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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Vin why won't she oppose her parents and why don't they want her to marry you? It seems archaic in this day and age. Perhaps you should break contact if she won't commit and let her brood over her mistakes for a while. You are setting yourself up for heartbreak worse and worse everytime you pine over her and continue to see her. Her decision seems a little weak, don't you think?
  2. SHy opps sorry, not you. I mistyped. I meant volu. I think I actually agreed with you.
  3. If you don't love him at this point it doesn't mean you never will, but what it does mean is that you are wasting his time since you don't currently love him. Let him go, maybe some day, but not now. Whatever your decision, be honest and never again say I love you unless you are sure.
  4. I am a male and I have three G spots. Her vagina. Her mouth. Her butt. In that order. Any of my other spots is probably on her titts.
  5. Actually I am not always that cynical when it comes to love. Yes I have had bad experiences. Yes I have been disapointed in life. (who hasn't?) However I do not dogmatically believe my disapointments are the rule or the way it always has to be. I believe that there can be positive and negative consequences to love. I am in actuality, quite the romantic. However love can be destructive in any number of circumstances, and usually, whenever you are dealing with powerful emotions like that, there comes a point when there is almost always fear. Greed, power, ideology, fear, curiosity, creativity, when I mention these thing I am pointing out that these are also motivations that cause things to get done in the world, not just love. Many great leaders and artists have done great things where love wasn't (at that moment) a primary motivation. Me, I have helped people before. Sometimes out of love, but sometimes quite simply because I could/ or out of curiosity. Existentialist? Sometimes. Not always. I believe in objectivity and subjectivity -- relativity and absolutism. I don't think all these things are always mutually exlusive from each other.
  6. It might take as long as a year. And remember, when they lose power, they WANT you back., Dont fall into the trap of confessing how desperate you are for em.
  7. I think you should supress your feelings and not put too much into this until you both are physically around each other a bit. You are gonna scare her away if you act too interested, too infatuated. Remember, she has been hurt and hurtpeople don't always make the right decisions.
  8. Girls talk to guys for sex to. Girls like sex just as much as guys. Nothing shallow about it. And no. plenty of men want a relationship/love just as much as anybody else. Sex is just part of the deal. However it is perfectly rational to wait awhile to have sex. If they care about you, they can wait. (not forever though). However most guys in their teens and early twenties are primairly interested in the sex part more than the relationship. They grow out of that though.
  9. Just remember, if he is willing to cheat on the gf, he is probably willing to cheat on you 2. Keep it platonic for now.
  10. If you are cutting yourself it means you are simply using physical pain and the stigmata of blood to divert yourself from how miserable you are. I used to do that. I once even stabbed myself in the hand with a samuari sword (got nerve damage there to this day although the scar isn't that visible anymore). Females do this more than men. Perhaps because women/girls are less in denial when they feel like excrement. I think if you are at the point of this however, even though I don't think you are near suicide, you should try hospitalization.
  11. All grown up? No. And I don't think how long you have lived has anything to do with maturity anymore than I think that being mature all the time is a good thing (it makes you disenchanted, pretentious, and boring.) I can say I have had experiences that you, in your eleven years age difference haven't had, and I have experienced a lot of the same experiences you have, and I have kept my eyes open imperically on what I haven't experienced. These were both really good experiences, and really bad. However rather than simply disagreeing with me, none of you have picked a apart my argument. I am not being cynical, simply realistic. Nor am I attacking love. I am simply pointing out that, that guy's argument is very black and white and doesn't take the human condition in it's entirety. Furthermore, I am confident that good things ( like love) often have nasty results, however that doesn't make them any less legitimate than the good results. (and that applies to other positive pursuits than romantic love99 the road t hell is paved in good deeds blah blah blah I hate cliques) If someone loves someone, they can love them as truly anybody, and still do a tremendous amount of negative to that person. Even abusers & cheaters can love the person they abuse. People are sometimes prone to destroy whatever has value in their life because they are arrested by their own self-loathing. If a relationship becomes unhealthy, and one side becomes harsh towards the other, it doesen't mean there was only lust or one sided love. Finally, I argued that there were other sources for compassionate, altruism, and generosity, than love. You don't believe that? Think about it.
