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Everything posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. Hey, thanks for the explanation, gotta admit I still don't get it but I AM super glad I don't live in that world. Sounds like the opposite of a nirvana or heaven...scary. Best of luck to you dude. I hope, for your comfort, you do get the "hell" out of dodge.
  2. I say that same sentiment to my husband when I get frustrated with the kids, or the fact that we have them, "Who's idea was it to have kids??!! I just wanted to have sex!" (I'm kidding of course....)
  3. Gaz - I think it takes a big man to admit he's not ready to be a father. I think more people should admit that. Or at least look at it. Just the fact that you are acknowledging it says loads about what kind of person you are. You may not be the most responsible or best fit (for example) but I definitely think you should, if the baby is yours, be a part of his/her life. You DO have something to offer the child and that is who YOU are. If you don't live with or raise the child directly, please for the sake of his self-esteem and over all well being, be a part of his life. DEMAND THAT. Even just being someone he/she knows as her father can make worlds of difference. I totally admire and commed you for your admission. Its a hard thing to realize and takes even more to admit. Don't be afraid to offer a part of who you are to a child. Even if all that is, is a bit of your time and presense.
  4. Here's MY two cents, take it for what its worth... I'm not a psychic, don't even believe it that stuff, but I think if you remain a really good friend with her thru her rebound relationship(s), you may end up with her for the long haul. She obviously likes you. Even tho you back and forthed her while dating and even tho you STILL aren't consistent in your treatment of her. I think you should try to find an outlet for your jealously and try to be a good friend to her. Listen to her exploits, tho they kill, be there for her during break-ups and masterbate more often. Even if you don't end up together romantically when all is said and done, you may have a really good friend out of the deal.
  5. I definitely don't think you should tell him the when you starting seeing your current bf, but he may need, at some point, to hear that you are seeing someone else. It may help him move on and stop holding out hope. If and when you do tell him, I would reccommend no details. Just the fact that you are currently in a relationship. Leave out all the mushy love stuff, no matter how hard he presses you for details. Also, maybe be prepared for some sort of emotional out pour, either anger or crying... You should probably tell him as soon as possible so he has the opportunity to deal with it. The longer you wait, the more difficult it could be for him. Tell him with your voice, whether in person or over the phone, I would personally use a telephone. Let him hear you say it. Let him hear the feeling in your voice. Good luck. And I think its nice that you are asking and thinking of him and considering his feelings before just dumping it on him.
  6. He needs to more than say it Comp. He needs to feel it and show it. In this case, his actions will speaker a thousand deciples louder than his words. If you can get him to say it and then back it up with his actions, I think you're golden, but I think you were right to stop it where you did and tell him to get back to you when he knows!
  7. The reason she doesn't talk about him in front of you could be be-cuz she knows you don't like him. I agree with every 1 else tho - you've already said how you feel, its up to her now. But if the relationship is, in your opinion a bad one, you should hang close to her thru-out. You don't have to hang out with or like her husband. He's her choice, not yours. But she is your friend and she may need one more than she knows.
  8. I think yes, he is just trying to remain in contact. I think you should maintain your NC. What's a break? And what's the difference between taking one and breaking off?
  9. Not to creep anybody out or anything, but I HAVE to share this... my four year old LOVES bugs. I have a really hard time because I don't. But, I don't want to crush her natural curiosity or love of the little guys so we encourage her. It comes in handy when there's bugs in the house too, cuz she'll get 'em. Anyway, for her birthday we got an entomologist who gives presentations at b-day parties and schools and stuff, to come out with his bug collection. She was holding tarantulas (although very briefly cuz even she got a bit scared) giant milipedes (she loved those, she held a ton of those) scorpions, all kinds of those things. My daughter BEGGED me to hold one of the milipedes. Because I didn't want to disappoint her or make her think there is anything to be afraid of, or make her think she's weird for liking them, yada yada parent stuff... I held one! IT WAS SOOOOO FREAKY, but I got a lot closer to getting over it. After a while, it wasn't so bad. And then I quickly found party things that I needed to attend to. Face your fears! Get into a pool of really big, long, hairy-legged spiders and just start swimming!
  10. yeh, wow...when you put it that way Scotcha, I guess I am too. But to the point of phobia, I dunno. Doesn't phobia mean, like, scared to a dibilitating degree?
  11. Ailec, while I agree with you as I am devout and practicing atheist myself, I think we should be careful of words like ignorant in describing a whole, whole bunch of people who could be offended. Tesseract, as an atheist, I know what you're saying about being, as you said quite well, "antagonized" by the idea of no longer being. Are you sure you're only 14? Anyway, I was going to write the same thing essentially. I constantly contemplate, maybe to the degree of a phobia, no londer being here or being (living) at all. I think I also have a fear of getting old, prolly cuz that leads to certain death, until we find a cure for it.... I know fear of getting old has a specific name, but I dunno what it is off the top of my head, I forgot...first thing to go is the memory
  12. I think if you apologize and are sincere and tell him that your intensions were not malicious but out of eagerness to be with him, he'll understand.
