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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. One of the reason why guys get bashed so much as a gender on this site by both sexes is because there are a lot of people with very poor self esteem who come here.
  2. Empathy you are my type of ga as far as your hobbies and "type" goes. For everyone: uhh guys stare and freak out over homely women and hotties alike. Don't think the way men act torwards you indicates anything. Oh and for the guy above, wlf, it's your attitude about yourself, not your looks, that are gonna prevent you from finding a cutie or whatever it is you are looking for. You can't think of yourself as unattractive. As far as looks go, people are pretty influenced by image and social pressure. However I might add that there are good lookin' pervs out there who think 80 yr old people are hot so there is probably also someone for you.
  3. I disagree with the previous posts. Marriage is a useless institution if people divorce that easily. However your cheating remains revoluting.
  4. Don't worry girls and guys who think you are ugly or hot and cursed. You probably aren't that great looking. People usually either overestimate their looks or underestimate them. I am often amazed at who thinks they are hot and who thinks they are ugly.
  5. Neb I have no sympathy for the woman involved in the affair. I hope she and this guy both get hurt in this.
  6. I am often interested in the pretty but not awsome looking women over hotties cuz I value intelligence, humor, and other things more than better looks.
  7. It sounds to me like you are looking for sympathy and validation. A lot of excuses for something that is inexcusable.I hope you end up the worse off between the two and I hope your wife finds somebody better. If it sounds judgemental it's because...well your behavior -- the best indicator of someone's worth -- quite frankly sucks. So yeah I am judging you and I am judging you harshly. You should have at least left her, although that wouldn't have been good either. This however is a hundred times worse.
  8. Buzz what exactly happened? What did he say specifically? He is starting to act manipultive.
  9. Buzz just do NC for now and wait it out. Maybe he will come to his senses.
  10. LOL This guy is hilarious. You people are taking this seriously??? He's obviously pulling your leg. LOL
  11. umm dark, so what part did you not agree with?
  12. Buddy, you are obviously not confident and afraid that you will be rejected. That is why you are making excuses about being too ambitious. Go up and talk to her and basically show her your charm.
  13. Who cares? Don't you think it would be romantic if you two were stuck together for hours by the lips? esp with someone you like? Everybody woulf giggle but you two would be giggled at together.
  14. Well at least he isn't a Chase banker leaping out from behind trees wearing nothing but a condom. That aside, for some reason I doubt he is a Musuem curator. I looked into that job. You gotta in most cases have a PHD. Of course a lot of highly intelligent people are the ones with the weird proclivities (I am not one of em...err am I?). Think Marquis de Sade. Bill Clinton and his cigar, or Truman Capote...ummm so maybe he is a curator. So are you gonna go out with this guy or what?
  15. annie what if the pics were all clothed but you accidentially found pictures of him having sex with porn actresses on the web unrelated to the dating site? It'd be sorta funny.
  16. Something tells me number 1 would be more my type anyway. Number 2 sounds boring and probably quite terrible in bed.
  17. I would seduce 2 into having sex with me and see if any feelings come with it. In the meantime since I am not commited to 2 I would woo 1 with words and romance and then decide which one inspires more emotion. If I fall in love with 2 it will enhance her physically anyway.
  18. Lost if you are looking for a soul mate or something that is at least gonna last you are gonna have to date older. Very few guys (unless they don't get any to begin with) are gonna stick with you at that age
  19. Only the freaky insecure ones do that. I am trying one of those online dating things and I am quite clothed. I find it gross when I see chicks in really skimping bathing suits on these sites. It looks too white trash.
  20. Oh yeah. She should definitely dump this guy.
  21. Danny I would never visit a prostitute. I think it is gross and I don't need one anyway. However a lot of guys have. It isn't a red flag.
  22. Buzz, let me know how the lunch went. If things don't go as you hope, all you can do is send the letter and let go, do NC. He might see the letter, start missing you on NC (they often do) and respond.
  23. Laker I do not remember what you said that I found so reprehensible about this guy but I remember thinking so. Best of luck
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