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Everything posted by candy604

  1. yeah haha it's hard to track then, but just keep tabs on your husband that he isn't going on chat lines and such, b/c it can lead to a dangerous road! good luck! but really he should stop looking at porn ( even of teenagers).
  2. i think she wants to spend more time with you even though ur busy. if your at work, just txt her from time to time little things like that can ease her. just tell her maybe later on when you are ready to move in you'll tell her,just not now. Tell her it's just not the right time, it's kind of too fast and you like where the relationship is now. She shouldn't pressure you. But I'm getting the hint that she wants to spend more time with you. You can always tell her that you look forward to spending time with her etc..like nice comments like that to show she is wanted. Is she able just to sleep over some nights? ( 2 or 3 days out of hte week). That's a comprise she could probably work with if your fine with that. how long have you been going out for?
  3. haha the guy is her next victim...it's true! or you can think how childish it is to act like that. A married woman like her is out of line. We know someone like that who flirted with married men and single men while she was married ( her marriage ended though). My mom embrassed her and asked her if this new guy was her husband b/c she was flirting so much with him haha. Imagine the awarkness.. but you know just think about other things, like your job, your kids, sports. It helps take things off your mind. Find a hobby, like golf or something, so you'll have another passion that you'll be estacted about
  4. engagedkitty ... it was on tv like a couple of months ago. They actually caught men by posing as a 12 year old in a chat room with men who like teenagers ( they set up a time to meet these men and it actually worked, the police were there to catch these men.) Also one guy brought his daughter..so sick. here i found it for you! link removed you can always check the garbage bin on the computer, or the internet history? or run a virus scan lol. but i mean he can delete it after he looks at it, so it's very hard to catch someone.
  5. yeah actions speak louder than words. Just break it up, why go through another few months or a year or the same old crap? you deserve better and he sounds like he's not the right fit for you.
  6. he's over reacting. tell him it's his turn to make a decision. what my bf and i do, is we say hey we can take turns deciding. so it splits hte responsibility. but he's out of line on accusing you, your not in the wrong. he is.
  7. yeah she is dysfunctional..she's seeking attention from other men instead of working out her own problems at home. Just say you feel sorry for her husband that his wife is out there trying to seek attention from men outside her marriage ( add that to your list). if she cared how much she hurt ur family and you, she'd stop doing what she did, but she didn't.
  8. what contract did you sign, your not married. But if he is threatening to kill you, you need to tell some authority about it. Go to a counsellor or someone that can best advise you what to do. if he suffers from a bad metal health, can you check him into a mental hospital or get treated with some drugs?
  9. oh crap your husband needs help that's really dangerous to get into child pornography. go search up dateline , they had a documentary on men who likes young teenagers ( even married men). thanks for posting up the dr.phil article. I am definitely going to show my bf. I knew something about porn was wrong and the excuse " it's a guy thing" threw me off guard and asking me to accept it. Now I know.
  10. hm...she is upset at something? b/c i know for me if my bf pisses me off i start to loose feelings of wanting intimacy with him. It doesn't mean i'm cheating on him. So don't jump to that conclusion yet. Just ask her what's bothering her and if you can talk things out. But 3 weeks no intimacy? something is up definitely and you need to ask her calmly. Maybe make her a nice dinner or something to get her in hte mood. Sometime's it's not great knowing your bf wants to see u just to "do it."
  11. yeah he needs to realize it's not healthy and its hurting your relationship. my dad gave up all this porn stuff after he became a christian b/c he saw why it wasn't good or healthy( this was about 20 years ago) ( my mom already told him many times, but never helped).
  12. hmm...girls like to buy clothes for their men and see them wear it. But perhaps if she wants to change your style, you can go shopping with her and let her pick out some clothes for you to wear? hehe but it's kind of good if you keep up with some sort of fashion, at least look decent. ( or get contacts, hence a soln to the glasses problem). yeah it's not her that just complains about style, i do it too to my bf and so do some of my gf's to their bf's. but not as extensive though. Usually we buy them clothes and i always remind my bf to cut his hair and shave. 5' and 115? that's normal! why is she feeling a pressure to loose weight. just tell her you love her the way she is. is your wife working? I'm wondering if she can take just one course at school if it makes her feel better. Part-time student or something. Also does she feel like she can spend some of the money you make? ask in she doesn't have to ask permission all the time.etc.
