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Everything posted by No-Fear

  1. Okay I'm gonna try to write this as best as possible considerin I'm on a handheld... I've had this tremendous crush on a girl that lives on my street for a very long time, 3 year too long. Well to make a long story short I had acted on it 3 years back in a very ridiculous way, a way that I vaguely remember. Well not too long ago a friend of mine told her friends daughter about my crush on the girl, so the little girl told the girls sister. after that my friend had a talk with the girls sister and she asked my friend a lot of things about me. about a week later the little girl tells my friend that the girl I like said that she does not date guys from our block but something about me talking to her... now that's where the problem comes to play, I don't not know how to approach her when I see her what do I say? what do I do? when I even think about talking to her I have no idea what I'm going to say. and I don't want to just go up to her like that, because then ill make a complete idiot of myself. ill just be nervous and my mind will go blank so ill start saying things that make no sense. I guess that's where I need the help how do I approach her and what do I say to her. I have never socialized with her so I don't know what to say... please help me any help would be GREATLY appriciated... Thank You
  2. Now me and my girlfriend have some time together. And we've always had some problems here and there. But now shes been saying for some time that i dont show her that i care. Now si kinda agree with her since i dont really know how to show my feelings to her. Now i do love her and care about her since ive known her for a very long time now. But i have problems showing her that. Now thats what i need some help with. I need anyone to tell me how i can show her that i really care. Cuz she says that i act like w.e like it doesnt matter to me. And it does and i tell her that but she says that i act a different way. Now if anyone can help me with this problem i would very gladly appreciate it. Since i have no clue what to do. Thank you for any advice i get...
  3. thats the thing, she was perfect...she broke up with me
  4. WOW.. coming out of a relationship isnt all that easy...Ive never felt this way about a girl EVER. I thought that when i fell in love with a girl, she would be happy and all that other stuff. And yet she still found things wrong with me. I couldnt make her happy. i dont even know how to forget about her, she was special. I just need some help on how to forget her, how to move on with my life without having her there. I just need some advice on how to move on.
  5. Id like to thank all of you who replied to me, and gave me a peace of mind. HEaring it from people here really calms me down. well just wanted to say thank you and update to ya'll that she got her period this morning. And id like to say to Mysterious Gurl that, that is my quote, but im afraid of my mom killing me most of all, but thanks on your insight. And to all those who recomended another form of birth control other than condoms, even i have told her that, but she doesnt want to she said she already has enough hormones in her she dont need to drink no more,
  6. she has to wait till monday to get the home tests, her brother is getting her some from where he works. but is this blood normall or something. cuz shes never gotten this blood like that. she said shes only gotten it at the end of her period but its only a lil. and shes getting more now.
  7. OK, yestarday i posted something similar to this. Now the problem is, she supposed to be getting her period, but instead its brown blood. she got that yestarday, it was a little, and today was a little more. Now can anyone help me.
  8. Ok, thanks for the help!!! think that can make me sleep now.
  9. ok...but today she was getting stomach pains, and she bleeded a little brown blood, her period is about on time, so can the bleeding be her period starting to come down???
  10. Well heres the story about 2 weeks ago thursday, i was over at my girlfriends house. We were fooling around and things got hot between us. 1 thing lead to another, and we ended up having sex. Now at the time i wasnt carring any condoms, becuz i wasnt planning on having sex, she was a virgin before this. Now the problem is, while we were going at it, she stopped becuz she saw something white on her thigh. Now she thinks is was precum, and i think it was her, cuz i saw something looking like what she took off her thigh. well its been 2 weeks and she was supposed to get her period this week. And today Friday i was over at her house and she went to the bathroom when she came out, she told me a little brown blood came out. Now does that mean her period is coming down or what. i NEED to know tonight its 3 am and i cant sleep. im anxious to find out whats this means. Can any girls plzzzz help.
  11. Dude it can be anything, you havent given enough information for people to let you know. No past information about conversation, looks, smiles etc. so i would say just try flirting with her. If she does it back then youll have a clue of whether she does or not
  12. You should just be yourself, When you go out do guys normally come up to you and compliment you??? If they do and you like them, you should keep a conversation going. i dont know how to be a girl so thats the best i can do
  13. I can answer your first question, if it helps. As you know everyone isnt the same. It depends on experience. And by the looks of it you might have more than some people at your age. Now if you having sex with guys your age, then you better believe you might blow their minds away. making them want more sex or more from you itself. But if they are older, i wouldnt know what to tell you, are they older??? Or it could be something about you, you might just be the total package.
  14. Dude i think you might be in trouble like DN said. Dude you to 2 better be old enough to handle what can happen. And Hell yeah you should tell her, it can happen. I think orgasms are very mental. And if she is mature enough she will understand.
  15. wow dude, youre in a bit of a pickle there. But i guess you dont have to do anything, just let her talk. If you dont wanna do anything then dont. Now if you like her thats a different story, cuz i wouldnt wanna be the rebound either. i see you on that. But i guess what i can tell you is follow your instinct. Do what it tells you. i guess thats the best advice i can give you
  16. I think DN is wrong, about telling him. You should just tell him you need some space or something of that sort. Cause if a girl told me that...a girl that i loved...i wouldnt think much of myself. So id say if you really like that other guy and hes worth losing a relationship over, then go ahead and tell John something. If not then keep your current boyfriend. And i agree wtih DN on, "You should not stay with someone because you are afraid of hurting them. No good will come of that." I agree 100% its gonna make you unhappy and eventually him.
  17. I guess all i can tell you right now is to hang in there. This guy seems like he likes you and didnt reject you. Maybe just wants to take it slow. Well it seems like you have great friends even if its not alot. So just stay strong you can get through this
  18. WOW, i never thought id finish reading that post... Well what id say is go for it. You did mention that thing she said to your uncle at the game, about her not talking to the toher guys no more. And it did sound like it was for you. And even your mom said she likes you and your mom was there. So id say take everyones advice, go for it. I think that if she is interested, the more you wait, the less shes gonna like it. And anyway if she says that she knows you like her, and yyou do, i dont know but alot of girls wouldnt wanna have a close friend that likes them. So id say GO FOR IT!!!
  19. Wow dude, you have abit of a situation there. i think the best advice i can give you is to confront her and tell her how you feel about her taking it. i would say to tell her to think of her children if you have any other siblings, or if youre the only child then let her know. i would also say make her feel...i guess wanted no, let her know shes not alone in this. Try to help her the best possible. I guess thats the best i can tell you at this point
  20. Me and my girlfriend have sometime together now. We argue occasionaly, nothing too serious. But lately me and her have been fighting contantly. We would fight over anything. Its like we would fight over some stupid comment someone makes for no reason, just to argue. Well yestarday, she gave me this lecture on how i dont take her seriously and stuff like that. And she kept referring to herself as my "girlfriend", she says i say that. Well the problem is that she said i dont show her i care about her. She said i tell her, but i dont show her. Now ive always had a problem with showing my real emotions and expressing myself. im even like that with my close family. Now i need someone to help me on showing my feelings to her. Becuz she said that if i dont, then she doesnt know how our relationship is going to work out. And i dont want that to happen, becuz mind you that i love her dearly, i dont want us to break up over something that i see as stupid as this. So i need someone to explain to me how i go about showing my feelings to her. Thank You, any help will be greatly appreciated
  21. now im 17, and i have never been in a REAL relationship. ive had girls here and there and things like that. my longest relationship was 5 months and it wasnt really a relationship becuz i oly saw the girl whenever i had nothing to do or at most 1 every 2 weeks. well now, i know this girl for over a year. and we some what have something going on. we talk every day at any chance we have to talk. and whenever she wants to hang out and anythiing of that sort i make the time. but now im getting the feeling she wants to take this to another level and make it more serious. since she told me that she wants me to meet her mother and father. figured that becuz shes never took any guy to her house. well being if thats what she wants to do, i think i would be more then happy to do so. but i have one problem. dont know how a real relationship goes. i dont know how i would be expected to act in one. being that ive never taken any girl serious, and yeat want to start with this one becuz shes special to me . Well just need some help from some of you that are more experienced on this thing.
  22. Well i been after this girl for a long time, and well now i think ive gotten to her, because she herself told me she got feelings for me. but well thats not the story. she came over to my house yestarday, and we were chilling watching tv talking. well me and her cuddled but i didnt want to kiss her, there was this one moment when i think she was gonna kiss me but i didnt let the chance come. its not that im scared, well yes., because i want it to be special. i want her to know she is. but am i waiting too long if she was gonna kiss me? when is it the right time? i dont have experience with this because all the other girls werent special to me HELP
  23. i have a few questions about female virgins, i just wanted to know since my gf is 1, how to actually have intercourse w/oo causing anymore pain than what shes going to feel. i have never had intercourse with a virgin and dont know whats its like. if any of you ladies can help me it will me really great. i also wanted to know if its tru that all girls bleed the first time,and if its true then how much??? is it alot?
  24. hmm, this seems to be a pretty tricky situation, but ill try to get on point. first off i think it was a bad idea to tell her what you said after the mugging, and saying that might have given her the hint to "who you really are"the journal thing i think it might be for you to notice her more. she might be trying to make you realize who she really is to you, or she might just be pinching you with a needle, telling you indirectly how bad you were to for her. but to me this might just be a lil hint from her to you telling you to own up and find it in you if you really love her or not. cuz the not caring part about the mugging might have gotten her mad a bit.just try talking to her and see what you get out of that.
  25. you have to see past this, she MIGHT be playing games, or she might just be testing you to see how series you really are. you have to prove to her that you are really series about the relationship. just go on and talk to her Best of luck
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