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Napoleon Bonaparte

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Everything posted by Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. Or in my case my IQ dropped 150 pts which would have put me at a measely 150.
  2. Dragon I am just suggesting that by the nature of infatuation everybody get's hung up on an ex. Who knows, maybe you will or already have the one you will marry and stay married to and won't have to even deal with this possibility again. I just think it's hard to predict that since you have such a long life to live still. Love makes people soooo idealistic, and your IQ drops 50 pts. Plus of course, NC isn't enough to get somebody back or make somebody love you. But people do tend to want the people who get over them the most.
  3. Actually many cultures have found it perfectly acceptable and as far as recessive genes go, that is exagerated a bit it seems Cleopatra was the result of many generations of incest. The English Royalty has been sharing genes for a 1000 years now. Smoking, alcohol can cause quite a bit of disorders themselves and It wouldn't surprise me if the odds were quite a bit higher that they do. I don't have a sister and it would be gross with cousins, but I wonder how destructive it really is.
  4. Dragon, once more, nice in theory. You are really young (and No I am not being patronizing, I am really young too, hardly much older) I mention that because it means because you are young chances are high you will do exactly what you say you don't do anymore again in your life if you don't find someone who works out (unless your a swinger but that's diff) in this or the next relationship.
  5. Shish I don't really get it either. i am not sure if she like'd me "romantically" or not. She inferred that she did but wouldn't actually say. She'd get upset when we didn't talk and once made the statement "good thing we aren't fkin" when I kicked her out for flipping out. She is definitely playing games with me, but why? And why does she wants to talk to me so much? And she wouldn't make eye contact? It was so manipative and controling. Why does she want emotional intimact with me but nothing more? And she had to make the effort everytime through e mail and phone to get a hold of me before I'd get back to her for the past nine months, calling me twice last time a month a apart after I told her NC. (I'm sure she feels guilty) What the hell does she want and what is the point of having a bf you aren't close to that you know isn't gonna work out? He is gonna flip out at her eventually too.
  6. Dragon that's nice in theory rather than practice. Obviously people begin to really miss the person and desperately want them back. Plus, there are break ups that get back together. God my mom and step dad broke up probably a million times before they married.
  7. NC as a tool to get someone back is like trying to hammer in a nail with a sword. Sure, sometimes you'll hammer the nail in, but you're more likely to just hurt yourself. ---- Oh I agree you will most often get hurt by NC if you use it specifically with the intentions of getting them back without trying to get over them at least a little. Cuz NC affects both parties at least a little when the emotions are shared and you get your hopes up. You have to be dettached and return with good presentation. You can't admit your feelings because then they will know they can still come back to you anytime they want. there are just some relationships that you dont pine over...some that you are just so grateful that they are over & you wish not to even ponder another second on that person or point in your life...a love form which you have moved on from. --- I agree with that lady.
  8. Ksm sometimes marriages don't work because the two people don't love each other but you shouldn't just get out of a marriage" because it has been unhappy. NO marriage and I mean NO marriage would work that way. The modern day "do what feels right" attitude often makes people more miserable in the long run than it helps. There's a whole generation of people like that. Pragmastism has turned into short sightedness. First thing first, people should consider taking time apart.
  9. Lonely, we actually agree on almost everything. But i disagree about your statement she doesn't want him back. I am suggesting she "doesn't know what she wants at this point. You have to do more than NC to woo them back. And besides that, she does NOT want to appear desperate and needy after breaking up with him. He should pop back in her life in about three weeks, ignore whatever she says about who she is dating or has been, and act nice but indifferent, if he wants to turn her on.
  10. Of course there are cases where poeple just grow apart, mostly when we find out more about what we want in life, but I am generalizing above anyway
  11. Lonely most of the time after break ups there are still feelings if there ever really was a deep connection. It's the loss of trust and how people conduct themselves during the break up that ruin the chances of getting back together.
  12. Get I commend you for this. I think time will heal things for you far better than we ever can.
  13. Best thing to do is work on rebuilding trust and then simply not doing it again. Try doing something really small that your wife would like. Wash the car, make dinner, something that takes effort. Then work from there
  14. I have noticed that by being unavailable girls take a lot more interest in me than most of them they ever did when I was ALWAYS available. It's the EXACT same thing with NC except you have the power of memory influencing them as well. Manipulation can sometimes be a good thing if you know you are a really good person anyway and are doing them a favor.
  15. NC doesn't usually work because of guilt. The feelings are just as legitimate as in the beginning. Yes, it is manipultive, but so what if you are doing them a favor?
