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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Exactly. Or, you could just back off and ignore her and never talk to her again. But if you still want a friendship, just back off for a while until your romantic feelings die, focus on a hobby or another girl that'd catch your interest and see how it goes then.
  2. Girls like that are just confusing, yeah I'd just go with what your thinking to do man.
  3. Yeah really, I agree with Mr. Jones. He probably doesn't like you though if he doesn't look at you a lot. Well if he ever does look at you, what's his face like?? And does he EVER smile at you?
  4. I agree with kyo and annie. It would be hella weird. And if I were him I'd think you are an obsessive stalker if I ever found out you had my email. You shouldn't go straight to asking him out, if clearly he doesn't even know you. That's a little...scary . I think you should actually meet this guy and get to know him personally, not obsess about him because you think he's really hot.
  5. Could someone refresh my memory on what these are, like what they mean? If you know the girl is interested you and you get one of these, also what does that mean?? Thanks.
  6. Let loose, being a nice guy is ****. Look I'm not going to persuade you into my thinking man but, let's just say I've had more success not acting like some wimpy "nice guy" than being myself. So anyhow, I think you should let loose though. I'm not saying to if you don't want too, but just respect women and be yourself and you'll be fine. Well if you want some success, try not being a nice guy for a while see where it gets ya. It sure as hell worked for me.
  7. You are INFATUATED, your not in love with the girl. I think that'll do more harm than good lmao. Dude, your not going to do an exercise to change your voice hahahaha, your just going to have to let your body hit puberty. Everyone hits it, your just a late bloomer. How about you first STOP RELYING ON WOMEN FOR HAPPINESS and go find some hobbies! Women aren't attracted to boring clingy, desperate nice guys, so go make yourself appealing by working on your personality. And, if this girl you "love", is like a year and a half older, i highly doubt she's going to want to go out with you anyhow, your 15 she's 17. Unless there's something REALLY appealing about you, or your really good-looking. Which 98% of the time never happens lol. Just find some hobbies, stop thinking about women.
  8. When a guy smiles at a chick and she looks down and to the side and smiles a bit, she's interested right? I was just checking. (by the way the girl gave me a huge smile yesterday).
  9. I don't understand why you couldn't of just shaken that off because she's an uneducated full of **** *****. It's just best to ignore these people and let them find out later in life what jerks they've been to people over the years.
  10. Well, then he probably just thinks your really attractive. Maybe you should try working out at home, and you should do freeweights (you have...you should buy some if you dont have any at home) and you should run (because running is basically a full body work out..except the arms i think). Try NC from the gym for however long it takes for you to get over him. Or you could TRY going to the gym and ask if he wouldn't give you those signs.
  11. I personally think he's leading you on. I think if he really did like you he'd probably break it off with his current gf. Yeah, sorry he's not interested, he's just messing around with ya.
  12. Poco and sidehop have some pretty good advice here pete...I couldn't of said it better.
  13. Something's holding you back....are you afraid your going to screw up?? Are you afraid it wasn't going to be as good as the first time? What is it? Anyways, when the time comes around JUST DO IT, don't think that's the best advice I can give you just ******* do it.
  14. Secret Admirer imo just shows that you aren't enough of a man to ask her out or express it in someway that she knows its you. