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Everything posted by candy604

  1. just wondering why was your husband watching you have sex with another man? that's odd..
  2. by the way, your pics don't work, repload them? i want to see how bad it is or what i'm trying to comment on. thanks
  3. um...yeah you might end up lowering her self-esteem and she might become self-conscious. Maybe you can say, oh i think that would look so nice on you or i love it when you put your hair up etc..things like that. Or say, when you dress up and balh blah you look so attractive , or even hoter. Also can you buy her some make-up for her bday or something, and say something sweet, like "oh i thought of you b/c you wanted to get some so here's ur first set and i hope you use it."
  4. make some new friends and you are not a loser at all. ur bf seems to be loosing interest and it isn't your fault. You should voice your concern to him and ask him how you two can talk more. or just talk about different things or set a day to be together. It takes two to tango. Ask hm where the relationship is heading also. Seems like it's kinda dying... maybe he's a video game addict and just doesn't wnat to admit it.
  5. she wants you to be in bed with her as a sign of caring and being close to you. People like intimacy and being cared for. Just do it once in a while or get a psp and sit beside her and play your game. jkjk yeah my mom hate it when my dad just played video games, eventually it stopped b/c it was too much lol. do you two have some time to just sit down and chat? women need emotional satisfaction and i think that's what she is missing.
  6. yeah that's not stalking lol. i mean she is your gf. seems like she loves/likes you alot alot.
  7. are you able to trace the phone number? did she move recently?? that's a bit odd. are you sure you want to move home for good..
  8. about the porn, glad to hear he has cut down. But most girls do get mad at it b/c it's degrading to women. Nothing is wrong with you, guys just tend to look at porn ( even married men, kinda sick though!) But when porn starts intereferring with your life and events, there's a problem ( like your dad's bday). It can become an unhealthy addiction. And guys like to send porn to each other, I don't know why. I did get mad at my bf for it and told him why he wants to accept it. I think he felt bad after a while. Maybe you should look at some porn and have ur bf catch you and see what is reaction is lol. I wonder if he'd care if your looking at other guys. Maybe he can see how it feels when he looks at porn. But nothing changes, b/c he doesn't see why it should bother you or since all his friends do it, why can't he. That's why. Tell him in moderation, not like 24/7 and missing events. yeah and i think you have to be there to actually see the pics get deleted ( and trashed). I'd be utterly mad in your situation!! Um..lets see..i have an idea, instead of wanting to watch porn, can he just go and spend his time playing sports or hanging with his buddies, watching tv shows or something, do the chores? something more productive than watching porn.
  9. hi, since it's the summer, you can always go play frisbee or play catch, it's not that strenous if you just take it lightly. Also picnics, or walks on the beach? Sometimes my bf and i just get take out and we go to the beach and eat. how about concerts,or festivals? talking about books?
  10. marriage is important, ask yourself if he is capable of dealing with serious problems or will he just run off with a girl b/c he is mad ? both of you need to sit down and talk. You have to remember that he is with you and not the other girls for a reason. But if you do to continue that girl hopefully will leave you alone, make sure he doesn't be friends with her. But you have to learn to hold your insecurties down, you're the one he wants to/wanted to marry, not the others. good luck!
  11. yeah..she's still annoyed. also when girls they say they aren't mad, they are stilll annoyed or mad at you. lol
  12. hrm....yeah this issue is a drag. All i can say is she needs a direction on how to solve her problem.Sometimes just telling the person they need to stop or change is hard b/c they don't even know where to begin, what to do or how abouts doing it and dealing with it. Have you told her not to use sacrasim and just be blunt and say what's on her mind instead? haha u tell her other guys are hot? lol that's funny. But I think your not ready to leave her yet, giving her another chance and hoping it'll turn around after the break. yeah if u do get back together, calling her is a good idea. maybe u can set an alarm clock on ur cell to remind you haha. Usually calling shows a person cares of thinks about the other person. But if she knows your the type that forgets etc..she shouldn't take it personally b/c that's just your nature , not that you mean to do it.
  13. nah if he's blaming you he has something to hide, obviously he didnt' want you to see them.
