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Everything posted by lovecrazy

  1. ok! what is your situation! because every situation is different! Did you have a bad break up! Or was it fairly decent? But I dont suggest breaking the NC Rule!
  2. I have been sitting at work thinking about my first formal dance! I looked so good! We danced all night long! It was romantic!
  3. WOW..this is really good stuff! Blender, you sound like an intelligent women! You are special! Dont contact him. I just read on another forum! That you should make yourself happy before others! No matter who it is! I sometimes live by that statement, but it is very hard! Solo - you seem to have grown, so you do sound like a good man! And I think you two are awesome Have a good day! Please keep posting!
  4. OK..I see a few problem with this guy! He is immature, because..he was only taking into consideration of what his "friends" thought of him! Not the person he loved....which in my opinon should be the only opinon that matters! Second, he was more concerned with the thoughts of others rather than how you were feeling! I dont know about your condition, but having two drinks and passing out is not good! So it shows me he has no concern with your well being! I know I may sound harsh, but why would you be concerned with him, since he was treating you so badly! Basically I see you being concerned, becasue you loved this guy, with all your heart! Girl, dont drink! Great thing! Just take care of yourself! Ignore this guy, it will help in more ways than one!
  5. Does anyone here, ever think about their first loves? I heard my first love's and mine "love song" on the radio last week! I havent heard, it in a few years! Then I heard it on the radio today, about the same time, and the same station again! Strange! But it got me thinking of the memories! Just wondering what he is doing! (I dont want to be back with him, so if my boyfriend reads this) Just really thinking of the past!) Just thought it was strange!
  6. CUT THE HOE OFF! Sorry to be blunt! This chic is just an attention seeker! Tell her to stop calling you!
  7. You know I was 16 and did the same exact thing that she did! And honestly I dont know why I didnt stop! I lied for close to two years about it. And he broke up with me because he couldnt trust me! Trust is a big deal! SO honestly I am thinking it is more of the fact that she lied, rather than her smoking! No matter what the lie was about! I understand you dont like her smoking! It sounds like she is addicted! I dont care who says "Oh its easy to quit smoking" No it isnt, I have tried and failed plenty of times! Now if you want to stay with her! Make it known you dont like her lying to you! And that if it happens again you are gone! I would ask her to smoke in front of you for a while. I know you dont like it, but it is hard to quit! And it sounds like she doesnt want to! But limit her smoking in front of you! And if you are just going to break up with her, then I wouldnt even talk to her for a while! I lost my first love because of my "lie" so I dont hide anything anymore! I have no reason to anymore! Honesty is the best policy! And good luck! Keep us posted!
  8. I woudl just send her one last email! Just stating something like...You were dumb for making comments, and that you are here to support her, tell her you are extremely sorry for the hurtful words (if they were hurtful) Tell her you want to take care of her and the un-born! And that she means the world to you, just restate about that since your ex, ruined you, that you got scared. And that you realize she is nothing like the ex. And that you are extremely sorry! When women are pregnant, their emotions are going crazy! Just how it works, I should state that not all women are like that! But most, at least the ones I know!
  9. If you feel you can handle the relationship..then stay with it.. You also need to think that he has been doing this for 2 years...is he worth more of your tears if this does happen again...There are plenty of men out there who will not cheat nor hurt you in anyways! I honestly would tell him you need some time to think for yourself....he has betrayed your trust...so you have a right to have time to yourself... and honestly if you do stay with him...it will always linger in the back of your mind if he is cheating or not! So it will take a long time to get the relationship where it needs to be!
  10. Congrats everything worked out.... I have major trust issues,with people...not really sure why! But I am working on it!
  11. Thanks for the help...I just dont want it to be too corny! lol... Which seems to be my best feature lol
  12. you are correct on that! I was thinking of renting his favorite movies, and just bringing him his favorite meal...since I cant cook lol I just dont have access to his house, so its kind of hard. My house is out of the question!
  13. It is the right thing to do! You need time to heal, and she isn't allowing that. She needs time as well to get her life together!
  14. Not sure what to do! My boyfriend isnt working right now...so he wont be able to pay for dinner, or whatever...and I dont want him to feel bad that he cant...So will it make him feel bad if I pay? And honestly just going to dinner is boring....so over done...Our 1 year is on Weds...so I guess I should have made plans earlier lol....I have no Idea what to do for him! I have thought maybe dinner and a movie...but that is just so played out... I was thinking of getting him...a bucket filled with his favorite candy! And leaving at his house first thing in the morning....with a note something cute... Not sure what else.. any ideas?
