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Everything posted by tanned_production

  1. I dont believe that ALL girls love the bad boy image. I went thru a phase where I did.... it didnt work out. The boy didnt respect me... he didnt treat me the way I wanted to be treated... the best advice i can give you is be yourself... faking your image is not going to get you any farther. the right girl will come to you.
  2. im not sure how much advice we can give you hun... i think deep down you know what you need to do, and how you're going to do it. keep us updated.
  3. That honestly makes perfect sense... both of you probably felt really "closed in" while living together. maybe you just needed to realize how much you do need each other... and that you're together to help each other solve your problems as well as other things. i wish you 2 the best of luck. sounds like things will work out just fine!
  4. the answer may be as simple as she just doesnt like you. im sorry if that sounds harsh... but it may be the truth. she may think that you are after getting back together... when that isn't what shes looking for. maybe try talking to her... tell her that you want to be friends, if she doesnt agree... then leave it alone. no sense pushing something that most likely wont happen. good luck
  5. awh that SUCKS! i can tell by your name that things like this dont come naturally for you... i know you must be disappointed! i think you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that it happened, you cant change that. maybe approach her ... send her an email... whatever... and ask her whats up. if she still treats you with such disrespect, then maybe you should reconsider why you like this girl. good luck
  6. i agree with the previous posters... just be his friend. he'll need that...
  7. Mabye take her out! To a movie... dinner... whatever. Help get her mind off things for a while... clear her mind. then she might be better able to concentrate on what's going on. other than that, just be a friend to her . good luck!
  8. that sounds like a good plan. if you ever need support, pm me. im always around! best of luck
  9. i dont think she was purposely trying to shut you down. you should be happy she was being honest with you. would you have rather found that out after a few dates with her? continue to go on dates.... if you want things to go up another level then talk to her about it. it needs to be 2 sided! good luck and keep us updated
  10. I dont mean avoid the situation completely... i was just thinking it might be good for you to go out and do things... more clear your mind that anything. but do what you think is right. im just speculating.
  11. pandorasbox how is that fair to either of them in any way? its more "fun" to let her figure it out by herself? More fun for who? It will end up hurting her... and that isnt what he should want to achieve. I think he should be gentle, but let her know that it wont work out.
  12. thats something im struggling with myself. im only 16 but im trying to figure out where i want to go in life.... how to finish high school with awesome grades. im thinking of studying something like Physicology. just think of what you like to do. hopefully that will lead you in the right direction.
  13. you're definitely off to a good start. but the only way to figure out whats going on is to stop and talk to her. even something casual, like "hey, hows it going?"... watch her body language and how she talks to you. good luck!
  14. maybe you dont have the right attitude (im not trying to be harsh... just honest) If you tell yourself nobody respects you... they won't. just ask her to hang out sometime.... you cant go on thinking she'll say no. what if she says yes? good luck!
  15. i know you're probably having a hard time dealing with it... but try doing things to get your mind off of it... go out and do things, hang out with friends. best cure
  16. well im 16, so im right in the midst of all of that. my parents are christians... and they are VERY judgemental, and they believe there is a right and wrong way to do things. if i mess up... im scared of what they'll say. so, what did i do ? i took responsibility of it and we went to counselling. now i feel as if they're my friends, not just my parents. sure, there are struggles, im even considering moving out before i turn 18... but i dont feel so scared to go to them about most things.
  17. I'm not going to automatically say NO.. because it is your decision i just think there are more factors to consider than just... you feel like having a relationship with her. just be careful... make the best decision for the both of you.
  18. That is so true! I hope everyone reads this.
  19. if you rack your brain, trying to figure out ways to get people to look at you differently... you're going to come off looking liek a "try-hard" ... be yourself. the confidence you've aquired will come naturally.
  20. Sw vhshowdown... that is such a good thought. My puppy loves me unconditionally. I get mad at him sometimes, for disobeying, but he comes running back to be, wanting to play and trying to kiss me. Unconditional love... But back the question... i would rather have someone love you fully and passionately, completely and entirely, without restraints or fears, though knowing that within a moment's time, he may get and leave without reason nor explanation? i dont want to live in doubt
  21. it depends on the people. i know that some guys that want "fbuddys" is simply for someone to "f" when they feel the need. no strings attached... not even a friendship. i am aware, however, that there could be a friendship involved. depends on the guy. if this is your situation, talk to the person about it
  22. I have a few online friends... mostly people that know some of my friends... things like that. we talk about hanging out... when things work out. i have one really close friend, that ive been talking to for about 2 years now... when i feel like i have no one, i know i can talk to this person. its pretty awesome that they're willing to listen without really knowing me. i think that you can be really close with someone no matter how far... i dont think the distance matters when you're going through things and that person is just there to help you. as for telling an "online" friend that they mean a lot to you... just say that you appreciate how they've been a great friend to you... despite the fact they've never met you. That doesnt sound cheesy - tanned_production
  23. wow, that is a tough situation. such a hard decision!! i think you just really need to listen to your heart. are you for sure going home in 3 months? and theres no chance of keeping in touch or seeing him again? Because if you really like him... there is the chance that things could work out... you cant rule out every option... but if in the end you know you'll end up hurting yourself, and him, then why start... listen to your heart... i know you'll come up with the right decision. good luck and keep us posted!
  24. thanks =) I want to go to college/university ... im nt sure for what yet... but thats where i want to go. thanks for the advice, any more would be greatly appreciated =D
  25. Well I wasn't sure where to put this. . . its not really career... so personal growth it is im in grade 11... so my second year of high school. last year i had some major issues with teachers/friends etc... so my marks weren't overly high. this year im trying harder, but the teachers just dont understand me and the things im dealing with so i find them being disappointed in me ... i find that im really stressed out... due to things at home...and im not even sure im going to have enough credits to graduate... which is REALLY scaring me right now. i find its hard to concentrate in class. does anyone have any suggestions on how to get motivated? for some reason this is a huge struggle for me. any help would be appreciated.
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