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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Look for things like if she's more happy/energetic and stuff when your out. There's plenty more things to look for, but since I'm too lazy to list it all, google it.
  2. Oh yeah, and if some girls could say what they think that'd be great too.
  3. Thanks. Also does like looking peripherally count?
  4. How can you tell if a shy girl's interested in you?? What are some signs shy girls might do when they're walking by a guy they're interested in? If you could tell me like every possible thing they do that'd be awesome, thanks.
  5. I'm thinking she knew that you were interested and made it clear she wasn't in a subtle way. Nice way of letting you down....or maybe she honestly doesn't want to be with anyone. I think she wasn't interested at first, but decided "what the hell" and brought her friend along to judge you, although that might not be right, I'm pretty sure it could be that reason. I think she got jealous here and wanted to chew her out lol. Either that or she could be thinking you've been talking to your ex lately...but yea who knows lol, mainly though I think she just got jealous there and wanted to chew her out. I think she's interested but doesn't want to go out because she doesn't want to ruin the relationship you 2 have.
  6. But I guess it doesn't hurt to ask her out, that way your not left guessing. Good luck!
  7. Well, first chat about homework or something, something really dull like that (because your not friends already and yeah you 2 don't know each other like best friends do so yeah) haha, then you could randomly pop in "so what do ya like to do outside of school" and give her a smile...a SINCERE smile think like while looking at her "you make me happy" in your head then smile it should help ya out, that sounds really stupid but trust me it'll work man. I'm tellin' ya to do this because, well you seem like you actually want to get to know her, so ask her questions!! Plus once you ask like about what she does and stuff I bet she'll get the message and that's what you want to do, because its reassuring what the person told everyone in class. Oh yeah and if you feel like asking her questions isn't what your looking for you shouldn't be even asking her to the dance/asking her out, because you just think she's hot and yea its pretty shallow man. Sure when guys are interested in a girl (but haven't talked to her, got to know her yet) usually their physical characteristics catch our eye but man if your going for just that your going to be less happy than if she was average looking with an awesome personality.
  8. He's shy and is sick with the "nice guy syndrome" hence why he said "I'll buy you whatever you want". Hope that answers your question.
  9. Well, if I were him and I like this girl a lot I'd be probably a bit nervous no matter what. Basically just have a general idea of what your going to say, and you should do fine. It's going to be pretty hard if you plan and stress, (but possible, although I don't recommend it lol) but just next time you get a chance to talk to her, chat for a while so she doesn't expect it (like 2 minutes) then say whatcha got ta say .
  10. Her friends said she wanted ta go with someone else, this is probably hella devastating to you but she's not interested man. Plus I guarantee your just infatuated because she's hot and your driven by hormones so yea lol. There's a hell of a lot more women out there man your just not looking hard enough or just looking for the wrong reasons (i.e. good figure).
  11. well im not a chick, but basically most girls don't care about money. It's all about how you make them feel. But they do like the basic things like sense of humor, common interests, and intelligence, and so on. It is on the radio, and its not punk, its POSER-punk haha. Good Charlotte blows... I felt like saying that because I really hate that band lol. Any band that has a lead singer that tries to sound like a pre-pubescent male doesn't get my respect.
  12. She could be either just a flirtacious girl or, she does happen to like you except she doesn't want to ruin the friendship so yeah she won't act upon it. You kinda get what I'm saying man? Ok here's what you should keep in mind later on. Once you get to know her throw in the ******* monkey wrench early on lol, just because it'll make life easier for you . But that's alright man, everyone makes mistakes. I know I've done what you have before so yeah haha. Yeah, she is into you obviously, I don't know really any girl that wouldn't smile and mouth a hi unless they were into you. But if she's turned you down 2 times, then you pretty much have you're answer but there's one more time, so if she rejects you again you can just forget about her. It'll take time but you gotta do it. Just thinking here but if i was infatuated for 7 years and finally got to know her for a year I would have a hard time to get over her, but yeah like I said you have to do it.
