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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. And TiredMan, there is more women than men out there. And if you can't find any women who suit you, they're not always going to be living in America. But keep looking where you live first, your not going to find that one girl at first, keep trying though, you must not give up.
  2. Alright, I was going to kill myself over a girl a long time ago back when I was 12 because she didn't like me I don't want to get into details because it's truly ****** up. But yeah, what stopped me was how the future will get better(which it did for me ), and the people around me (in my life) will be damaged. You never know who has secret feelings for you, I mean think about it, if you kill yourself they'd be devastated. It's just stupid and pointless to do and your going to end up going to hell anyway so just, don't do it dude.
  3. I think I see where your coming from...I agree. I have to admit your pretty smart, though I have no idea how old you are lol. As for when the relationship progresses far, you can still tease, I mean I have to admit, I've done regular flirting, and the fun flirting (well what do you think it is? lol) and the fun flirting duh is a lot more fun. Teasing and compliments is good, just don't do too much of either. Teasing too much is superficial, complimenting too much is kiss ***.
  4. If you think about it, if you weren't meant to be here, your biological mom could have got lucky(maybe lucky for her at the time, because she didn't want to put up for the responsibility) and the infection meds didn't "kill" the birth control. But since, it didn't complicate the pill then, you WERE meant to be here . I mean you believe God has ALL the power in the universe right (sounds cheesy but really take your mind off that for a second lol)? Hope you feel better after reading that.
  5. I'm not disagreeing with you, being that I understand your point. Maybe it sounds like I'm disagreeing about what you said lol, but I'm not. Only person I disagree with is ShySoul, that's it.
  6. This is neither a comment nor an insult, but if ShySoul is a virgin, why would he post a song to make love to if he is a virgin? I mean he didn't have sex with the song going on so yeah.
  7. What do you think? , no **** it's a statement.
  8. I agree with this, but then ShySoul is going to argue and say "Why not just compliment her and say "i notice the little quirks of yours, and I like you for them", yeah it's pointless he will never understand it. Ok, I agree with this here, except why not make it most girls...because it's true most girls do like it, if you don't believe it, go try it more than once, all girls are not the same .
  9. I'm pretty sure she's interested...why not ask her out for dinner?
  10. Well jordan_2 I can see where you really stand .
  11. So you think your bad *** because you never were curious to ask a question about women? That's like thinking your cool because you don't need help on your homework. Lol. I've had 9 girls interested in me this year..point is its not a big deal. Thing is your 22 I'm 15, I am not yet "free" on my own so I can't just roam, meet women, etc anyway. But I said I wasn't INTERESTED in any girls at the moment...so thereforeeee I'm not trying to get somewhere with girls, so it doesn't matter, teasing still works maybe not for you because you have no idea how it works...you pretty much from the look of it thinks its like an insult (oook whatever). It's not like I'm going to go after some random chick using teasing to prove my point lol. Your not putting me down, you are bragging. I think you feel the need to brag because you have a great relationship and after all these years of barely any girls interested in you, you feel the need to "break out" lol, look if you really feel the need to -- keep it to yourself, because honestly no one cares. Sing about it in the shower . Ok good, but really if your going to try to persuade someone that being nice will do wonders, have more experience than one gf . Like I said earlier, sing about your gf in the shower, no one cares or wants to read it. It's like saying your rich, who gives a ****, Bill Gates is rich. I think your trying to get me jealous over the fact you have a gf and I don't. I also think your trying to get me mad over the fact your method has worked ONE TIME and you acted on it and were successful...*un-enthusiastic yippee*. First of all, getting one gf isn't a big deal and two getting a gf with nice guy tactics one time isn't anything to show off about. Since you've been the big guy asking all the questions, I'll ask one, did you ever have a great relationship in middle school or high school? If any guy is under 20 consider trying my advice (more than once) just remember not to insult womens appearance whatsoever or something really personal to them or you screw up. It has to be light, not a heavy tease and said in a correct way, if you don't want to screw up look up the whole teasing thing on google. Anyway, if anyone's 20 or over consider trying ShySoul's advice (not more than once) I've been nice, nice is something you don't need to "practice" you were raised to be nice so you have pretty much "pre-mastered" it.
  12. Get on a treadmill and run for 30 minutes, that'll get your cardio going . You only need 30 minutes for 2-3 days a week to maintain your weight, if you want to lose weight, 30 minutes of running everyday works. It does for me, but then again I've never been fat lol.
