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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. I have a question somewhat related to this, what if a guy has had acne for like 3 years, but it's going away like the marks kinda look like freckles? But you know has like 2 zits every now and then? Would you still consider him attractive?
  2. Eye contact (duh), sexy smiles, getting in his "view". Like let's say your in school in like math class, overhead is on and people are writing down problems, taking notes, etc, get up for like a tissue or sharpen pencil or something walk slowly. Most of the time you girls do this naturally anyhow lol. Chatting him up whether it be "Hi" to a question or asking what something means when you already know the answer . I've noticed a bunch of girls do this all the time or at least once around a guy they fancy.
  3. Yeah, like someone else said don't give her an option. And yeah, she isn't interested and is letting you down gently. Look up some David DeAngelo stuff on google that will help a bunch, it seems to me like you kind of need it/and are a beginner when it comes to dating.
  4. Ok, well I like where it's heading just don't come on too strong too early, and don't become a clingy panzy. Seems like she likes you a lot Try to have a fun date like ice skating and stuff if they have a place where you can in your town. Going to the movies, I'm pretty sure girls get SICK of so it's best to avoid that, movies are good to go to every once and a while. NOTE: Just telling you this because this is your first gf and a lot of people make the mistake of becoming a nice clingy wuss boy, flooding the girl with gifts and the guys giving there power over to the girl, going to the movies like every date, etc.
  5. Try this it'll help: link removed Or google David DeAngelo and read his articles they help a lot. Ok, you don't need to resort to a prostititute all you need to do is to go out when your at a party or in school and say hey to a girl you might be interested in and just small talk it with her for about 2 minutes then at the end of the conversation you can say "If your cool with it, you don't mind hanging out on [certain day]" if she says she can't like busy then your screwed. If she offers to arrange it another day in the week then you can assume it's on lol. You don't have to do that right away which I recommend you don't like get to know her for a least a week, tell her a few things about yourself that aren't lame and boring like "I sit in my dorm and play Counter-Strike for 8 hours straight", but are actually interesting so she's interested in what your all about. I'm not guaranting that she will be interested in what your like some people don't connect. And like Beec, said get some confidence.
  6. MILF? Wow man that is the weirdest thing I've ever read on this forum lol. How would that even be enjoyable she's probably all wrinkly and stuff, .
  7. Nice dude nice. I think all is going well with her she should break up with her bf anytime soon, but I think she's confused and is using you to satisfy something her bf can't. Well, let us know how the swimming thing goes .
  8. Search google -- David DeAngelo. Read his newsletters, they help a bunch. Well I think she might be a bit interested in you as well. Glad you don't want to be that type of guy anymore, that'll help a lot getting girls . Alright, so since your just getting to know her, use some fluff talk, ask her questions, don't talk about yourself a lot, you want to know a lot about her so ask her questions, be casual and calm when your around her. Just try to get to know her a bit, don't tell her too much about yourself you want to remain a bit mysterious let her know a bit of interesting/cool stuff about yourself and leave it at that so she'll want to know more. Ok, well I don't really know how college works and all, it's probably a hell of a lot different than high school but if you can talk to her in the halls like have a minute to 2 minute conversation about stuff and at the end when you're about to go ask her like this "If it's alright with you, you want to exchange numbers so we could study sometime?" Oh yeah it might help to have a pen and some paper on you . Just a note too, you could also do the above ^^ before class if you get in early with her or something if talking in the halls doesn't work like for example you can't find her. Oh yeah, look up how to tease her (David DeAngelo I think has an article or 2 on it) that will help A LOT.
  9. Here's something that would motivate me if I was in your situation tell yourself "If I don't make a move when she wants it, she might lose interest". If you don't make a move eventually she will just forget about you so you better act on it while you can. It's ok if you don't make a move right away but don't wait TOO long or your screwed. Well I think it's easiest to do this when you're out on a walk with her or like watching a movie at your place/her place. You have to get the balls man, or when she loses interest and only sees you as a friend that's your fault. Depending on what she's like she might even get frustrated that you haven't done anything and might make a move herself, but don't count on that .
  10. Plus since he has a gf, that makes him more attractive to you. What is so attractive about that?
  11. Like a poster, said "double the pleasure". I've never been really big on lesbians but I know a lot of guys that are lol. I guess when guys think of lesbians they like instantly think threesome or something, I'm not really one of those guys that like instantly drool when see 2 hot girls kissing so I don't know lol. I've always thought the thought of one woman hotter for some reason, I'm not sure.
