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Everything posted by Krystyl

  1. Unless a person has a sexually transmitted disease that they could give you...their sexual past is none of your business. The cheating part you should be worried over....how many he had sex with isn't your business. I would never, ever discuss who I had sex with in the past and how many times with a current boyfriend....it's none of his business and I sure as heck wouldn't want to know about his past sex life.....unless disease was involved. If he has cheated that many times in the past....he will do it again.
  2. Her parents do not approve because they don't understand why a 21 year old man is wanting to see a 16 year old high school girl or what you could possibly have in common. I'm not saying she isn't mature or that you two aren't capable of a relationship with no sex for another full year. BUT...her parents do not see it that way. It's their job to protect her...and it's pretty threatening to have a grown man coming around their underage baby. I'm just trying to let you see it from their perspective. If you are going to be a man about this...you will have to ask permission from her parents.....she is underage. You have no right to go out with an underage girl without her parent's permission---no matter how innocent you say your intentions are. At least that's the way I see it.
  3. It sounds like you both had a good time. You said he runs his own business and has a daughter....that could take up a lot of his time. How did you guys talk the week before? Was he calling you? Do you have his number? How did you end the date? Did you talk about seeing each other again or he/you would call? He could be just busy. If you have his number, give him a call just to say hi. You will know then if he is interested. I hope you guys get to go out again....you really like him. : )
  4. Hey...I just want to tell you that I, too, was a victim of mental, emotional, and physical abuse...at the hands of my biological father. I endured this until the age of 8. I was shy, withdrawn, and a loner for a couple of years after the abuse was over(my mother divorced him)....until I accepted what happened and let it go. I know that is easier said than done....it took me almost 10 years after the end of the abuse to let it go. I do own my past....I accept it....I accept that I can't change it. And I feel like it has made me a stronger person today....as strange as that may sound. I never went to counseling or a therapist. I just woke up one day and decided that I am in charge of my life and how I feel. I didn't want to feel bad anymore....so I accepted things and moved on. You can't let this keep eating at you. If the abuse is over...put it behind you. You are a worthy person, deserving all the happiness in the world. You can't change what happened...You had no control over the person abusing you. But you do have control of your life now...take advantage of it. If talking is hard for you....do what I did.....write your feelings....write them down in a letter style by hand or on your computer...write to the person who abused you...write how you feel about them...how you feel in general.. The point of this is not to send them...or ever have anyone see them...it really is theraputic. I swear...give it a try. When you look at yourself in the mirror...you are looking at a survivor. You will make your life better....and you will come to terms with this. I wish you all the luck in the world.
  5. I broke off two.... The first one we were engaged after only seeing each other for 6 months....waaay too early. As time went on...8 months later.....we just grew apart....were going two different places in life....nobody's fault and he agreed it was not going to work. We just went too fast. Second one...geez, I don't even want to get started on this so I will make it as short as possible. We were engaged for 3 years....and he would not work with me to set a date. And I wasn't willing to stay engaged the rest of my life. Bitter battles ensued and I gave him an ultimatum....he wouldn't budge so I left.
  6. You may think you feel good now....but if you continue...here is what you feel like and what you will do to your body...and it's not pretty. Actress Tracey Gold was bulimic and dropped to 80 pounds by throwing up all the time on purpose. She almost died. Is it harmful? YES. Even though people may be bulimic for years, there are dangers associated with bulimia. The most notable is cardiac arrest or heart attack, which is caused by an electrolyte imbalance of the mineral potassium, a consequence of vomiting or the use of certain diuretics. People who vomit frequently will also lose the enamel from their teeth, which subsequently become sensitive to heat, cold, and acids. Their teeth may eventually decay and fall out. Those who abuse laxatives will find that their own natural body processes cannot function properly when they stop using laxatives, and constipation will result. Stomach ulcers and irritation of the esophagus result from vomiting. More scary, an esophageal rupture could happen the first time, or the two hundredth time, you vomit, and this could kill you. Psychologically, there is depression. What are the physical complications of bulimia? * gastrointestinal problems: irritation of esophagus, stomach, salivary glands and throat from persistent vomiting * damaged or discolored teeth: gastric acids erode tooth enamel * lung irritation: choking while vomiting causes food particles to lodge in lungs, causing inflammation * chronic loss of bodily fluids: depletes blood potassium, sodium and chloride levels, resulting in muscle spasms, weakness, irregular heartbeat and kidney disease Bulimia can cause very serious medical problems and even death. Your blood levels and electrolytes can become severely imbalanced, thereby threatening your vital organs. Permanent damage can be done to your throat or to your normal intestinal functioning; and when you have been vomiting, it irreversibly erodes the enamel on your teeth. Normally, a medical work-up, ongoing medical monitoring, and sometimes dental treatment is required.
