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Everything posted by sddeaston

  1. and my outlook on dogs vs. people is not a product of unresolved anger towards the family pooch for getting more attention.
  2. Maybe the reason I am not as into dogs as she is, is because I got tired of her liking her dogs more than her children
  3. Actually, have had dogs since I was a child. And they respect me, and do not cower down to me. My dogs are very well disciplined, healthy loving animals. They are not annoying, and they are not the kind of dogs that make people think twice about coming to my house. I do not shower them with oodles of love and affection though, as that is not me. Maybe this issue could be better argued as the difference between men and women, or a small aspect of the differences.
  4. No, that is ridiculous and I would love to see people who commit such atrocious acts be taken off the streets. THAT is wrong. But I don't understand how people take a dog in like its a person...dogs are dogs, not people. BTW, my mom is one of these people and I give her a TON of crap about it. I am not AGAINST people who are this way, I just don't understand it. That said, I re-read the OP. I must apologize as I overlooked the part in the OP where she stated she could never have children. I am sorry, and in your case, it is more pheasable (at least to me) that one would be attached in that way to their dog.
  5. I am not in any way putting down the OP...I was just interjecting my POV on the situation.
  6. I just mean that abusing a dog and abusing a child are defined differently. Jerking a kid around by their shirt is one thing, but grabbing a dog by the collar.. come on. Spanking the dog...?? Why is discipline, in general, always frowned upon? I DO UNDERSTAND there is a fine line between abuse and discipline, and if someone was doing that to my CHILD I would have their head. But a dog...I guess I fail to see how one can be so connected to a dog.
  7. I understand not wanting the dog to be ABUSED, but it needs discipline. ITS A DOG.
  8. #1, portion control. Don't leave the table STUFFED. Leave content. #2, exercise. Start with something aerobic that gets your heart rate going for at least 20 minutes at a time. If you can't do the full twenty minutes, don't feel bad and give up, just keep working at it and you will work up to the twenty, then beyond! #3, diet. You need to be mindful about what you put into your body. It REALLY does make a difference. Not today, not tomorrow, but combined, day after day, your body will show you its appreciation, I promise. Two summers ago I came back from college weighing in at an impressive 295 lbs. I had only graduated high school 4 years prior, and graduated at 225. A slim 225 as I am naturally a large person. When I came back, I decided that I was going to do something for myself. I started out with the portion control. I just stopped eating too much. I did however, eat. It is very important to not skip meals, especially breakfast. When your body is hungry and gets to a certain point, it will start processing fat cells, which is counter productive. Then after a week or so, I started an actual diet. I will not advise you to what your diet should be, we all know what is healthy. But make it realistic, and don't start out with a god awful diet that will make you hate it within the first couple days. Just slowly implement this, and make it a lifestyle. Then I started running in the mornings before work. Just for as long as I could take it. Then I started pushing it more and more once I started getting into better shape. I made this an every morning thing. Rain or shine, ice or not. Its too easy to make excuses not to go. Everyone does it. Then after about another two weeks I was in a position where I wanted to start lifting. So I did. After about a month and a half, I lost 45 lbs and was lookin damn good. I made it a lifestyle and am now enjoying it fully!! Its all about dedication. If you want it, you will go get it.
  9. Creatine needs to be taken before workout. Its a chemical your body produces naturally. Creatine does not create more energy for the muscle, it accelerates the mending period after muscles are broke down through activity, which accelerates muscle gain. It is also (in some cases) packed with insulin which makes your body retain water and appear bigger. I was a VERY competitive baseball/football player in high school and in college. I used creating for a number of years until I got injured. I do not advocate creatine, as it accelerates your muscle growth and does not give tendons and ligaments time to strengthen first, which is imperative. I could have avoided injury by hard work in the gym, and not seeking the easy way to get what I wanted. I am not trying to bash on anyone for taking it, I am just putting in my .02 because creatine was part of the reason I had to stop playing baseball in college, and I had opportunities. But yeah. I suggest taking it before the workout, that way your body has time to process it and it can start working as soon as your body needs it.
  10. I do cardio in the mornings. And after work I lift weights. That gives me both of my workouts, and an extended rest in between both activities providing my muscles time to rest and re-gain their full strength. It is not a matter of whether you do it before or after unless you do it RIGHT before you lift, because as others have said it tires your muscles and you can not give full effort to the weights. If you run and don't lift, your upper body will lose muscle mass. If you lift and don't run, your body will gain strength, and slowly will store fat around those muscles as a protective layer....naturallly. If you combine the two, in any fashion, you will have both bases covered. It does not have to be back to back, your body will respond the same.
