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  1. PLEASE PEOPLE POST REPLIES.....MY main intention of posting my problem was to get some solution.......
  2. Hi. I have beenwith this girl i like for over 2 1/2 years now. I used to speak to her nearly everyday for around 3 hours..Now she has moved to a far off place and talkin has become a little costly. But she spends without thinkin. and i do that too. She has always been calling me..and i too sometimes call her. I recently proposed to her. She said yes but she also said that there is no future to it because her parents won't agree to it. And she is that kind of girl who won't go against her parents. So we broke off but then within two days both of us felt so so lost that we started speaking again. Both of us gave the same reason that we will be friends again. Now we are friens but then again she is spending a lot of money and hence we are spending lot of time. Both know we love eachother .. and also know that we wont be together. Both have the same fear that when will the parting happen. But according to me it will be more painful later because we are growing fonder day by day.. PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS WHAT TO DO...i am going crazy thinkin...!!![/code]
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