  15. Well some of you read my posts, and just wanted to update you on somethings! Well my boyfriend is still being affectionate, and meaning it! He kind of has a job so an improvement. He has been managing a few websites with a few friends, and actually is building some sites of his own, making some money...In the mean time he is actually looking for a job...so he is doing better. umm the ex called again, he didnt answer...and I told him either he tells her to stop calling next time she calls, or I am gone..He agreed so we are doing better. He is treating me better, and actually trying...so for right now I am happy with this... I am praying he and our relationship improves. I am trying not to nag as much, so I guess we are all improving.... Thanks for the advice everyone
  16. Hey girl! I am in ATL as well..I have a few friends that go to UGA! Anways....if you feel you are ready to be physical with your ex, then do it. But if not, just tell him this weekend is as friends. ONLY! If he cant accept that, then tell him to go home! You dont need any added pressure, just try and enjoy each others company!
  17. Ok first off I am going to say this, You are very brave for being "out of the closet" espeically at a young age! Now as far as the cheated, you have lot going on from what I can tell at a young age. Being a teenager and gay is very hard! So mad props to you! Anyways, you it seems like you made a mistake. And you are paying for it. It shows that your boyfriend is still hurt, and he probably blames himself, because he introduced you two. So you just need to understand, that when trust is lost, that it takes a long time to get that back. I would honestly just tell him everyday that you love him, and support him. and be his friend, and a lover at the same time. It just takes time to get back what you once had! my boyfriend and I are finally getting back to what we should have been.
  18. you owe this jerk nothing! He was the one to stop calling! Dont even stress, him like you said you have no feelings.....leave him in the past....explain to the new guy what happened....and leave it at that
  19. Honestly sweetie he sounds like a jerk! I had an ex who used to talk with his ex girlfriend all the time. But he would hide it. Does he hide that he talks to this girl? Honestly you could do better. You sound like a smart girl, like I have told others on here before you came here for advice. So you have addressed the problem Honestly I kind of have the same problem with my boyfriend. But not as deep as yours. (my boyfriend's ex calls every once in a while, and he doesnt pick up, and he doesnt call her. But I wish he would just tell her to stop calling but he says " I dont want to talk to her, which is bs) Anywas I would tell him it either you or her. And if he continues to speak with her, I would leave him. I understand you must be thinking, how could this person I have no clue who it is, tell my to leave my boyfriend. But the reality is, if he is hiding talking to her, what else is he hiding? You said he was doing drugs? if he is doing drugs he doesnt need to be around your kids. I am not sure of the laws in Tornoto, but in the US drugs are a big deal. i work at a jail bail bonding company. And they hand down severe jail terms for drug dealers, and druggies. Your children deserve a life drug free, with out drama. Look out for the best interest for your kids Why did he go to jail the first time? Please keep us updated!
  20. You know I am starting to think that my insecurities started with my father. He had 10 wives and cheated on everyone of his wives. And he died when he was married to the last one. I honestly think I am just scared that everyone I love it out to hurt me. It seeems the people closet to me I fear will hurt me, and if they do something to piss me off, or hurt me. I hold it against them. I have gotten better over the yrs of letting things go. Have you tried couseling with your boyfriend? Or counseling by yourself? It does really help!
  21. I understand! lol He will know I am happy he did something so sweet!
  22. about my boyfriend he is actually taking more of an effort. I told him I wanted to eat at this certain resturant, which is acutally one of my favorites, but I havent been there in a long time. He said since I was craving, we would go there tonight AWWW sorry not sure if I should put this here or not! Please let me know if this is the correct spot We have had our problems, and we are taking it one day at a time. The old Win probably wouldnt have suggested this on his own! lol SO brownie points for Win!
  23. You know I am kind of in the same boat as you are. My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and half. And he is starting to understand the importance of calling me. He is trying, but last night again he failed to. I called him on it this morning, and he said he called me, but I cant find it in my phone records, so I am going to ask to see his tonight. Basically what I am trying to say, you are not crazy. You feel alone, and you know what so did I. And sometimes I still feel alone. You made a lot of scarfices, by moving closer to be with him. So its only fair that he, stay at home with you more, or at least call you. Maybe make a compromise, that he can go out but he needs to cut that time in half, and he has to call at least once when he gets off work, and tell you where he is going. In my eyes, its not you trying to be his mother, its you his "WIFE" worrying about him. I mean how would he feel if the rolls were reversed?
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