  13. Actually I personally believe big boobs aren't hot. Like for example Pamela Anderson...that's just disgusting. Just stay with your natural self. It's your choice but if you have the $ and are up for it, maybe getting a breast augmentation to a B cup or C cup wouldn't be all that bad? If you go into the D and up category...that's gross. Btw, I can't believe how many view and replies this thread got in one day lol, 50+ replies, 2000+ views .
  14. Yeah, I guess...just if you hang out like at his place or something, if he asks you if you want to "Hang out in my room" for some reason, don't fall for it. I think you know what that means anyway if your mature as a 20 year old.
  15. Positive: He's older and women mature faster so yeah, I can see why your attracted to him and it'd be a good match mentally. Negative: What DN said first of all, and he could really take advantage of you, use you just for sex or something like that...you never know. I agree with that. Plus I already think he's a pig for showing some interest in a 14 year old. In my opinion, don't fall for this guy's **** I think he's fake and is just trying to have sex or something. But yeah, just being honest and you said . (Btw, I'm not in a situation similar to this, but I felt the urge to reply).
  16. You got lucky...lol. I think saying this helped somewhat the rest was luck: Good job...lol, next time avoid talking about ex-bf's and talking about your self-esteem issue. No **** it's good .
  17. If it looks like a flat stomach, but not bulgy (hangs over waistline )and not near a 6 pack its good. If its anything bigger than that than keep up what your doing. 6 packs are gross, if it's close but not a 6 pack and not bulging out anywhere that's a good thing .
  18. Then do something about it . If you like him enough, why not whatever it takes?
  19. I think it'd be if he had more things in common with her. If she was prettier, some of the shallower guys would have gone for her if she was the hottest, although I don't think it'd last very long. It'd probably be a few months maybe. Sometimes longer, depends on how fake the guy can be for so long. Depends if she plays hard to get. If your too hard-to-get, I think most guys would give up, unless its some nice guy that hasn't had a gf.
  20. They suck at it..not my problem. Last year around June/July. Sometime last year, recently though I've had girls say there interested in me...not really interested in them, there completely different than me I don't have any interest in them. One girl is interested in me, I can tell by her body language, "Proxemics", and how she talks to me, acts different around me only, and she has a bf. Except I'm not interested in her. I was watching a movie with her on the couch, it wasn't a night but still, it's close enough. Well, what if I'm not interested in anyone right now? It sure works (although I don't use it that much...just comes off as superficial) when I'm hanging out with girls that I don't want to go farther than friends just to give the conversation flavor, but that's just recently though, it's worked with girls I've liked in the past. Haven't met a girl that's told me that...(your probably so pissed at me your going to flame me because I've never had it happen XD). Plus I don't want to be the "perfect" guy because if your perfect it gets boring. Like lets say, you meet a girl and she has nothing you dislike about her. Like your both the same, that is boring, if a girl doesn't have one thing that I don't like about her, like lets say my favorite food place is subway and she hates subway, I won't like it but I'll get over it. It kind of feels like a "challenge" sort of in an emotional way. Playful teasing, kind of makes you a challenge sort of in an emotional way when your dealing with a girl your interested in. And by the way, several guys probably failed at using teasing because they just met the girl a while ago (or said it wrong, talked about her weight, clothes, or something like that) and it gave her the wrong idea. That is their fault. You've had all this happen to you with your first gf, you think you're hot **** now? Lol. Lol.
  21. If your trying to settle down and start a family listen to shysoul, otherwise...well you get the point. You can still have a long-term by using a more effective fun way of flirting....this guy just believes it doesn't work because he sucks at it and got a negative response. That's like trying to ride a bike for the first time and you fell over and got a bloody knee and gave up and decided it wasn't good to ride bikes, if you keep trying and maintain your balance and start out small you'll start getting positive responses. LOL. That's not teasing, that's what you think teasing is and you throw an insult in there. So someone who can flirt in a different way than you is a jerk .
  22. Prep clothes on girls looks really hot. Skirts work...if your overweight, you'd look better with tight pants on (no offense to anyone). Smell good if you already don't like use a perfume, no musk (some girl wears a bunch of musk at my school its gross lol), no vanilla, use like a fruit smell those are good. I don't think most guys like punk girls. Flirting....with some kino (touching).
  23. Yeah most girls tend to like the personality better than what the guy looks like(of course it matters somewhat though). They aren't like us where physical attraction matters a lot (girls reading this: it can vary from guy to guy....but i think every guy cares about what his girl looks like as long as she isn't TOO big its alright).
  24. I was going to say what she said ^^.
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