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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Oh come off it. Quit the self-pity...okay, you can have the self-pity since you just got hurt, but none of this self-hatred attitude. You are pining and pleading for this guy and you honestly think he has a reason to feel too much anger at this point? It isn't like you cheated. He is acting this way because he can.
  2. Buzz....quit having such poor self-esteem. If he calls ignore him. Trust me.
  3. Unfortunately people often want too much what they can't have instead of worrying about what they can.
  4. Send him a message that says "you know I really care about you" and do NC. Do not try any more contact because you know damn well you are gonna secretly start trying to get him back. Improve the odds of making him want you by acting like you are trying to get over him. Make him dount how you feel about him after that message. It'll allow him to feel the full consequence of his decision.
  5. Hey, I got a suggestion for you. It's the best chance you got although I personally think this guy sounds like he's about 12. Jesus christ what a manipultive wuss he is. Do NC. Do not answer his messages at all. Do to him what he is doing to you. Let three weeks go by and do not, under any circumstances, message him.
  6. I am starting to wonder if he ever even did love you although whether he did or fell out isn't the point. Love is really in my opinion a lot more superficial (at times) then I used to think. I have experienced (and continue to do so) a rare exception that came with maturity on her part. Alright, first off, before I saaaaaaaaaaaay anything -- what does he say and do that makes you so mad?
  7. Buzz it sounds like you might have a bad temper but regardless, this kid is definitely manipultive. Let him go. Try to avoid all contact until you are either healed or he is beggining you for it. If you ignore him or act like he isn't so important, chances are he will start wanting you anyway.
  8. Actually I take that back. I like animals. This guy is a monster -- because he is among the worst of humanity.
  9. Laker please listen to me this time. I wont repeat myself if you go back to him. He WILL contact you again most likely. Don't believe he is gone for good. Odds are probably over 70% that he will contact you again and be apologetic and self denigrating about his behavior. Probably the moment he feels a shred of guilt, the need for sex or control. Do not respond. Hang up. Avoid him. He is a monster. He will not change. If there is good in him it is far outweighed by the bad. If you remember I toldcha so last time, please listen to me this time. He is really an animal.
  10. Laker the guy's filth & as we all know love makes everyone's IQ drop 100 points. I am sorry to hear what happened. I truly hope this guy rots in Satan's turds someday. However, I gurantee you will find somebody better.
  11. Spirit I don't follow you. Anyway I have to hit the hay. Post tomorrow.
  12. Spirit true. However what I am suggesting is most of the time married couples don't just fall out of love.
  13. Part of what I am suggesting is that the supply/demand culture in which we live -- not wanting what we have and wanting what we can't have-- has leaked into marriage. Part of it is human nature, but it has been excacerbated considerably by modern society.
  14. Mona how can you change your mind about being totally in love with somebody you have been with for ten years? Interestingly enough, most of the time these couples end up regretting these decisions with time apart.
  15. Spirit I have already considered that and if they love each other you can enhance and yes, even manipulate it into a healthy state. As far as resentment goes, that can be overcome as well -- except where betrayal is concerned. Most of the time resentment is illogical and can be healed through therapeutic measures.
  16. Mona cuz if you love somebody and you have years of history with themk it should enhance the value of that experience. I am not suggesting there aren't some exceptions such as in the case of whoever married this screwball up above who posted this.
  17. There is resentment there. I don't believe you. But it isn't important anyway. I shouldn't have brought your personal life into a polemic. It was a cheap shot.
  18. Es nevermind. We are mostly arguing the same point. Communication problem.
  19. Oh give me a break Mona. I have had experiences that most people never have and have seen some of the darkest things out there. As far as marriage goes I have seen things that make Springer look pretty tame as well. And most often these things CAN be fixed.
  20. Ummm yeah. Bad reason to divorce. Sounds like you got anger issues with men. Bad marriage or what?
  21. They don't need to always stay forever but these cases should be extremely rare. Divorce should only be considered waaaaaaay down the road during problems unless there's abuse, cheating, or they were married extremely young. And most people don't fall out of love with prolonged contact unless something bad really happens. Sometimes they never do.
  22. This is a weird marriage. It almost sounds like they need an anullment. Not a divorce. It doesn't even sound like they ever were married -- they just lived together and banged every once in a while while thinking about somebody else.
  23. Gal. My keyboard is a piece of crap after I dropped it too many times. I was lauding your nerdy hobbies and your tough girl attitude. It was a compliment.
  24. Oh that is such nonsense. Most of the time marriages CAN be worked out. This society constantly demands immediate gratification. Things like not getting sex enough or bad moods are so friggin petty. And as far as usefulness goes, the tax incentives are not really reasons to get married considering the sacrifice. That is really the most incidental. You are playing somantics.
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