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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Alright well just keep me posted. Like I said, I honestly am sending you all the positive energy I can. Good luck tomorrow.
  2. Buzz the hardest part right now is to be patient. But you gotta do it. I know what I am saying is basically impossible, but watch a bunch of sappy love movies and get your mind off him. Check out Sex & Love. It's one of my favs. It is also very true to life. It's sorta like a girl's version of Swingers
  3. The fact that you aren't even on NC could possibly be a good thing if he really does still love you. You gotta be paitient
  4. Buzz write it but don't send it yet. See what he says when you guys have coffee tomorrow. Save it for now. When and if you do send it, make sure you do it by mail. I didn't realize you guys were scheduled for coffee. Sending it right now would be too much
  5. Buzz I am nervous just having offered the advice now. I really want you to get this guy back. I don't like seeing people suffer and I am a romantic. However I can't think of anything else. Just make sure it is totally honest, absolves him of all guilt, and that you step back and let him do the contacting afterwards. Anymore pursuit after this will only push him away. He needs time to mull over your words and romantacize the good things in his mind. Make it HAND WRITTEN, tell him what you loved about him, feed his ego, everything, say how much you want him back, but then STAY AWAY
  6. Vind enema's should be done because it helps cleans the system. And anything that can minimize the presense of bacteria is healthy.
  7. God I haven't rooted for somebody over the internet this bad in like ummm forever
  8. This is a gamble but you should do it, and tell him how much you want him back, that is an expression of love.
  9. Buzz you are trying to wiggle your way back into his life and you are wanting him back. The first step and way to disarm a person is being TOTALLY HONEST and remember his initial response doesn't mean his final decision. You have GOT to be totally honest and then sit back, let whatever complaining/protests he does pass through and let him think about how much he means to you
  10. Annie it was a best seller because it weaves easy fabrications/generalizations out of sometimes much more complicated situations. God only knows look at other trash on the best seller list. As far as Buzz goes, anything is possible, even if he does find somebody knew. The fact that he can fall in love with you and be in love with you makes anything in the future possible. I am a semi athiest but I pray he does take you back and you feel happier.
  11. Can we post short stories on here? They are just as much an expression of feelings as poems are.
  12. There are two sides of the story and I would like to hear his side of it before I make that kinda judgement. It seems like you are sorta telling us half of it so we will validate you after you kinda mighta sorta used him without knowing more.
  13. Women, seriously, you need to always take an anema before you do anal and wash carefully. The anema destroys bacteria which could be dangerous for your boyfriend and helps prepare the rectum for sexual stimulation.
  14. Pc trhat was my point. I have accidentially downloaded all kinds of nasty crap on the comp. Most the stuff you don't know what it is until it comes up. You see the text and think it's normal until it comes up, then you get rid of it. He could have just been lazy about it.
  15. That depends. Did he have sex after he had never had sex before but before he masterbated?
  16. You guys might be overreacting.As disgusting as I find pediophiles there could be any number of reasons he has that on his computer. I have gone to porn sights before only to have stuff come up on my comp that I didn't intend or want to be there that was pretty weird looking.
  17. K. good luck. Oddly, I was actually touched by your story and I am rarely moved by anything on here. I am confident you have a good chance of getting him back and I do hope it works out.
  18. Buzz do as you well then but if he keeps away remember this advice. If you decide to do what I say just be sure it is hand written, has a bit of poetry, and does not accuse him of anything nor plays a guilt trip. Afterwards you MUST let him come to you if it is to work again. Sometimes pursuing people after you have made your intentions known only pushes them away farther. The reason why getting it all out in a letter is important is cuz he can go back to it
  19. I mean how monsterous you were, not him, and be romantic and desperate and heart felt. Say EVERYTHING you feel and stay away for a while. you really hurt this guy
  20. Buzz, do what I said as I said it. Talk about how wonderful he is after mentioning how monsterous he was. Notice there's a difference in what I suggested and what you did. Make the letter directed at him and ignore anything he says. Just sit back and wait. He will reread the letter over and over as he heals if he doesn't throw it away first. It is a gamble, anything u do at this point is. but it might work
  21. Buzz Honestly, my most honest advice EVER. I think you should tell him what you are telling us. Express all your love, feelings, how you will try to change, EVERYTHING... but in a letter. Write it down, DO NOT TYPE, and send it to him, in the mail, along with a romantic gesture like a poem, men shouldn't have to be the only ones who are romantic, express your heart and soul in written words and how awful you were, and then do NOT CALL HIM. Let him call you. Even if it is a few weeks. After two or three weeks go by, maybe, just maybe write him something really short, not very long, maybe a few sentences, maybe just a few words, just enough to let him know you still love him. SHow your love and desperation in written words, then stay back, and let him come to you.
  22. Buzz part of it is he is finally in a position of control and power after you treated him like excrement for sooo long after removing his balls and squeezing it in your nice manicured hands. It's liberating to have total power over someone who didn't appreciate you, it makes you realize you can go have sex with other people and still come back to that same person whenever you want. He has control now and he is luvin' it!
  23. Laker if I remember correctly wasn't this the same ex who was emotionally abusive, manipultive, and cheated?
  24. Annie that he's just not into you book is actually pretty stupid. Most men and a lot of women balk at it.
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