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Everything posted by lovecrazy

  1. I agree a DNA test is best...But if she is un-fit which it seems, that she is by stealing and cheating. I would try and get full custody of this child. and honestly you asking for advice doesnt make you seem like an irresponible person. So you might be a good father. The least likely ones, turn out to be the best. IF I were you, and this was your child, pending a DNA test, I would be in this child's life! I mean how would you feel if your father wasnt in your life. I know for me it hurts, and still bothers me to this day! I wish you the best of luck. But the greatest gift in life is a child! I know I want one, but I dont feel I am ready as you. But like the old christain saying goies "God will only put on you what you can handle" When life hands you a lemon, break out the tequilla! LOL But seriously, having a child should be a wonderful experience. Be in this childs life, you wont regret it!
  2. I agree with the self-esteem post! Her friends, were wrong for saying the things that they did, about you! And besides Jackie Chan is a Hottie, so take that as a compliment! My boyfriend is Thai/white, and I am whtie. We do get strange looks! I once dated a hispanic guy, and we used to get the strangest looks. I am one of those white people that glows in the dark! So I am sure you can imgaine the looks that I got. I would just stare at people until they became uncomfortable...Some types of people you can do that to, and some you cant! Honestly you sound like an intelligent guy! So just work on your self esteem! And you will be fine.. I also know a Hispanic and asain couple. They look great together...and their babies will be beautiful! So dont worry about rasict or immature people!
  3. Darling - I just want you to know that some people will look down on you for that! But its not a bad thing whatsoever! Do what ever makes you happy! I know I am trying!
  4. Oh no i would never try and separate him and his friends! It was his idea to stay! I offered and he refused..But I think we got it worked out!
  5. No point in beating a dead horse, i have already spoken to him! And thanks for the advice....
  6. Well he talked to me! The converstaion was basically...he didnt care I was upset, he still believes I was over reacting.....and I said it hurt that he didnt defend me, or tell him not to say that! And he said that is just how he is! Regardless...say something....to your friend. He said I will get over it! * * *? I am sorry but it really hurts...that he wouldnt defend me!
  7. Thank you...but he will not talk to me right now...he is upset with me. Rather his friend was joking around I found it hurtful!
  8. Last night, my boyfriend made plans for us, to go see one of his friends DJ at a club in Atl, GA. Well we didnt end up going because I was tired. This was his decision not to go. I offered because I didnt want to be the reason for him not to go. He told me that he didnt want to make me go since I was tired, Well I just went to bed then, No problem. Fast forward til tonight, he is talking to his friend the DJ, and his friend made a comment that you should have let the * * * * * * * * * (a bad word starting with a B) at home. And my boyfriend just laughed at it. I find this disrespectful. Am I wrong for feeling that way? He says I am overreacting, and not to take his friend serious. Well joking or not I feel he shouldnt say that! And that my boyfriend should have at least said..."hey dude dont say that, it was my choice to say home." Am I over reacting? as he feels I am!
  9. I would tell her not to act like she is 15 years old trying to attrack an older man! Acting desperate is unattractive! See how she reacts to that!
  10. Have you tried speaking to your stepfather, about him persuing gettin custody of her! Because if you were to testify on her behalf, it might work in the court system? I honestly think you should try and get in contact with a lawyer, and try and get her away from your mother. She maybe your mother, but she sounds evil to me!
  11. I love about my darling boyfriend...is that he is the biggest dork! he plays World of Warcraft! And they can speak to each other through the interent and everything. I got a picture of him with his headphones on with his microphone! It was so cute. I love the fact, that he can be the sweetest guy, then the most stubborn! We have a crazy relationship...but I love him! Very much so! He is for the most part very honest....adventureous....great in bed! And just the whole package. Oh and I love his butt LOL
  12. I agree with everyone else...just keep telling her, that you are not like the other guys...and that you can be trusted...and just keep telling her that you love...her But I suggest do it little romantic ways something that she will remember! I know that would work on me! Try buying those plastic flowers, just one and write on it with permanent marker...I love you! And I am not going anyway...just something like that! Its very corny but it works!
  13. If he is telling you that he loves you, it sounds like to me, he is willing to trust you again. So I would just lay back, and try and not worry. I mean for him to say I love you there has to be some form of trust!
  14. You are completely correct, My behavior has pushed him away...But from what I understand, our relationship can be saved. If I do stop this behavior because it is very bad. so please feel free to give more comments.....I know I will do the same! I hope everyone has a good day!