  12. You could say "Look I remember you turned me down, but I'm sick of going to the lake to jet ski by myself every Saturday, you alright with jet skiing saturday?". Something like that sounds good. That was an example btw.
  13. Good sign, he was probably nervous but happy you wanted to keep talking to him . If your hot like you say, no way lol, unless he's a closet gay. A hot girl asking out a shyguy is like a dream to these type of guys lol. Don't worry about it. He's probably going to say yes anyway, it's just weird for a guy in college not to want to go out. Don't worry about it and ask him out for coffee.
  14. Well, if you search on the internet you can find tons of **** on body language (Google). It'd also help to adjust your attitude....well picking up that body language and identifying it when you're out with women should improve your mood and self-esteem .
  15. I don't really think she cares though, I mean you screwed up once and she doesn't give a flying **** about you anymore. This would definitely be a time to give up. I mean she doesn't want to lose you (like when you said you don't care about her anymore). What I'm saying is that if anything fails with this guy that she's with right now she can rely on you and use you once her relationship is over with that guy. If that happens you are being the nice guy again. Bad decision. I think you should just end it with her now and move on. Really its not a big deal. You've just liked her for so long its hard to think about moving on. But you have to do it.
  16. You did something stupid and that's your fault. You acted all nice guy "please forgive me" on her and you lost your girl. Relationship is all about communication if you suck at communicating you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place. You were boring her with the relationship all along and she "had it" I guess. You got it all wrong man, it's when you stop caring about what this guy has and stuff is when she'll come to you. When you change your behavior from nice guy panzy to a real man and pull yourself together you might have a chance. See what happens when you backed off and told her you didn't care for her anymore (even though it wasn't true) she started chasing you, that's basically the same rope she has tied around your neck. You want her to be the one chasing YOU.
  17. You could do what Tigris and Saint Saul said, or you could hit on her, if she doesn't like it she'll probably bring up her bf. Or you could do something like ask her if she wants to go out for dinner.
  18. Yeah I guess your right. Ever get the feeling like when you post a new thread you know the answer to your own problem but you feel better if someone gives you advice? Lol, it sounds to me like this thread is like that.
  19. Well, I think why there's no chemistry is because she is lacking a few personality traits your looking for or maybe even one trait but has a lot that you like but is lacking like a "core trait" like sense of humor as an example. And sometimes people don't click. Anyhow I think your making the best decision. Yeah some people you can't force chemistry like someone else said.
  20. Well I think you feel like that due to the pressure of a relationship, like your over-stressing it. Relax. I've never felt like that though.
  21. I'm sorry to say this no offence, but he's an idiot. He is a mess, one thing that you should be mad at him for is caring more about drugs than you. Second, if he's going down this path of **** and is ALREADY doing cocaine at 14 he's going to be doing meth at 18 guarantee it if he isn't already in jail or a mental hospital by then. He is in a world of **** and you shouldn't be dragged into it. Dump his *** and get yourself a real bf. (Sorry kinda reading back on that I sound a bit harsh! lol )
  22. A lot of people are screwed up and jerks like that because of issues, like trying to be cool like other people, going through a divorce, a close loved one of theirs dying, I think that's the root of why people are screwed up like that.
  23. Are you trying to make friends with the popular people? I hate popular people, most of the time there back-stabbing 2 faced stoners and/or drunks, well at least for the guy portion of it. If it's anything below popular people hmm, that's kinda weird. Maybe your choosing like the wrong group. What would you stereotype yourself as? He wouldn't answer because he actually doesn't like you very much, but doesn't have the balls to tell you like it is because of ruining the long friendship that you guys share. Sorry but it sounds a hell of a lot like the truth. My ex-best friend once told me that he isn't mean to losers like that and doesn't tell them that he doesn't like them. Instead he hangs out with them and uses them for things anyway . What an ***. I think your friend might be swept up in the same snobby **** that my ex-best friend was swept up into. I really hate High school its so ****** up and corruptive. Typical behavior of these people is to like make fun of you when there around there other friends, to act like they don't know you, you want to hang out with them (call them by phone) and then they make up an excuse, etc and if you ask them if they can hang out they say yeah then forget about it and never bring it up...what usually happens is they don't hang out with you but instead hang out with there other screwed up loser friends.
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