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  1. I'd commit suicide. There's no way I could live the rest of my life without "knowing" a woman.
  2. From what I've seen, the vast majority of girls are like this. I hear people on here talk about all these aggressive women. They must be hiding because I sure don't come accross any.
  3. I'm trying to figure out how you get very pretty women asking you out. I've been told I'm a good looking guy. I get looks from girls all the time, but I never get approached. What's your secret?
  4. It takes a lot more than just getting looks. I get looks from girls all the time, but nothing ever comes of it. Looks are flattering, but you have to be able to capitalize on it. If you can't do that, you might as well not be getting any looks at all because nothing is going to happen.
  5. That's good for her. If only I could get attractive women starting conversations with me, I wouldn't have this problem.
  6. I bet those ugly guys aren't shy or introverted, either. It doesn't matter what you look like. It's all about what comes out of your mouth. Unfortunately, shy, introverted people don't say much. I've been told by a lot people that I'm a good looking guy. I get looks from girls all the time. I have a good personality. I'm intelligent. But, you know how many girlfriends I've had? None. None of that stuff matters if you're not a talkative person. That's just the way things are.
  7. Hold on, now. You act like it's all his fault or something. I don't think he insulted her at all. They just weren't very compatible. He wanted to take it slow; she didn't. If not making a move is some form of insult, then I'm screwed. If or when I meet a girl I'm attracted to, I'm not going to be physical with her the first few times we're together. I have to be comfortable around someone before I can do that. That's just the way I am.
  8. What about a guy who has no physical intimacy experience at all? I mean not just sex, but cuddling, kissing, etc. I'm 24 years old, too.
  9. You could say,"I'm nice to people who are nice to me." I like this one because it tells them you are a nice person, but it also shows them that you're not a push-over.
  10. I have the same problem as the original poster except I'm a few years younger (24). With me, it's mostly that I see all these other guys with their girlfriends, knowing the majority of them are sexually active. And here I am, having to use my hand for sexual gratification. This really makes me angry. Why should I have to pleasure myself while all these other guys get the real thing? It makes me want to throw something through a ****ing wall!
  11. I have a hard time even believing this story. So, you were just talking to this "hot" girl at a funeral home of all places, and you two just decide to go inside of a closet and have sex. Yeah. Right.
  12. I think any type of physical intimicy with someone who isn't your partner is cheating. This means not only sex, but kissing also. As far as flirting, I don't see the reason for it if you're already with someone else. This just doesn't make sense to me. I mean there is nothing wrong with talking with members of the opposite sex, but you can talk without flirting. Plus, that's usually how affairs start out: "innocent flirting."
  13. To me, dancing with a guy at a club when you're already married is crossing the line. No, it's not cheating, but I think it's disrespectful. Would you have danced with this guy had your husband been there? That's the question you have to ask yourself. I've never understood why married people go to clubs and bars without their spouse. I just think that's asking for trouble.
  14. I don't think anyone is meant to be alone their whole life. The reason for this is that I don't believe in God. Being alone for a certain period of time is fine, but after awhile it's going to get to most people.
  15. knglerxt


    I've just begun to realize this. I'm just not aggressive enough. But, with me, it's that I don't say much. I don't even talk that much around people I've known my whole life. So, it's hard for me to be aggressive when it comes to asking women out and stuff. It's not that I'm a push-over. I won't let a woman run over me. I'm just reserved. I have the same problem as the original poster. I've been told by a lot of people that I'm a good looking guy, but I never meet any women.
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