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Everything posted by tanned_production

  1. Smiling shouldnt make you look nervous and insecure... its more of a signal to the other person that you're interested. You dont HAVE to approach them afterwards, but its probably what they're expecting. If you dont like your smile... just give a little smile.. or if you're confident, a wink. Whats the worst that can happen? And you're not an alien .. just new to this whole eye contact business. You'll get the hang of it, I promise. Good luck, keep us posted!
  2. If its over... dont waste your time trying to figure her out. Won't do you much good... Keep us posted!
  3. I agree with day_walker on this one... I take it you've had oral performed on you.. so follow what they've done. If you're not ready to do that... then you dont have too! Good luck!!
  4. She may be a little worried about commitment. Talk to her about it... we can all speculate, but ultimately, its her that knows whats going on good luck
  5. I agree with marijo2480 If you're second guessing things, chances are, its something you shouldnt be doing. If you want to do something to take your mind of things, plan something at home. Rent a whole bunch of funny movies, make a lot of snack foods, and a really good supper you both enjoy. Its cheaper.. and doesnt make you look as selfish. Or if you do end up going somewhere with him, that costs money, when you get a job again, take him out... repay the favor. Good luck with everything.
  6. She could also just be searching for someone thats there for her, without all the commitment. Ask her why she's "touching" you, and giving you mixed signals. She's the only one that can answer the biggest questions!
  7. Well then, you're on the right path my friend! But you had a right to be confused/upset. Keep us posted!
  8. I don't think thats necessarily true... why are these new friends hating you? Because you're a cutter? Then thats not fair... they're not friends. Maybe you're just not looking in the right places. You need to find people that are supportive, and will love you no matter what. And make sure you treat them with the same respect you want... don't take them for granted. Make sense? PM me if you need someone to talk to, im around!!
  9. That is so true, OldGuy ... anyone can be that special someone... you never know when they'll "appear"... If you dont take advantage of this opportunity XxxMUAHxxX , you'll be kicking yourself ... and torturing yourself with the "what-ifs"... I know I would be.
  10. Wow.. I can see why you'd be confused. It isn't fair of her to lead you on like that. One minute she's telling you that she does not want a relationship with you, and the next, she's acting like she does. Girls are tricky. I suggest talking to her... tell her that if she is really not interested in you, that she shouldn't be flirty, and act like she wants you to ask her out. Since when is that fair? I'm sure if you pulled the same thing on her, she'd be upset. Tell her how it makes you feel... Good luck with everything!
  11. Hey! Awh... eye contact shouldnt be a staring contest. You could really freak someone out that way. If you find the other person making eye contact back at you... smile, and see what their reaction is. You can usually tell from little things, what the other person wants. You'll figure it out... Good luck!
  12. If you're unhappy, and you want to change things, then no, you are not asking too much of him. Not that he has to make you the center of his world right away... but a girl has to be treated with some respect, and shown love. I can tell this is really hurting you... you need to tell him that. Call him, and order (yes, order) him to listen to you. Tell him exactly how you feel and what you want to change. If he truly wants to be with you, he'll respect that, and try to change his ways, so that both of you are happy in the relationship. If he doesn't care, you're better off without him. Good luck!!
  13. That's kind of sad... I dont think anyone should be sorry for any of that stuff. Look at it as more of a growing/learning experience. Sounds like you're hurting... and have regrets. If you need someone to talk to, PM me!
  14. I think you just need to taker easy... You two aren't dating anymore... you don't need to keep tabs on him, and know his every move. Don't take this personally, but hes a big boy, and he can take care of himself. If he's up for it, maybe go out for coffee... something casual. Things won't stay the same or get better if either of you are hovering. In the meantime, do something to take your mind off of the situation... to relieve the stress. Good luck and I'm sure everything will be fine!
  15. I think you should tell him. Since you're dating, he's gotta be a good guy, right? He should be understanding. He should feel priveledged that he's your first anything!! Good luck...
  16. Maybe you're trying too hard to impress someone. Just be yourself... act natural. Either the guy will like you, or they won't. Its better than putting on an act.
  17. I really respect you for seeking help with this... Since I am only 16 its hard for me to understand the aspect of having a husband and children... but i advise not leaving him unless you're THAT unhappy... for the sake of the kids. Dont cheat... that's the worst way to show him that something is wrong. You said he is a good father ... are you more complaining about the issue than actually talking about it? You need to show him, not just talk about it. Most guys don't take hints very well, but you never know. But best of luck with everything
  18. Its good that you're holding back... she obviously likes you a lot. Maybe its an issue you need to talk about with her. Casual sex probably isnt a good idea in this situation. Good luck... sorry I cant offer any other advice
  19. I use names like that on my msn for my boyfriend... just to let him know how much I love him, without telling him. I tell him all the time, but its more of a reassurance. Then he knows, that everyone else knows that i do Its just something cute to do.
  20. has he given you any signals that maybe even hint that he's interested in you too!? Maybe just strike up a conversation. You may be shy... but just remember that you want to get to know this guy! Just ask him what he does for fun... what school he goes too... etc. Hopefully he'll ask you questions back.. and go from there Good luck
  21. Wow... your family has sure been through a lot. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders though. I can't imagine what you must be feeling... I'd be terrified for him. even if i didnt like him, I would still care about him. My advice... is pray. i dont know if you're religious or not... I'm not really preachy or anything, but i know that when times get hard... it helps to know that theres someone watching over me. maybe talk to a counseller... or just talk to your parents. Im sure all of you will be able to get through this... you've come a long ways so far. If you get a chance to talk to your brother, tell him that you love him, and care about him. I'm sure those are words he'd love to hear. As for you... learn from his mistakes... and don't make the same ones. You sound smart... You'll be fine... I can tell. It is hard, but things will get easier Sorry I cant give any better advice
  22. I guess it pretty much depends on the person, and the situation. Do you WANT to talk dirty? If not, then don't force it, it won't come out right anyways. You can use dirty talk before... to get you "in the mood" ... or while you're fooling around/having sex... Like I said, its up to the person. Do what you want.... not what other people say you should!
  23. Well, I somewhat agree with jabean on that one... But maybe you should try talking to him about it first. Sure, it may be awkward... but maybe by mentioning it to him, you'll get what you wanted. At first he may need a little prodding, some people, by nature, aren't affectionate. If he's one of those types... and you need to be shown affection... you should maybe find someone else. I hope everything works out
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