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  1. I don't know why women deny whether or not they masturbate. Maybe they are embarrassed, or they think it's wrong. But like the majority of women, it's a daily activity for me. Nothing to be ashmed of.
  2. You know what? I am not sure if I have ever had an orgasm. But, I do know that it varies for people. So, if I were you, I wouldn't worry.
  3. Hey everyone!! I'm new here and I was wondering if I could get you guys to answer a question for me. Where is your g-spot? I don't know if that question is too...well I don't know...dirty? But, yeah. I don't know if it's different from other peoples, but I cannot find mine. When I masturbate it's like MIA. So, what am I doing wrong? And sorry if this is too nasty. Thanks in advance.
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