  7. You can discuss and talk all day and night about what you expect and how you will feel about it afterward....BUT...until you actually do it.....you will not know how you will feel. I'm curious about how you two came to this decision. Did you go to her with it? Did she go to you? Why are you picking someone who is so close to you? Too many emotions and strings attached there. I strongly suggest that you re-think this.....too many marriages and friendships fell apart in the aftermath of such "activities". Why risk your marriage and a good friendship? I have never been in a threesome with a guy and another woman.....and I'm not saying I ever would....BUT...if I was to do it...it would be with people I am not in love with...it would purely be for sex. And the reason for that is: No emotional ties....no strings attached. I think you are going to be unpleasantly surprised with the aftermath.
  8. Try this: Get a book on sex positions....have her look at it...have her be the one to pick out what she likes. Then she shouldn't feel "pressured". I'm not sure what she means about being pressured...I mean, you are already having sex...so I'm not sure why she is so uptight about trying a new position or whatnot. good luck
  9. Haha...You will find varied opinions from men. I've been with men who wanted nothing to do with it, a couple of who would do it "just for me" but wasn't really into it for their own pleasure, to a couple who not only would do it...but LOVED it. Personally...I don't want someone down there unless they like it.....otherwise it's just a waste of time. At least that's been my experience.
  10. You could have damaged some of the vaginal wall tissue and even the tissue on the cervex...that would account for the dark/brownish blood...by the way...dark/brownish blood is superficial bleeding. It actually means that the damage is healing. And what do you consider "bleeding a lot?" Soaking a tampon/maxi pad every hour? That would be a lot. Like I said....brownish blood meaning healing...not serious bleeding.. Serious bleeding would be much lightervery red, very light red) than regular color of normal period bleeding. And if you are on your period...and had damage that's healing it would taint the color of the regular period blood.... If you are still worried...call your doctor.
  11. It's different for everyone. If you are responsible, mature, and mentally/emotionally ready..then it will happen. Too many kids are jumping in the sack when they are not ready mentally, emotionally, or have the maturity to deal with it in an adult responsible fashion. I know there are plenty of exceptions to that..I do acknowledge that. I was two weeks shy of my 18th birthday when I lost my virginity. And I do not regret waiting....I had the opportunity to do it when I was 14, 15, 16, and most of my 17th year. I just wasn't ready then for that kind of intimacy and the responsibility that comes with it. I was pressured by boyfriends during those years...but I stuck to my guns. Other's were understanding...specially my boyfriend when I was 16....he waited 1 1/2 years before I felt I was ready. I really cared about him.
  12. The fact of the matter is that most women do not orgasm through intercourse alone. Why don't you show your boyfriend what it is that you do to stimulate your clitoris and have him try it. He will get a lot of satisfaction pleasuring you....even without direct intercourse. I mean...you can still have intercourse...but there is no reason why you can't get your pleasure how ever you need it and same for him. Women must learn how to orgasm...as opposed to men who do not. Once you figure out how your body "ticks"....you will be successful.
