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Everything posted by sddeaston

  1. just be (or learn how to be) good in bed...nothing can give your ego a boost like a woman who is in ecstasy, screaming, or breathing super hard, or biting/scratching you because of what you have done...NOTHING.
  2. I would rather see a woman who is EITHER perfect, or not so perfect, who is confident and free to be sexually expressive....because its what is behind that appearance I am making love to. If the man is doing things right, his lady will be comfortable with him in all aspects. That makes for some GREAT times
  3. Ahh, good movie. Diane Lane makes it even better IMO
  4. Nope, and neither will I. I find those who act out like that generally have some sort of....inner demons, for lack of better terms. Something they are not happy with within themselves. Now this is totally a generalization taken from personal experiences and observations. But, I find it holds true in most instances. How, still, can they do that to someone they "have feelings for" or even are "in love with"? Crazy, but you would not want to be with someone who has that potential for a lifelong commitment anyway, right? Good Luck, I hope the rest of your holiday season is a bit brighter!!
  5. Hey man. This sucks. I am sorry for you!! I quoted you because of the last half-sentence you wrote. Right now, while its all fresh to you, it may be easy to feel like you will never be able to trust anyone again...or for that matter, to feel like you will ever WANT to trust anyone. But I will tell you, from experience, that you need to drop that outlook. It has been my experience that that outlook, no matter how much its there to protect yourself, will only end up hurting YOU. One of the most important elements to relationships is trust, and without trust, a relationship can only go so far. Even if the person thinks they are not projecting that onto their S/O, they are. I did, and I lost my fiancee, baby's momma and the one person in this world I have ever felt that I loved, truly. Like I said, I am sorry for your situation, but you are better off without that person in your life...sounded like she had issues. Just be glad you are done with her....and don't let what she did to you in this relationship ruin your relationships down the road. sd
  6. ??? hmmm. Well, I guess we all have our own analogies.
  7. I think it does not really have to do with the hair color. That being said, I like brunettes. I think dark hair is sexy.
  8. When a woman, who is confident in herself, can be comfortable and assertive in the sack......that is sexy, incredibly sexy!! Also when being "intimate", I think when the girl is slightly sweaty, like on her back or forehead is a major turn on....and I can't figure out why But physically, I think it varies greatly with the person I am looking at, and how I am looking at her. Like am I just hooking up, or am I starting/have I been in a relationship with this person. I have been with women who I thought were sexy because of their physical attributes, like their bodies or certain parts of their bodies, or even eyes can do it for me. Like the eyes that are so brilliant that I pretty much melt..thats sexy I also think that athletic girls are extremely sexy! But I have also been with women who I was not *AS* (but still was) attracted to just their appearance, but once it becomes a mental attraction, and I find a girl sexy mentally AND physically....its all over. Because at that point it can be anything that makes her sexy to me. Mannerisms, the pronunciation of certain words...even feet, which is insane to me, because on a purely physical level feet disgust me!! There is so much more, but those are the major ones. Wow, I need a cold shower.
  9. You HAVE however complicated it, but in no way have you ruined it....and you and your boyfriend are to be commended for showing the responsibility to want to get married. I think that is something that we should highlight in your situation, because its too easy to turn the other way and abort the pregnancy or give the child up for adoption. I do want you to know that one thing that Layword did say that will ring true for you is that you have no idea how hard it is to raise a baby. Because you don't. Even if you KINDA do...you don't. I have just found that statement is so very true....and I am 24. Just be prepared, and keep patient (hahahahahahaha if you can). My best advice for the marriage part is to wait. Trust me. I am not going to say that you will not like it, or that you will be divorced in a year. Because, while possible, no one knows your relationship, and are not you or your boyfriend...but I will tell you that as you get older your ideas, goals, and things like that change, and what you want now, may be different in the future...trust me! May not be either, but you never know either way. I hope things work out for you and your boyfriend...but most of all for your future child. Congratulations, btw!