  13. keep up the good work GH2001, once this is out, you'll be able to focus on your marriage much better
  14. nothing is wrong with you, you sound like a good catch! anyway his mom's and bro's opinions are wrong and illogical. his mom might have a tough time seeing her son leaving and starting a life ( not his mom taking care of him anymore, but another women). or his sister could find you inferior ( especially if your doing well etc..- could be competition). But anyway, I learn that parents always want to be greeted and you can ask simply questions like how was your day, or can i help you with something? Keep at it though, keep positive.
  15. it's called dating. i guess shes's saying she wants a casual relationship, not really any exclusivenss or strings attatched. but sometimes a causal relationship turns into more when you spend and get to know a person more. i thikn you both are on different pages in what you want. but even then her opinion could change after knowing you for longer.
  16. do you think you'll get back together in the future? sometimes when you grow up and mature, the relationship could work. I mean i've known some couples that broke up and got back together ( 6-1 years later) and they are so happy. there's always that option
  17. i'm sorry to hear what happened to you, but it really sounds like your wife needs to learn how to love herself and she probably feels underachieved. she needs to work on herself, sometimes problems can cause a person to do crazy things and they don't know why (perhaps they think it could help solve some of their problems or make them forget about it). They aren't in the right state of mind. What she did was not right, but she does sound like she needs to get help and i am glad she's seeing a counselor. Financial troubles and not able to have children are very depressing. I know how financial troubles are ( my parents fought about it for about 15 years) - major fights. i hope you can work your marriage out.
  18. yeah about social issues, if your past issues are dealt with it's easier to socialize once your freed from your problems. Other than that, you'll be putting on a show. ( my mom does that, unable to communicate to people properly- she does get very anxious too- b/c she is still hurting inside). As for men, find one whose first priority isn't sex. A guy whose hardworking, comes from a good family and just is honest and nice. ( you can always ask them what they view on premartial sex etc..). I ask that so I know where a guy stands or i even talk to a guy about how imp sex is in a relationship etc..so you know what your getting into. I tell you, not all men are bad, my bf and I don't have sex b/c he respects my views and loves me. So if you pick the right man for you, it's good
  19. oh if i found a video of an ex i'd be hoping mad at it. your not over reacting. stick some pics of your ex bf on your computer
  20. hrm..let me see..are you able to join her and her friends even with no guys around if she doesn't mind. But i guess you would have to get used to the fact that she does have friends. Luckily it's all girls Are you able to make some new guy friends at school and just go out for guys night. It's important to have friends^.^ I'm sure they are some clubs you can join or something. Unfortunately you will have to get used to having friends or your gf hanging with friends. It's part of life. Hrm..yeah i always hang out with my gf's and my bf. He doesnt' mind or I don't mind him hanging out with his guy friends and me. You should talk to her calmly about it and she shouldn't bail on you if you two have plans. Just tell her, i understand you have new friends and i don't mind you hanging out with them, but i feel that we don't spend enough alone time together and I miss that etc...I don't wnat your friends taking over our time together...
  21. yeah irrational. i have those dreams too but they aren't true.
  22. its a phase, plus she's making new friends and girls always have things to say and stuff etc.. luckily she isn't chilling with guys. It's good to have a good group of gf's. But maybe in the future she can just tell you what the plans are so you can plan, instead of having her or you to rush Personally. i don't spend all my free time with my bf, nor does he. We do have our other friends to hang out with. lol don't act hard to get etc..that's not going to solve things. Just plan and ask her to tell you her plans if she has friend stuff planned. Try to understand she needs girlfriends blah blah. Maybe you aren't used to her hanging out with her friends and you.
  23. i don't really care if my bf tags along vice versa, we don't make a friend feel like a third wheel.
  24. i think it's important to let your dating partners know you are not exclusive b/c you don't want to be the one spreading diseases or std's etcc around and they should let you know too ( health reasons)
  25. well she's not too bad, i think she just needs to get a haircut ( a nice one with layers and side bangs),smile and put on a little bit of make-up. give her a gift certificate to a hairsalon with free make over or something. You said you care about her though inspite of it? like usually if you find the person's personality attractive, the person themselves become attractive to you no matter if they are good-looking or not. But i'm sure she's not the girl that has bad hygiene though ( that would be a different story then). problem is you went out with her the way she looked. It's different if you went out with a good looking girl and then they started to fall apart , then you can prolly say something. But maybe both of you can go get a makeover for fun, so it's not just her. But seriously she should get her hair redone and get layers and bangs. ( hair style can help a person's looks ALOT). Suggest it as a new style for her? my bf always tells me what hairstyle he likes and me for him too.
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