  13. I agree with you wholeheartedly, guapa....and I never once condoned her behavior. I was trying, obviously in not a clear way, to let her see what could have happened. What she did was wrong...but she did not hurt her....she scared the living daylights out her.....and I said it was wrong. Personally...If I was physically restrained on a bed by a lover.....I wouldn't run to the cops(mainly because they won't do anything about it, they will not arrest anyone unless there are physical marks proving violence; otherwise it's just a big case of she said/she said)...I'd just leave. I wish uforeah luck....and her ex.
  14. Within a few months you will realize that you didn't love him...right now that is hard to fathom...but it's true. You didn't trust this man AT ALL....you let yourself be humiliated on a regular basis(taking the yelling, berating)....That is not love. I think you were in love with the "idea" of him...rather than him himself. I'm wondering if you made a list of things you were in love with and things you don't like about him...which one would be a longer list. You might get your answer of how you really feel about him.
  15. I know you invested 15 months of your life to this woman and I am sure that you were in love with her...BUT...you did not have a healthy relationship. For a woman after only 15 months of a relationship to get THAT disinterested in sex...well....she has issues or she has some deep seated anger against you. And you have a hard time dealing with your emotions and controlling yourself physically. And you obviously have some resentment towards her daughter and your girlfriend for turning a "blind eye". And she said some pretty nasty things(Oh, I'll just fantasize about someone else like I have the last 2 times we had sex) What the he!! was that about?? So it sounds like she has a LOT of resentment towards you too. This relationship has been in jeopardy for a while...this didn't happen overnight. I think she wanted out for a while...just didn't have the guts to do it until she had the perfect excuse(saying you are an abuser). It was really good that you went to counseling together....but it sounds like you and her are better off without each other...it sounds like you bring out the worst in each other...not good. I would suggest that you continue counseling....to learn how to deal with your emotions better.....before entering another relationship... You need to work on yourself before investing in someone else. It wouldn't do her any good to report you now anyway....she couldn't prove anything...so don't let her hold your altercation over your head. It was wrong to hold her down on the bed...and by her neck...but I am assuming that you were not choking her/cutting off her airway...and you didn't punch, slap, kick her. It could have been alot worse....which is why it is imperative that you get counseling...you don't want to get in another situation where you can't control yourself and end up hurting someone. As far as her ever trusting you again....that may take a long time...or never. I think you should just let her go and start your life over as well.
  16. Hey...I recently PM'd you.....responed to the PM you sent me. I didn't realize that you are a guy...but anyway...what I wrote to you is for women....I seriously do not know if you will have success with that. The technique I PM'd you is for self-use. But if your GF does it....you might get some good results.
  17. Invest in a vibrator....I haven't been with a man yet that doesn't get turned on by using them on a woman. I guarantee you will orgasm. As far as not using the running water....my only advice is to give it a rest for a while...Learn how to use your hand again. I have a hand technique that brings orgasm in around 3-5 minutes...but it's a little graphic. I could PM you, if you are interested.
  18. I agree 100% that you don't have to be a dancer to be good in bed....it's just my personal preference.. Haha...I don't know ANYONE who does parkour.
  19. Heh heh....What I'm about to reveal, I've never told anyone before. If I am curious about how someone would be in bed.....I get them on the dance floor. When I find someone who can match my style/rhythm....I know that the sex is going to be explosive. If I am not turned on, on the dance floor....chances are we aren't sexually compatible. With that said...it's not like I go to a club and dance with a bunch of guys looking to get someone in the sack.LOL It's just that my date better be prepared to "show me something." And this might be a funny way to be....but dancing is one the more erotic activities you can do without actually having sex....and it shows how in tune a person is with their body....and potentially their sexuality. Every guy I've had a serious relationship with was a great dancer....and the sex was always hotter than he!!.
  20. If the rubbing ends up making her hurt....then you are being too rough with it. That is a very, very sensitive area on a woman...and it has to be treated accordingly. She definitely needs to show you how she likes it. She needs to masterbate in front of you to show you her technique. It's not the exact same for all women...what works for one...may not work for another. One other thing...it takes a woman ALOT longer to achieve orgasm than men for the most part.....and for a woman.... orgasm isn't just a physical thing....it's 75% mental....In other words...a woman has to really be focused on her pleasure in order to get off. So...if you are going to try and get her off with your hand...be prepared to do nothing else...let her relax and enjoy it. And another fact of sex....men do not have to learn how to have an orgasm.....women do. The more in touch a woman is with her body....the easier it is to achieve orgasm. Be patient with her.....she's still learning. Women do not reach their sexual peak until their 30's.