  14. definitely not normal. why would he have naked pictures of her in hte first place? that's so weird... i haven't heard of guy's keeping naked pics of their female friends. That's news to me. You might as well keep naked pics of your good guy friends to be fair ( tell him that).
  15. yeah that's a bit odd, but then again i know a girl whose bf is very close to her sister (but she has a bf) and he even kisses her on the lips! ( like a peck), but his gf doesn't care too much b/c it's her sister and they are all close. A bit odd, but i guess it depends on the situation. But I would talk to your sister about it. I mean if she wants to be hooked up with ur bf's friend, just set it up, what's all this dilly dalling? but your bf doesn't have to talk to ur sister 24/7. But i'd be annoyed if my sister went to talk to my bf about things. She should be helping you, not him.
  16. yeah don't give him the power to get control over you. Just joke at him then, I'd tell him to take a " chill pill." Yeah it could be he doesn't respect you much so he just snaps at you ( or also to make himself feel dominate). Childish..so yeah just ignore him for a few days.
  17. yeah i think she still has an issue of trusting you since she found about the txt messaging and such. But um...usually girls do not like to hear about how other girls are good looking and such ( unless they are actors). If my bf talks about how hot another girl is or etc..it gets on my nerves, so now he doesnt' do it nor do I to him ( b/c he'll get jeolous too). You just have to reassure her that you love her and she's everything to you. Easy going can be a problem if your too friendly too girls. Watch out that you don't lead girls on or just don't have many close gf's haha, problem solved. but you need to talk to your gf and say hey, this emotional outrage is not helping the relationship. This isn't love. Write down a list of things you love about her and things you don't, if the pros outweight the cons, then stay. But she has to learn not to be so hyper and if she gets mad about your class or a girl. just say hey..i'm with the one i love, not the other girl. I'm guessing she gets offended very easily. I don't know how she'll learn to overcome it,but i think it's a change in her view that needs to be fixed. She needs a different outlook on life. She needs to learn not to take comments to the heart. Good luck!
  18. Don't sleep with him again b/c he's blackmailing you into doing something you don't want to do and he'll continue to do it if you give him. He's using you and you do have the power to say "no".I would say you tell Jake everything before Max gets to him first or else you'll find yourself in a whirl wind. It's a duty you should tell Jake and if he wants to continue the relationship then it's up to him. But don't hide the truth b/c it will get ugly and it'll just get worse and I bet Max will tell him otherwise. Also Jake could trust Max more than you since they are cousins and have been living together. So you better tell Jake yourself ASAP. You owe to tell the truth and how you were deceived n tell him about this deceptive cousin. Yeah i hate men like max, hopefully one day all their lies will be revealed. Good luck.
  19. hehe ur infactuated. lol it'll pass when your busy with your own stuff.
  20. . An affair is not right, but it was only 3 times and it was four years ago. Leave it in the past. You have a strong marriage now, don't wreck it over this. but if it's 4 years later and she hasn't done anything but is doing everything right and it seems that she loves you alot ( your sex life is great so is the convo), keep positive. I mean maybe she was immature back then at 24 and has grown up and realized it. I hope you work things out. don't throw away your marriage over this. If you never knew anything of this , things would still be happy despite what happened. Sounds like she can be trusted though. Ask yourself throughout the four years, has she been a wonderful wife to you? and a great mother? It takes time to forgive, but i hope you do eventually.
  21. she's only 16 and it's a scare to have a 23 year old dating her. First rule is always get the girl home on time. It looks very bad if you don't and it shows a reflection on you. no matter how you try to explain yourself, you didn't bring her home on time.
  22. if you have a small penis, can you just say hey i'll compensate it by having goals in your life. i.e getting a good career, hobbies, have a great personality. I'm sure some girls will overlook your small penis and love you for you who are. Not all chicks are sex driven. Instead of heading to drugs and wishing you be dead, why not take that energy and put it somewhere useful so you become achieved? another view on life I guess. Be the best you can be. svenmen your a 7.5 and you feel inadequete? gosh..that's so big already.
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