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Everything posted by sddeaston

  1. For running to be effective, you need to consistantly run 3-7 times a week. 1-2 times does not give you the consistency you need to gain the full benefits. I run in the mornings before work, (may not be possible for you) at 6 a.m. and since I started running three weeks ago, I can tell a difference in my body already. I can lose weight very easily though, and you may or may not differ. As far as eating, I can't really be of any assistance. I, myself, am trying to implement a healthy diet on a limited budget with small amounts of time as well. In fact, that is why I wanted to read this thread I have not changed my diet yet, and can only say that if I start doing this stuff in conjunction with one another, I can only speculate as to how good I would feel!! Good luck.
  2. Is this a bad thing? For me, its very normal and only with someone I am really into.
  3. Right on. I have always thought that. No, I would never pay for sex. I would rather spend my money and time investing in a long term relationship where she WANTS to have sex with me, and not with anyone who shows her dollar bills. For some reason, that seems to be much more satisfying.
  4. If you mean you get anxious or nervous that your SO is leaving for work/home/class...whatever, I would say its an insecurity issue at work. If you mean you are just going to miss the sex or closeness until he gets back, I would say its infatuation and there is nothing wrong at all in a harmless and controlled manner of course, there are those who smother. Sexual addiction I would imagine is where the thought of sex, or the act of sex is engulfing your time elsewhere and negatively affecting your ability to be productive in your everyday life. Enjoying sex is not wrong!!
  5. I think both are normal, and personally I find that to be an attractive quality in a mate. I don't think I would be in a relationship for too long with a woman who was not willing to do both, as I feel that sex is one of the biggest and most important components to a great relationship. Of course I would not just dump a girl right away if she didnt do it, I believe there is a period of time that should pass before those kind of things could be even acceptable. The same time period that it usually takes to be completely comfortable with your lover. Sex while a woman is on her period is nothing short of amazing, especially for those of you who are all about pleasing your woman!! I would say that those experiences are some of the best sex I have had, and that is directly linked with how much pleasure my lady was experiencing. As far as the respect question. That is where the time period comes into play. I believe that if a guy is going to lose respect for a girl solely through these acts that it will be because there has not been an emotional bond created yet. In this case, the guy is more enthused with the act itself, than with who is performing it on him (or with him). For me, these acts are done not JUST for the sexual pleasure, but to show your SO your love and appreciation. They should be shared with someone who you can trust and who you have an *emotional* connection with, and not just a physical attraction.
  6. Racism is, in large part, still alive because people try to get sympothy (i.e. a free ride) from society. It is much easier to put blame on others, than rising above those who embrace racism, and becoming a better, stronger person. This would of course mean that one would have to put some effort into it...which is what makes it un-appealing to most. I see racism as a tool to gain something for virtually nothing. Once a black woman tried to pull the racism card on me and I hit her with this argument. This woman, time and time again, would refer to white people as "you people", and "crazy whites". I pulled back for a minute, looked her in they eye and asked her if I called black people "you people" or "crazy blacks" what she would think. She responded with a snide remark and all I could think was that SHE, and people like her, are very much as responsible for racism still being a factor in our country as anyone else is....maybe even moreso. So, as much as you would LIKE that to be the problem, remember that you have a choice too. From reading your posts, I would say you should probably really think about that. This country is a crazy place, you may find that there are people who think nothing of a persons skin color, but value the person behind that skin.....but then again, don't you need to give someone a reason to value you as a person? I will assure you that your remarks don't resemble someone who puts any effort into caring for others...why would people reciprocate to negativity with kind, caring words? You get out of life what you put into it. This seems to be true in your case.
  7. You just wasted an entire paragraph trying to word your sentences in a way that was demeaning, yet sensible. I applaud your efforts, since I had to read it twice to really get the idea of what you were saying, but at the same time I see that coming from someone who only wants to appear smart. Basically I am saying that you are making up for something that you are TRULY lacking. Wisdom. (which by the way is different than KNOWLEDGE, which you seem to have at least a little bit of) If you were honestly as full of "wisdom" as you claim, you would look past the face value of the words of my (or anyone else's post) and you would be able to decide what is good advice FOR YOU, and what is not from there. As of now all I see is you throwing everyone's post in their face. I think you are someone who wants attention, who wants to be praised and congratulated for the smallest of accomplishments. I am sorry, as I do not know what experiences in your life took you to that point, but it must be difficult to deal with. You have undermined my efforts to help you out. Like I said, good advice may not always be worded the way you hope for, but it is still that...good advice. But since it has been more worth your time to take as much time as you have to tell us all why we are wrong, I will most assuredly stop wasting my time with this thread. Since you know we are all wrong, then enlighten us.... What the hell is the point?
