -- women who have no interest in being with a man. This doesn't apply to 100% of lesbians. A significant number of lesbians experienced a mid-life change similar to men "coming out of the closet" whereby after being married and having children, they divorce and become homosexual. While many of these people will state, "I always felt different", or "I was always attracted to the same sex", a large part of the "switch" comes from the despair of a failed marriage.
  3. That wasn't from a stat -- that was direct from a friend who often goes to lesbian bars, and based on conversations with the bouncers there. Far more lesbians are man-haters than straight women.
  4. I have a gay friend, and he knows quite a bit about lesbians as he lives in a gay community, and he and his friends have occasionally gone to lesbian bars, and he also has experience with them from pride parades. I have also read a number of studies on human sexuality, and based on things that I have read and heard, there are a few interesting conclusions: 1. Sexual orientation is a spectrum ranging from complete homosexuality to complete heterosexuality, with most people falling somewhere inbetween. 2. Due to social pressures from both sides, most people are closer to one end of the spectrum than the other. 3. Interestingly, male homosexuality appears to be more absolute than female homosexuality. Studies show that true homosexual males are not aroused by the naked female body, but homosexual females are aroused by both the naked male and female bodies. 4. Also interestingly, studies show that most women are aroused by the naked female body as well as the naked male body (while straight men are not aroused by the naked male body). This shows an inherent tendency in woman towards bisexuality. 5. As most women are already attracted to women, and most women are attracted to men, those women who completely reject men are doing so out for psychological reasons more than biological ones. (Whereas with homosexual men, this is the other way around). Okay, so now for the observations of my friend. While he knows quite a number of very nice lesbians, he has found that as a group they tend to harbour a great deal of anger, especially towards men (homosexual men included). He noted that lesbian bars have far, far more security than gay bars as they tend to have more fights, and the larger tough "butch" lesbians can be exceedingly difficult to control when they've been drinking.
  5. Get her to have a threesome with you and another girl, and then you should both feel that things are a little more evenly balanced.
  6. Quite the hypocrite, aren't you? I don't see how you should be any more suspicious of him than he would be of you. Anyways, what matters is the present, not the past. If both of you have vowed to stay true to each other, then you both need to focus your efforts on that, and not waste your energy focusing on past events.
  7. (Regarding conception during menstruation) It is you who are misinformed. Conception during menstruation is about as likely as conception while on the pill -- possible, but highly unlikely. Some people have claimed to have gotten pregnant due to having sex during menstruation, but in 99.9% of those cases the woman was experiencing non-menstruational bleeding, or had exceedingly erratic menstrual cycles. Sperm only live for 4-5 days in optimal cervical mucus conditions (i.e. around ovulation), which is not the state of things during menstruation, where sperm only survive 1-2 days.
  8. An amniocentesis itself can cause complications, and is only recommended for older mothers where the risk of birth defects exceeds the risks of the procedure. The drug most harmful to the fetus is alcohol. Just do a little research about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (Though we're not talking about the odd drink here). Smoking also causes complications including low birth weight, and the possibility of minor birth defects. Certain medications may also cause birth defects, so always check warning labels. As for most other drugs (meth, cocaine, heroin, pot, LSD, etc), there has been little conclusive evidence of problems directly related to those specific drugs --- although there is certainly evidence that many drug abusers/addicts will neglect their health (especially if they are IV drug users), and it is that aspect which has the highest impact on the development of the fetus. As flower99 said, this isn't a license to use drugs while pregnant -- its still a game of russian roulette, and with illegal street drugs, you are never sure what you are really getting, and what it may be cut with.
  9. By far the two common recreational drugs that cause the most negative impact on the unborn child are tobacco and alcohol. Of course it is all dependent on quantity (how much) and frequency (how often). The best thing you can do for your baby now is to maintain your health -- eat healthy, well balanced food, stay active, and avoid all drugs.
  10. It is highly unlikely to get pregnant if you have sex during your period even if you aren't on the pill.
  11. Innocent of the abuse, but not of the relationship.
  12. While it's not acceptable for a person to abuse another person, at 16 you were old enough to know better than to get involved with someone so much older than you. Don't try and pretend you were an innocent victim. You chose to date him. You chose to accept alcohol and other drugs from him. You have a mind of your own. You are a teenager, not a child. BTW, why did he have naked pictures of you when you were 13?
