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Everything posted by PunkPyro912

  1. well from the way you describe the situation, if i was in your shoes i would dump this a*****e and go look for someone else if you want a relationship.
  2. Act like her friend and maybe ask her out for a casual date. Only dont call it a "date". Make it like maybe a cup of coffee or lunch. Then if she accepts hwile on those "dates" drop hints that yuod like to see her again and that you find her attractive. The one thing is that you have to be confident and not be afraid to be rejected, cuz there are plenty of other fish in the sea
  3. i guess thats a good idea. Thanks alot for all your advice, i bet some of it will definatly help
  4. ill try talkin to them but when i say financial problems are affecting me im not talking about them not getting me stuff....that would be for a little bratty kid that their parents spoil...when i say it affects me i mean that they dont act the same way they did, like before they would be all happy and wed have conversations and all about normal stuff but now they totaly ignore me and ive basically become the outsider of the family.
  5. well in the back of my mind i just THINK of suicide.....i know that i would never really attempt that. And i usually do go to a friends house or something but thats just escaping temporarily, then i have to go back to them. I know the financial probelms are theirs but i dunno i guess it affects me to. If i confront my parents theyll think im joking or something and they wouldnt take it serious, but even if they did take it serious they would take it the wrong way...i guess i just dont know to do...
  6. lol yeah im 12 turnin 13 in august. Thanks for the compliment...although i never considered myself smart 8)
  7. My parents are really really really stressed out. They work 24/7, they got tons of bills, etc. and theyre not like they used to be. I just feel like i get in the way most of the time. i know itll probably never happen but sometimes i seriously feel like i need to get away and leave them alone or sometimes i even think of suicide. I know its not the answer, but in the back of my mind i just think about it sometimes and now its becoming more frequent. At the same time though i also want to run or get away because at times i despise my parents. I have posted other posts about my anger problem and 90% of the time its from my parents. I seriously dont know what to do but i feel like i have to do something soon. If anyone has any advice about what i should do about this it would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Well it depends on what kind of girl she is. But i bet that shed find it interesting and cool, probably drop you a call to find out who it is. I hope it all works out for you (and nah it isnt really cheesy, better than something i would have done).
  9. Well since you have to wait another 2 years to be involved with the 16 year old i would just be friends with her. But at the same time be friends with the 24 year old. Hang out with them at separate times and get to know them really well. After about a month or so then you will probably have enough information to choose who you like better, youll have your decision. If it ends up being the 16 year old you like then i would remain casual friends until she is 18, and you could make it a serious relationship when she turns the appropriate age.
  10. Well if your still in school which you probably would be, you could try talking to a guidance counselor. Theyre more used to hearing these kinds of things and could probably explain techniques to help you get out all that you want. Also other counselors could help with more ways to help you. Talkin to your BF that you trust is a good idea, but you need someone that can totally understand what your saying and what your going through. If you can find someone that understands you to the extent you want them to then you'll be set.
  11. Very true, but in my opinion it allll depends on what your religion or faith is. and like someone said, for catholics it most likely would be purgatory, and from there would be the main entrance to heaven and hell
  12. Then i think if you guys stay together which you definatly should, time will pass and things will get much better. As long as you guys dont forget how much you care for each other everything will be fine. The way you describe it, she really cares for you and you really care for her, so your relationship, in my opinion, is very strong and will last a very long time if not a lifetime.
  13. well....are you guys still together? If shes waiting for forgiveness, it all depends on how m uch she loves you. If she wants to ditch the other guy and be wiht you id forgive her but its a good idea to not put in as much effort. Apparently this situation has damaged the relationship, but it can be fixed and i bet pretty soon you guys will be OK, but i cant really be sure of that cuz i need to know more information about this situation. Mind sharing more info so more people can help you?
  14. I think that you MIGHT have a chance with her. You should wait till a littler after the exams and tell her you want to be with her, and if she says no ask if you can at least maybe have lunch together or something like that sometime. But if it were me, i wouldnt want to be with a girl that worrys about what other people will think. You have to be able to be yuorself and not care what other people think. But hey, if you guys are good friends, and she still doesnt wanna be with you, you guys can stay GOOD friends. Just be there for each other and there'll prolly always be that little thing between you guys
  15. well...you should ask her why she never calls you back or why she doesnt wanna talk to you. If she gives you some bogus excuse tell her that you want to know the truth. And instead of over the phone you shuold talk to her in person if you can. Talkin in person and tellin her what you want to tell her would probably help the situation. And while your at it you could tell her that you like her and maybe ask her out for a casual date like maybe lunch or coffee.
  16. If you really like this girl then i would talk to her in person, not over the phone or AOL. Just go to her house and talk about how you feel.....maybe ask her out for a date or something, and you know that she might just be running cuz she likes yuo? But hey, i may not be very old but i DO know that chicks confuse me
  17. Hey, if you have a job even if the people are older than you it doesnt mean you cant be friends wth them. Although i bet you that there are also other employees of your age, but the main problem is your shyness. You need to be able to stand out and say what you want withuot shrugging back out of a conversation or something of the sort. You have to not care what people think of you when you act like yourself cuz that my friend is what matters in the end. If your moving to a city like someplace in California or NY, itll be really easy to meet new people, you just gotta be able to start a conversation with someone and hope it leads onto something. If the person doesnt wanna talk and u get rejected oh well, thers always other people
  18. Yeah man if it were me id put it down for a couple of days but if you really want some pleasure just masturbate or something
  19. theres a wide variety of things you can do, that maybe you havent. Have you tried: anal, "69", or maybe some crazy fetish that your BF has.
  20. you should try taking him somewhere hes never been before that he might like. Get him away from everyday life and as someone said before me away from porn. He will most likely change a little bit being away from everything normal. Find out what he really enjoys to do such as a hobby. I would also recommend more counseling even though hes been in it before, but i bet with a different doctor he/she could use different techniques that can greatly help him.
  21. u need to think of all the things the world can be in a posotive way. Your 15 and youve got yoru whole life ahead of you. Sure there will be negative things that happen to you but you have to remember that there are also always good things that can and will happen to you. Just be optimistic and have faith
  22. I know exactly what your talking about, i even have a post about it where i got some good advice. Im usually a nice guy just like you said but for me its the little things that build up on me and then i just let it all out at ones and i flip out at someone. I either scream into a pillow until my throat it raw or osmething and i start punching the walls or something. I know it seems bad but ive been trying really hard lately to keep my anger level down a bit but its just really hard for me. Your not alone wth your anger problem and if i were you i would prolly get some relaxation classes or something. I probably will when i get older and i hope it all works out for you. 8)
  23. lol it is said that 90 percent of guys penis's have a slight curve to the left
  24. Thanks for the input and advice guys, especially i_hate_the_world47, ill try what u said
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