  10. Don't let others affect YOUR self esteem. They are them, and you are you... completely separate entities!! I know how you feel, I am like you all...and I hate it. BUT...I am slowly learning what living life is about. Forget all the people around you. They, just like you, are people. On the same level, no higher, no lower. If they have something to say about you or if they are going to make a comment....let them, because no matter what, they will think it, just as you would about someone else. Some people are hasty, and quick to pass judgement, but those are generally the people who need some self esteem theirselves, and in a few years time, will find themselves in the very same shoes you (and we) are in right now. For all of you. You are good people, you deserve to be happy, and that starts with you, and loving YOU..Think about this. You need to treat yourself the way you want people to treat you. If you are constantly down on yourself and projecting a negative image onto YOURSELF...then of course thats what you will get from others..... Would you treat your best friend the way you treat yourself....? Nope, I hope not, or we would all be friendless probably. And I am certain thats not the case. So learn to treat yourself with the same respect and dignity you treat others (assuming thats how you all operate and you will slowly begin to TRULY feel content with yourself...and that is how happiness is born. Its not easy, no way!!!! I am only beginning myself. Good luck! PM me (anyone) if you would like to chat!!
  11. You say you are in a "mature" relationship....? Mature would have been to do the right thing when it came to the initial act of infidelity...the CHOICE YOU MADE. That being said, I think it best for you to take time away from them both. You can find yourself. You have been in a relationship with this guy since you were what...17..16? Thats young, and thats a long time, for anyone. Simply put, I think your situation has a lot to do with your age...and the fact that you have been with this guy throughout the years that are typically the years that people develop their own values, and discover who they are and who they want to be. You have yourself a situation that no matter what you do it seems....someone will be hurt. Be it you, or one of the other guys...understand that, and know you will likely hurt your boyfriend no matter what. Hope it works out.
  12. O man. She loves anal? Hmmm, I think I would be on the road to happiness if that was my situation JK, really though...thats awesome man, but if you don't like it....
  13. Exactly. MMF = no way. FFM = no way I would miss out on that opportunity.
  14. Why the worries? I am a 24 yr old male...been to college, and frankly don't remember A LOT of it, seriously.....I am not saying I am typical, because I know I did a lot more drinking and other stuff, but honestly...ur ok. I have seen way worse..hell, I have BEEN way worse.
  15. I would say the first thing you need to do to be popular with the ladies is to change your mentality. They see that before you realize you are projecting it...and with that going for you, good luck. Honestly, just relax, its no science, they are just people too, just like yourself. Yeah, true, there ARE the B*T*H*S, but when you run into one just smile at her, and move on to someone who deserves your time. Its all good if you let it be.
  16. Wow. I need to find a girl who has a sex drive like that....might even come close to mine, but then again, I have yet to experience that kind of luck.
  17. My crystal ball tells me that all psychics are full of crap. And that they don't like to work for a living
  18. Get used to it? Sucks for you...maybe try a MAN.
  19. I find it hard to NOT be able to satisfy a woman, and typically feel that people who worry about whether they will please someone or not just worry about nothing. Seriously, unless you "finish" WAY too soon, there is no real science behind it. Be responsive to her noises, breathing patterns, and body movements...you will know when she is having a good time. Honestly. I am no Don Juan or anything (but do like to consider myself rather...um, confident) but if you are a gentleman, and not a selfish lover, you will do just fine. It takes practice to figure out what sex is all about, and what makes it good for you *AND* her, but once you have a little confidence stored in you, no matter who you are with...its all good brother
  20. Nope, that means whoever is with you in the bed is lousy...I have never had that problem with my girlfriend(s)...but I am a gentleman.
  21. I have ruined my relationship with my fiancee, my son's mother. She has informed me as of last night that she is going to move, she needs to be happy. Things are not in any way bitter between us, as I have granted her wish, because I know now that all I want is for her to be happy. I love her so much. I do in fact want her back, but not until I fix the things that are the reason for our problems. They are issues with myself. I was unhappy with me, and in turn was grumpy and didn't treat her like I should have. No abuse, physical, emotional or verbal. Nothing like that. Just really irritable, grumpy. I was at one point pretty jealous too. I would like to think that we still have a shot. But, knowing that I had about a year to fix myself, and didn't, I know that this may be our fate. I am wondering...would this "strategy" be considered manipulative? I don't want to play mind games to get her back in my life. It makes sense, though. Absense makes the heart grow fonder. I just want her to come back on her free will. My last relationship ended because of the same, and I did all the cliche things that drove her away. I can make a difference in my life this time....but refuse to coax her back.
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