  16. What I am suggesting isn't black magic. What I am suggesting is basic psychology. People often romantacize about what they no longer have and began to want it even more. Love and feelings aren't very clear cut. People often start to rethink their decisions quicker and feel these things more strongly under pressure. There has to still be what attracted them to you in the first place still there. Hence totally changing your personality (or more likely, more likely revealing a diff one) strong betrayal, finding out they weren't the person you thought they were, all this can prevent this. But if there was still the things that you found attractive there, than they start to rethink this. Plus I hate to say it, people are ultimately all insecure and somewhat narcacistic. (which is why they prefer most of the time to talk about themselves when not gossiping) and they are also very social -- they start to miss the loss of bonds, the loss of affection torwards them, and the qualities they found endearing. This can be excacerbated by the way that person "present" his or herself when they return call. Although this seems to work for most people, depending upon the persons age is how you behave. Showing confidence and witholding affection but not being mean or abusive can raise your value because they are remembering what they like and are now seeing you as a challenge. What I am suggesting basically goes along with what everything from Karl Marx to our own capitialist like culture sees in products we often see in people. Absorbtion. Love is often as much about wanting to absorb people and be absorbed as anything and the challenge of it. Which is the infatuation stage. Basically what you do is rekindle the first stage of love, infatuation. If you don't believe me, check out all the sections on relationships at barnes and nobles. I spent about four hours on one day and started reading all the books on relationships, flirting, getting back together, healing, and seduction. Then I checked it out on the web (I can give you some links if you like) comparing what they all said that was consistent with each other. Super Flirt by Tracy Cox is one book. Finally, I am NOT saying this will definitely work. That's magic. I am saying that it increases your odds quite a bit -- esp if there was a close emotional connection when you left.
  17. Dragon actually you are wrong. NC .does increase probability. The evidence is overwhelming both imperically and scientifically. It isn't magic, but it is the first of several steps you can do to increase odds. And that's half of what it is all in the end really, odds. People romantacize and appreciate what they had more. Me, I am less interested in getting a lover back these days than I am about love & the nature of power over people. Not because I want to manipulate or hurt anybody. Call it morbid curiosity.
  18. What gets me is she obviously had romantic feelings for me but she wouldn't let me have sex with her.
  19. Oh I never even got to first base with that one. When she finally visited she threw tempertantrums and I had to tell her to leave. Then she visited again and when I tried to kiss her I got nervous cuz she was acting nutty and gave her too much tongue so she used that against me "we kiss diff, no chemistry" My fault for wasting my time.
  20. Buzz if it's any consellation a friend of mine broke my heart two months ago and to make matters worse, she rubbed my face in it when she revealed that she had had a bf for the past eight months. (I had been doing NC off and on to try and fall out of love with her since she obviously wasn't that into me prior to her revealation for the past 9 months not knowing she was having sex with somebody) To obviously get me jealous she asked "well he's fun and the sex is great. When's the last time you had sex? Oh god that would suck. We'll I am much closer to you emotionally, with him it's just sex and fun. I won't probably be with him forever." Before I got in touch with her I had already been suffering from serious mental depression and suicidal thoughts that had nothing to do with her so when this happened she REALLY screwed me up. I couldn't think about sex for four days without thinking of her happily riding some guy she wasn't even that close to after trying to romance her and always being there for her for years. I was filled with hatred. Screwed up my performance at work, I hurt friends, and started breaking out into cold sweats. Anyway, it sucked, but that's life. Ummm did I mention after flipping out I left her an e-mail saying best of luck etc etc we weren't meant to be etc etc etc I think it's awsome you have somebody there for you. I hope you get over your fear of emotional intimacy now and I apologize for calling you names. She has apparently tried to contact me since, April 10 and May 9 if that is indeed her phone number (I erased her from my list but the number looks like it might be hers -- plus the dates seem oddly concidential) We last spoke in early -- mid March. Ummm too bad for her.
  21. Your tough i am sure. I just want you to feel better about yourself and recover before you talk to this guy.
  22. Buzz even if he wants you back. You need to do NC for now. I am a little worried about you.
  23. That last post wasn't expressed properly. You are hurt. That isn't psychotic unless you start beating the crap out of him or threatening to eat his mother or something...You can't be faulted for being angry and emotional when somebody rejects you after a relationship.
  24. You are getting angry which is a positive thing. He is acting like a child. Whatever you do after you get dumped is not how you act normally so he shouldn't count that against you. Anyway, he sound's like a pansy. He needs to start acting like a man.
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