  12. Honestly shy that is silly idealistic nonsense you are spouting off. Typical simplicity of youth. Greed, hunger, power, fear, hate, anger, curiosity, these all play a role in running the world and sometimes under false pretenses, trying to make the world a better place. I am not always altruistic out of love. Sometimes I simply do the right thing and try to make the world a better place because I a) can B) that's what I was taught too. Sometimes empathy and creation comes from suffering and if there is anything that can be destructive, it is love. I don't think any other sourve of emotion has inspired more hate and death in this world than love. I am not being jaded. I am not being cynical. I am just being matter of fact. And every emotion/feeling is mired in chemicals and physical persona. Not all love is good or healthy, just as not all fear is bad. You have a very unrealistic viewpoint of the universe if you really believe what you just said. Unfortunately life is gonna change that if you don't prepare yourself.
  13. I am saying love is basically scientific fact and was giving you Jean Paul Sartre's interesting take on it with a little of my own. Of course I believe in love. I don't think the existence of it is much of a contreversy. The guy you were talkin' to know it exists too and has felt it before. He probably got burned
  14. We are all ruled by our appetites (with certain pragmatic appetites keeping the others in check) . We are basically a collection of emotions using our cognitive as a means to fullfilling these emotional appetites. Love is basically symbiotic. It is when we try to merge with another person. It's almost like conqueoring and wanting someone so much we want to be absorbed and conqueored by them. It's a neverending pull with the lovers (esp the one who loves more) giving up a piece of their own being and sometimes individuality. Coe-dependence are people addicted and needing to survive in such a state. Love is sado-masochism and it uses many of the same area's where neurotransmitters thrive as opiates do. Basically it's a cocaine high.
  15. When I am with a girl who really turns me on I start ejaculating like a machine gun and we both have to struggle with my shaft to keep control. It just starts reloading and firing everywhere until she's pumped so full it's like a white waterfall between her thighs. However the normal guy can recharge and shoot their love load within fifteen minutes.
  16. Masterbation IS my religion. Thus they aren't mutually exclusive.
  17. Dude you can get those removed. I had one from wanking too hard during a single phase but mine went away. Go to a uriologist if it is still there.
  18. A woman who enjoys anal almost universely enhances her sex appeal with men. Some of you are grossed out by it but if the area if cleaned, an enema is given, and it is cleaned out, there is nothing gross about it. After all we touch things all the time that something gross has touched there before. You have to be cautious about it, but it is really a turn on for most men. I want to try it badly at somepoint with a girl (friend). Iwould never do it with someone I wasnt in a long term relationship with but those are really the only types of relationships I like anyway. As a man it appeals to me because there is something so forbidden and primordial -- and yet she would be showing me a lot of trust and sexual submission. (plus it is probably tight) I think that's kinda cool.
  19. Never I can't believe this one is even an issue. You both are well into adulthood. I could understand if you were 18 and he was 35 but this prob doesn't seem like much of a prob.
  20. Luciana I am a guy and I was with a woman much older than me for four years. I was 20, she was 44. I enjoyed the experience quite a bit and she thinks I was the best (and one of the more mature) men she has been with. As far as older men go, you resent this and it is very personal for you. Men age physically very well (although in my relationship she was very pretty). Sometimes guys look a lot better the older they get....and besides that there are other things to take into account over looks and money...like ummm personality, charm, emotional strength.
  21. There is nothing wrong with it. I was in a relationship with a woman 24 yrs older than me for five years. Although we broke up because I didn't feel in love, she remains my best friend and I do not regret it. Older women are gonna resent you because it becomes harder to find single men at that age. Younger men will resent it because they feel like someone has taken a girl off the market for them. It's a jealousy thing. Younger women ( like say 17) are too young to really even understand the complications of dating and relationships at this point in their lives.
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