  13. You got more attention than she did, but you seem to imply she got some attention. Maybe the men attracted to her are less plentiful at the beach than the men attracted to you? Maybe the men attracted to her are less confident than the men attracted to you? I invite you to ask the overweight man how much attention he receives at the beach, and you will likely find that he receives less positive attention than your overweight friend.
  14. I'm going to have to say that woman are far, far more guilty of being shallow than men are. While men may on occasion use physical appearance as the initial interest gauge in the order of fitness, pretty face and extras (i.e. large breasts, etc), it is certainly not the most important factor for most men. Women, on the other hand, use a similar intial interest gauge, but with far more shallow criteria involved. They also care greatly about physical appearance, but it's far more selective and will include everything about you from head to toe. How many men will avoid a women because they don't like their shoes? Zero. Women go beyond raw physical appearance and toss in a variety of checks to gauge affluence. They don't just want a good looking guy, they want a good looking guy who dresses well, is well groomed, appears to have a fat paycheque, and who exudes confidence and charisma. If a woman exhibited all these traits, no man would go near her. Find a woman who says that she actually seeks out the shy, quiet guy in the corner who gives her the occasional shy glance, and I'll call her a very rare breed or perhaps a liar For all the women who keep complaining that they keep dating the same jerks over and over again, I say that it's your own fault for always going after the same type of guy -- that is the ones whose only goal is to sleep with you, and who will say anything to get you in bed, and are particularly good at it because that is where all their energy is focused. The smooth well-dressed, well-spoken operator at the singles bar is there just to take pretty girls home to sleep with, and nothing more. As long as he fits your criteria, he's the guy who you're going to keep falling for -- and also complaining that he only cares about looks. Did you stop to think that maybe your problems with shallow guys come from being shallow yourself?
  15. So it sounds like your friend Myuu exists inside your head. Apparently be best way to manage your condition without medication is to pay no attention to that which you come to know is not really there. To give into those whims may result in a worsening of your condition.
  16. Incorrect. The age of consent in Colorado has age difference clauses. If she's 14, her sexual partner can be within four years of her (i.e. as old as 18 ). Anyways, if she's already sexually active, it is next to impossible to enforce that she stops what's she's legally able to do... especially by force. Imposing rules which she feels are unjust will only result in rebellion. The only successful manipulation tactic could be expressing sadness and disappointment, and making certain it is free of any mention of derogatory terms. The best thing would be to clear the air and open up the situation whereby you find out who she's sleeping with and making sure that it's a monogamous sexual relationship with a steady boyfriend, and not just any guy who comes along. The best example you can provide is a healthy example -- and complete restriction is not reasonable after she's already started.
  17. Speeding tickets are almost as common as parking tickets. Don't let it bother you too much -- but try not to get another one as they can significantly impact your insurance rates. Did the officer reduce the charge reduced to 15km/hr over? If not, I would seriously advise getting a paralegal to fight the charge for you (i.e. X-Copper). The $300 cost of fighting the ticket will more than make up for your insurance rates not going up for a few years. BTW... where was this 30km/hr zone? I don't think I've ever seen a zone with such a low speed limit. If it was a yellow speed limit sign, I believe that it is only a recommended speed, and not enforceable.
  18. Certain friend of yours? Could you elaborate a little more on this friend? Having blackouts doesn't sound like handling it just fine.
  19. Would be so much easier if both sisters were willing to share you
  20. Herpes can be controlled somewhat by diet (and suppliments) to control the lysine/arginine ratio. (See link removed). Basically you have to be careful about eating too many nuts, seeds, chocolate or squash, and try to eat more dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese). You can also try lysine suppliments.
  21. What are you complaining about? Most men would be ecstatic over such a discovery! Don't you realize that this could mean the possibility of a FMF threesome with you, your girlfriend and another girl? If you're having second thoughts, break up with her so that some other lucky man can have her. Better yet, send her my way, and my girlfriend and I will fulfill her fantasy.
  22. How about you suggest that she masturbates in front of you some time? Maybe you guys could make her masturbation something that involves the two of you, and maybe perhaps after she climaxes she'll be ready for some non-solo action.
  23. While masturbation is a natural activity, I do not believe that lack of masturbation has any known detrimental effects. Less (or no) masturbation will likely result in an increase in nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) depending on your age.
  24. 56 isn't all that old, but I suppose within ten years of retirement. She likely doesn't have as good a pension built up as she should, although her new giant house will have a lot of equity if she can manage to pay down the mortgage over the next nine years. I believe that she is currently more economically productive than she was when she was younger.
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