  15. thank you for your replies! It has helped
  16. i doubt he would cheat on me! I do love him...and I am trying so hard not to over react.... And he lied because I have "freaked" and complained about her calling! For some reason, I just dont want them talking, its just a gut feeling I have... I cant explain it...I dont know It might just be old issues from past relationships....I just want to pretend this day never happened...but its eating away at me They are friends, and I dont think he sees anything in her, or ever wants to be with her again. I still dont like her. BUt lord...help me... I am going to say I am insecue! Ok I am insecure. oh lord... I told him I didnt want him talking to her....but I wouldnt stop him. I will try and not * * * * *...but I have no idea where to go from here... I love this guy with all my heart. But my fears overcome me, I am so afraid that I will push him away...by me overreacting... HELP! Im just sitting here crying, feeling so guilty because I pushed him to lie...by freaking out in the past! But at the same time I am so mad, because he did lie. That is the thing I hate worse. And I am also trying to think of his feelings, and just leave it alone, and think about how he feels and how I pushed him to lie! But I am still so mad! What do I do?
  17. I was on my home phone with my boyfriend, and I checked his voicemail, (he knew about it) i was going to change his greeting as a joke, and well there it was a saved message from his ex girlfriend with her new number! And I asked him tonight, if he had spoken to her....he answered no! He didnt know how the voicemail got there...then he said he hasnt spoken to her! Well after a little while he finally admitted he talked to her! And I asked why did you lie to me? He responded "Because he knew I would freak out" I have * * * * *ed in the past about her calling...so I guess I have myself to blame...but the thing is he lied! Regardless of me * * * * *ing or not. I dont know if I should feel guilty for * * * * *ing or not? So please advice, I am very weak as of right now!
  18. just give him a small quick hug! It's not heartless, its not too much heart. Just keep it small talk, if he wants to talk about the relationship, then tell him, its not a good idea, because that was last year and this is this year! Or something like that! While at home, just be sweet, kill him with kindness!
  19. it should if the girl is 16 and he is 24! I am sorry but wait to date this girl when she 18! Honestly!
  20. Well....yes it can be your strength as long as you think it is. If you think positive then it will be positive! You can only take it one day at a time! Try being spontaneous, and tell him to try and plan something, kinda switch rolls! It helps my boyfriend and I! Dont get me wrong, my boyfriend and I are completely different. Music, movies, live styles everything. But that is what I love about him!
  21. Now this is my opinon only! On the Friends with Benefits thing! If you regret what you do in the past, that makes me feel you regret yourself! Hard to explain, but if you interrupt it my way it makes sense. Your boyfriend, must look at that type of relationship as nothing but lowering your self! Well you know what, what you did in your past, was your decision, it fit you situation then, it doesnt go along with it now! So he has nothing to do! SOme girls who have done that, including myself, are viewed as * * * * * *! or Hoes, and you are only that if you let people think you are! So tell him that is in the past, and for him to get over it! Now as for the communication skills, I am the same way! When my boyfriend pisses me off, I write in my onlinejournal, to vent, or I send him an email! I am terrible at telling him how I feel, because I have a bad temper. He views it as something bad, like why cant I talk to him? Like its a bad thing, and to be honest its just me not him! So tell him you will try and work on it! If you need a little bit to think then take the time, because if you dont then you will say something you will regret later! Trust me, been there done that! If you want suggest link removed and write your feelings in there. Sometimes for me it helps to write things out, to figure out my next plan of action, just tell him to read it. It helps with my boyfriend and I! But it does take time from going to not communitcating for a few hours, or days at a time, to actually tackling the problem head on! So just take your time! And try and change if you feel this is how it should be!
  22. Tylin- You are much mroe of a brave women than I will ever be! But it has been close to 6 months of changing! He is not getting the help he needs. And you know I have been dealing with depression for along time, and I battle with it every day! For the most part I am ok. But then there are days where I am jsut going nuts over worries. And you know what I am so sick of it! I have a boyfriend who has been unemployed for a little over 6 months, and in my opinon, has barely tried looking for a job! And honestly I worry! But you know, I read some where. Its time to make yourself happy! The things you have typed, make me want to cry right along with you! He is emotionally abusing you! You deserve better! The thing is, you dont have to feel guilty for someon else's failure. The thing is you have been helping your husband since the day you met him! His dad didnt change, and he was raised that way! It is very hard to change the way one was raised. My Suggestion tell him either he gets the help he needs, or he is gone! I am about at the point where if my boyfriend, doesnt find employment, I am going to leave! Actually I am at that point! I have lost respect, and it takes a toll on everything!
  23. AGAIN I agree with RAYKAY! She is a very bright women! If I were I would claim, the money, and go hide with it for a while! go Travel, donate to charities as well! Its good to help people! And I agree God does work in mysterious ways! but you have a huge blessing! So go celebrate but also try and help others! You seem like humble person! Just go and have fun, you deserve it! And people stop asking the guy for money! He will probably help those who are UNABLE to help themselves! Have a great day everyone!
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