  21. Oops....forgot to add one thing...if you like to dance anyway...and feel you have rhythm...you should have no problem getting sexy for your man.... Me, I love to dance...always have. And I'm not ashamed to admit that there was always a stripper dancer hidden inside me....it just took a little coaxing to bring her out. You don't have to look "professional" or anything....just taking it off to sexy music and shaking things around is going to get his motor running.LOL I would suggest that you look into the music group: My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult. Perfect, erotic, stripping music.
  22. The best way is to go to a strip club with your boyfriend...I did this EXACT thing a few years back...and it really helped. Movements can't really be described...you just have to go see for yourself....My boyfriend was able to tell me what he would like to see me do....and I found it to be a turn on. We even bought a lapdance for me...so I could learn a few things. I chatted with a few of the strippers afterward and they were really helpful and said that they get couples like me and my boyfriend all the time. It can be a really fun experience.
  23. Honey, I'm a medical transcriptionist....and I've seen this quite a few times...it's not really an uncommon thing for teen girls who have just started taking the pill to have bleeding inbetween periods. The combination of your age, your already raging hormones, and introducing a new hormone(oral contraceptive), commonly causes bleeding between periods. I wouldn't worry. You should be evened out within a few months.
  24. I once weighed over 200 lbs....and now keep my weight at around 120...and I'm 5' 4" tall.... You should never, ever cut back on your eating....eating is what keeps your metabolism going to burn calories. When you deprive your body....your metabolism shuts down....and you will lose less weight than if you eat normally..and it creates a yo-yo effect...once you stop depriving yourself....even if you have lost weight..it will creep back on plus more. Just changing your diet can make you lose weight. You don't even have to excercise. I cut out all soda and substituted water and tea(iced, unsweetened) and lost 20 lbs the first 6 weeks. With no exercise. But that motivated me....then I chose to eat only lean meats-chicken breast, turkey, fish, lean beef....and either bake or broil it. I eat lots of veggies...raw and cooked. Stir frys are great. I eat a lot of fruit too. I eat only whole wheat bread and brown rice. I do eat other things, like Lean Quisine, sugar free popsicles, ect......but the majority is what I listed. Then I added cardio and light weight training an hour a day 5 days a week....and within 8 more months I had lost a total of 97 lbs. Now that I have reached my goal weight, I do enjoy a "sinful endulgence" now and then...my fav foods are still pizza, french fries, and ice cream...and i do treat myself once a week....but I still exercise...and stick to my new eating lifestyle of healthy choices. If you want to snack...do it....just make healthy choices....just make healthy choices everytime you eat. Your body will love you for it...and you will end up loving your body. Good luck.
  25. I've not been in a situation where I slept with a good friends ex-lover. But you really have nothing to feel guilty about....I am sure that after 1 year, your friend is waaaay over her. So you were curious about how she would be in the sack....I don't think your friend is going to hate you because of it. Probably would tell you: I told you so about her. I don't think you did anything wrong. You lived...you learned....now just move on. You don't have to run and tell your friend what you did....it's really none of his business what she does now or who with. He may think less of her....but probably not you....I'm not saying that's the right way to think...but probably the way it would be. This is something that will probably take time for you feel okay with. But you'll get there. You didn't do anything wrong......well....except for using her to get out of another relationship....now THAT you should feel bad for.LOL And it came back to bite you in the butt when she suddenly dumped you...but anyway....you can go to sleep tonight with a clear conscience. You didn't betray your friend....and you got payback for using someone to dump someone else. That might not be too nice to say....but what goes around, comes around. Just chalk all this up as one big learning experience.
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