  8. I did not state that you focused on the part about corporate america. I just find that to be something you have in common with millions of other people who have yet to realize that if they wanted to....that they could be part of it, a big part, and then they would change their mind. It seems that the people who don't want to make the sacrifices it takes to be great, are the same people who hate successful business professionals, which I am. I want to set the record straight. I think you took what I was saying the wrong way. I was not meaning to say that it is selfish to worry about yourself....because that would have been contradictory as I stated in my initial post that you are the only person responsible for your happiness. What I was meaning, is that it would be selfish to think your problems are the most important problems, or the most complex or difficult things to deal with and then to decide to end your life...other people have problems, just the same and are able to find some kind of coping mechanism. You can too, and this is where your age comes to mind. No matter how mature you are, no matter what you have seen or experienced...still you are young and have A LOT to experience...good and bad, and these experiences will shape you as a person, and only add to your "wisdom". Know this. I AM NOT DOWN-PLAYING your personal issues. I am not. But I am telling you that you need to put yourself out there and be who you want to be. It wont happen tomorrow, or next week or month. But it will happen eventually, you will see. Anything in life worth having, takes sacrifice. Onto responsibility. IMO, that does count, albeit in a minor way for responsibility. Look, when I was young, I was responsible too. When I was 14-15 I was taking care of my grandmother who was dying of ALS everyday instead of doing things that kids my age would be doing. I had a lot of things in my life that taught me some sort of responsibility or another, but it was not until I was older (and had a child) that I acquired responsibility in the whole sense of the word. My advise was not to cut you down. It was to point out that you were stressing the wisdom part so hard, that I think that is drowning out what you should focus on, and that is yourself, wisdom aside. I should point out that in order for this forum to be effective, the advice that is given to you should be welcomed, and should be taken with an open mind. I am not telling you to AGREE with it, but i noticed that you had a response for everyone, telling them why they are wrong. Maybe this has something to do with your dim outlook...?? I would think that if you TRULY wanted help, you would have taken advice here and at least given it some thought. Instead, you just shoot it down. So before you start telling me how to give advice, or that my advice might make your or someone else's situation worse, you need to understand that in the future, advice given to you is not always going to be what you want to hear. Thats Life. But I am sure you know that, with that wisdom and all.
  9. First, I would take my "infinite wisdom" and throw it out the window. What you are looking for has nothing to do with "infinite wisdom". With all of your "infinite wisdom" why don't YOU have the answer? I would think all that "infinite wisdom" would at least supply you with a basis for co-existing with negativity....I hope something gives you that, because if not, you are in for a long, hard life of only PERCEIVED downs, with no breaks or even a ray of sunshine. Because life is all about HOW YOU REACT TO SITUATIONS....and let me tell you, life does NOT deal you (or anyone else) all good scenarios. It seems that you are willing to expose your problems, or frustrations....but are not willing to really take a look at them, see where the REAL problems lie, and do everything in your power to make things be the way that you want them to be. The ONLY person TRULY responsible for your happiness........is you. Your comment on the big corporate engine is only symptomatic of your already tainted view on reality. I found that when I got off my butt and tried to change the direction my life was heading, even though it did not change immediately, I at least found some kind of satisfaction with the fact that I was in charge of what I did, and from there, it took off. I think responsibility (that is NOT equal to "infinite wisdom") is something that also adds meaning to life.....once acquired of course. I am not down-playing your personal issues. I am sure they exist, and that they are tough to endure. But, you have to remember, that as many problems as you have and as complex and deep as they may or may not be...the person sitting right next to you has issues of their own, and they are just as worried about theirs as you are about yours. It would be selfish to think your problems exist by themselves...of course your wisdom told you that....didn't it?
  10. Especially in the case of people LOOKING for a way to press charges against the cops. Seems to be evident in this case. Suicide is the easy way out anyways.
  11. Why in the world would one want to smell thy jizz rag?
  12. Ha ha! But you were so tasteful when you turned her down.
  13. Uh, yeah. Probably a good idea, at least until "Virgina" is as funny to you as it was to me.
  14. I'm a guy, and I would be disappointed in myself if I EVER turned down my SO for sex. I am pretty sure that, to date, that has not happened yet. So I say that in my personal experience, and as far as some of my friends....the statement about guys bein horny all the time is pretty close to accurate...IMO
  15. Another vote for "the wetter the better"...thoroughly enjoy that, I do.
  16. In light of Clerks II.... I agree!!!
  17. Kinda sounds like he is still a little shy about being sexually expressive. The comment, about the movie....made me think that. IDK... my 2 cents
  18. Ha ha. Needless to say I have never ran into a woman with that problem. And if I do in the future, I don't think I would find that very easy to get past. At all.
  19. So I have a question, ladies. How do you all feel when it comes to body hair. I am not talking (although seen a lot of threads on it lately) about pubic hair. I mean body hair in general, gross you out? Or does it matter to you?
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