  13. Don't kill yourself! You'll just be condemned to hell and you'll make people that truly care for you depressed. Obviously your dad loves you very much because he is basically you're guardian angel in this situation. 15 pills, and you survived...is amazing. Rejection does suck, and if your bf treats you like this, why don't you break up with him?! What a **** off. I think you need to seek God...it doesn't seem like you have put any effort in developing a personal relationship with him. Ok, if you were truly worthless you wouldn't have been born. If you weren't special and worthy of life you wouldn't be here today. Everyone living on this Earth has a meaning because of that. God does care about you. He doesn't want you to kill yourself. He wants you to seek him in your time of despair. (I may sound like some church person or something here but I'm trying to make a point lol) Remember that Jesus went through crucifixtion one of the most horrible ways to die, for YOU. Nails through his hands and feet, left to die.Think about how excruciatingly painful that would be. Now if that doesn't prove to you that that is the greatest sacrifice/love I don't know how else to say it. God does care about you, don't give up on life, your giving up on God.
  14. Things will get better. Hey at least you went to college. I'm most likely not going to be I've already screwed my grades. So at least you accomplished SOMETHING with your life. Killing yourself is an irreversible, incoherent mistake. You will be banished to hell first of all which the pain will be appalling compared to the pain you're going through at the moment...and the worst part is that its for eternity , you're sure you want that? Secondly, people that actually do care about you will be depressed. People that you thought didn't even know you existed, maybe some person that secretly has a crush on you. You never know really. I think you should get into poetry. I think you should write out your feelings on a piece of paper it's very therapeutic and should help you out.
  15. Ok, don't ask out women you know your not probably going to get. The beautiful high-maintenance women actually once you date them after a while begin to show their ugly side and don't seem as pretty as you thought they were before the relationship. Instead, choose a girl that you KNOW you can get. Plus you seem infatuated because I remember a month or 2 ago you posted something like this. She's not interested man, get over it, there's plenty more women out there. Start asking women out when you like them for their personality not their looks .
  16. I wasn't really in your position, I technically was but, just start like working out, if you have glasses get some contacts, get new clothes, if you like prep or skater choose one, there's a lot of things you can do. Get some new shoes, throw out those dorky cross-trainer Nike type of shoes lol. Maintain good hygiene and what not, use deodorant, its pretty basic man. But if the girls judgments haven't changed then forget about them. Just worry about getting into the college you want to go to, there'll be plenty more women there
  17. Most guys I know prefer girls that are inbetween slim and fat but more on the plump side but are not huge get what I'm saying? I prefer a girl that's slim/average but that's just me every guy's different. I don't think any guys really like anorexic type of girls.....but hey I could be wrong but if there's any out there that do its not that much.
  18. Telling him your interested somehow is good. It makes it a whole lot easier for him. I can't think of any ways to do so at the moment but I'm sure you could think of one. Good luck.
  19. Maybe he's not picking up on your signals or something and misinterpreting that for lack of interest? If you notice he's like depressed and stuff, then its most likely the case.
  20. Nope, your just lucky and that drag on the esteem for all those years is making it "hard to believe". Well, if your interested in a particular girl and she's showing that kind of body language, go for it! Why not? You don't have anything to lose.
  21. Do whatever it takes, who cares about his best friend, she'll get over it...eventually . It sounds like he's interested but he's a bit shy, but if he's trying that's good. He just probably needs to talk to you if he hasn't already, if he is that's good he's probably just waiting for the right moment to ask you out. If he hasn't talked to you, say hi to him, it might make him feel more comfortable and he might have the guts to reciprocate.
  22. ^^ Don't ask if she's interested...not the best thing to do. Instead ask her out, it's a better way to tell if she's interested . I'd definitely say she's interested. I don't think she's going to say no man, why not just ask her out grow some balls, you have it really easy if your sitting next to her every day 3rd period then yea talk for a bit, then randomally just ask just don't do it TOO early in the conversation. And DON'T just walk up to her and ask her out....even though she's probably going to say yes talk a bit first. Good luck.
  23. Athletic? Sort of. It's more like toned more than muscular. Muscular's kinda weird for a girl . Funny? Yeah, definitely. You don't have to be hilarious or anything, though that's cool if you are, but if you have a sense of humor that's not like boring or anything that's good. Personality important than looks yeah. I'd say its like a 60/40 thing.
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