  13. Diggity, I loved your analogy about feeling like the last pin left standing. Very precisely descriptive. And when you said you feel like you've walked away from a boiling pot, I could totally relate. Even though it has been a while since I was dumped by a bf, I was instantly taken back to that feeling. Seems to me, if judging by those writings, that you are a very passionate person. I don't know how long this hurt will take for you to get over. But I guarantee if she is still calling you, it will take loads longer. You should ask her to please stop and let her know how much it hurts you. She prolly doesn't know. She calls because even though she's the one who left, she still left a life she was used to. It is probably hard for her on some levels too. But you need to ask her to stop. Tell her that you feel you will never be able to move on if she keeps calling. Its like if someone were to die and as you're grieving their loss, they stop by or call you. THAT would suck and its isn't fair to you. You need the time to mourn the loss of the relationship and move on with your life.
  14. Why not tell her? I mean, its not like you're showing her your collection of feet that you've confiscated from cadavers, is it??!!? You just have a thing for feet. Dako has a thing for hands. So what. If you inflate it in to something weird, than it will be perceived as something weird.
  15. Good for you Diggity! I'm glad you're posting here. I hope it helps.
  16. There are way too many questions that come up for me. May I share them?? Just somethings I would ask. I'm wondering if, in the middle of an un-happy marriage, she maybe thought of someone who made her happy and obsessed about that person to help her through. I think her story hurts you because you care about her and hate the thought of her being taken advantage of. BUT what I want to know is, do you trust her? She said she's ok with it and that she doesn't necessarily feel taken advantage of. What we (you or I) feel about this guy and the future of his daughter's teenage friends is irrelevant. What is it EXACTLY that bothers you about this particular part of her life? Are you looking for a way to make a relationship NOT happen because... maybe its a lot of pressure that she left a husband and child to see you?? I think more internal questions need to be asked. And dude, be gentle or you really could scare her away. If the situation when she was 15 made her feel bad and you keep bringing it up like it happened to you, you risk making her feel even worse. Don't make her feel bad dude. That's not cool. Be there to make her feel better. Be the guy she can depend on as someone to go to when she feels bad, not someone she goes to who makes her feel worse. Good luck dude.
  17. Yeh Betsy, I agree you should tell him but you're asking HOW, right? How about just telling him WHY you said you were already 18. The reason you gave us seems logical enough. You didn't think he'd be interested if you were only 17. I think you should let him know you realize it wasn't the smartest thing to do and you are sorry you said it, but you really want him to know the truth. I think if you apologize and are sincere and tell him that your intensions were not malicious but out of eagerness to be with him, he'll understand. Here's hoping!
  18. lol! I like the pouring pee out of a boot one! When something made sense or became clear to my dad, he always used to say, "I see, I see, said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw." I always liked that one. My grandpa always told my mom that she smelled like a goat. She said he said it for years and she would get so mad. Then one day he finally told her that he only said that to her because it was true, goats also smell with their noses. Mean? I suppose, but my mom's not very bright so its sorta funny!
  19. That's a good idea. That's what I'll do. Thanks!
  20. well....Ta_ree_saw, perhaps you should talk to your husband about it more seriously.
  21. I don't know the legalities of a TA / Student relationship but if you are in a position of authority over someone, ie parent, teacher, coach, boss, etc. it is illegal to date or have sex with them.
  22. I think if you are uncomfortable with it and he continues, that is disrespectful. Again with this topic and I don't mean to start another huge debate, but people are attracted to other people. Even if they are with their perfeck mate. Looking doesn't equal cheating. But, as I said, if it bothers you, you've told him it does and he blatantly disregards your feelings, he is being disrespectful.
  23. Dude, I'm so sorry you feel so bad. I hate to hear that you've cried so much and haven't slept. Things will get easier. Set little time goals for yourself. If you can just make it until this afternoon. Then in the afternoon, push on til the night time. When its night time, tell yourself you did a good job and that you just want to make it thru the night. In the morning, tell yourself you just have to get thru the day. One step at a time. It will get easier and easier. Find things to do to fill the times you are trying to make it to next. If you're trying to make it until the evening, go grocery shopping. A public task where you are somewhat forced to be composed. Trying to make it thru the night, watch comedy after comedy until you fall asleep from the exhaustion of laughing... And post here during the difficult time as well as on the good days. Good luck dude. I'm pullin' for ya!
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