  11. I have never had a girlfriend who was unable to orgasm, in any position. Unless they could fake very well I have to say missionary is a great way to start...and even end, but I find that from behind we both get the most satisfaction, although I have been out of the "game" for quite some time now. When I would hold my lady friends' legs straight up and thrust from that position, it would make for a much deeper penetration. That usually resulted in some loud bedroom moments. I must also say that (TMI??) my...uhh, member has a slight curve to it, so naturally (luckily) I hit the right spots. You could just need to angle your hips so that the penetration is at the right angle. That will make a lot of difference for you. Hope I helped, and kept my dignity at the same time
  12. I should have mentioned that I have asthma as well. I control it by staying in good physical condition. I have perscriptions for things that are supposed to combat the asthma -long term- but I hate being medicated. Even with asthma I have not felt the chest pain. There was once when I was a sophomore in high school at football practice I got extrememly light headed and my chest felt like it was going to implode....but I attributed that to lack of oxygen, and it never happened again. I was not in the best of shape at that point as it was at the beginning of daily doubles in the *very hot* sun. Have you ran since?
  13. I am not a health guru, but I run frequently. I have been running/lifting/playing sports since I was very young and have never experienced this. I have been through some very intense training too, and have been pushed to where I thought my limit was, and still have never experienced this. I would not panic however, especially if this was the first time. I would, however, go see your doctor. When you are dealing with chest pain, that is nothing to overlook. How old are you?
  14. Ha ha. That's some good advice anggrace. I second that.
  15. You have one life. Why not be what you want, and do what you want....for yourself? Its good and all that he wants you to be successful. But I get the feeling that what he wants as far as you (or any girlfriend to him) to be driven or successful, is not for you-but for him. I would love to be able to support my girlfriend (or wife) so WE could retire young, or so she did not have to work anymore. Of course, that is how I feel.
  16. Haha. I got the whole mental image too. That would make a good (adult) cartoon
  17. Personally, when I was in college and using Bit Torrent and others, I used it primarily for music. I can say though that once I realized it had porn, I occasionally d/l'ed somethin. I currently (and that is remnants of my college days) have less than a gig of porn on my computer....WAY less. Probably less than 250 MB to be honest. I would say that a gig or two of porn is quite a bit. But it would depend more on how long it took him to acquire that much. If he has had the computer for years and just has forgotten some stuff it would be one thing. But a couple gigs of porn, 7-10 d/l's at a time...hmmm, that is starting to at least sound a bit obsessive. What is the situation/reason you ask?
  18. DO IT!! Totally! I can tell you if my gf did something like that for me, no matter what, I would be incredibly turned on. ESPECIALLY if she was not really one to do that kind of stuff. Yep!! Thats exactly what I was thinking.
  19. I can recall at least two girlfriends in my past telling me this. I am currently single.
  20. Ya. I find makeup to be somewhat of a turn off. I love...LOVE lip GLOSS though. I think thats incredibly sexy. Sunglasses for some reason are a turn on to me. Weird. I also find myself attracted to very small, feminine hands. Ooooohh, and I can't forget to mention a womans neck. MMMMM. Now that is sexy
  21. The sex is only incredible because of the taboo nature of your situation.
  22. There are things you can do. It is called agorophobia. Google it, but make sure the things you read are from a reliable source. It can cause you more anxiety if you read something that lacks a reputable reference. But in any case, you should also contact someone. Your regular doctor, start there and he/she can referr you to see someone who can deal with this. Please do not panic, this is completely treatable. It is up to you however to take initiative and talk to your doctor. You owe it to yourself. Let us know how things go, we can help in the mean time!!
  23. Ha ha!! I, as a guy, would approach you too (definitely with no romantic intentions) just because I would be interested in what the hell you are doing. I would also approach if I saw more ladies come up to you, and ask to be your friend.
  24. I am not sure if women do these things on purpose. Its like a sub-conscious thing that makes them react in these subtle ways to the sight of you, or upon making eye contact. Don't get me wrong. I am not into the -hard to get;you didn't see it, now your chance is gone; relationships with me are very difficult- type of stuff. All I mean is a womans mannerisms towards you when you look at her, or body language suggesting that she is receptive towards you. Games like that ARE childish, and if thats what you were originally meaning (Tiredman) then I was mistaken.
  25. How is that similar to childhood games? How is reading body language and monitoring demeanor a game? Is it that you never "played" it, or were never good at it? The ability to pick up on signs from a woman is NOT childish. Its not guessing. It is a SKILL. And that skill does not limit itself to women. If you can read women well my man, then you can read the rest of the population. Personally, I have been approached by most of the women I have dated, or had flings with. Now that I am out of college, I too see a decline in the amount of women who approach me. I have had to push the issue a lot more, and once I learned what to look for, I was able to cut down the rejections immenesly Once you can spot the signs of attraction, or at least interest, talking to women is much, much easier! And definitely a lot more fun.
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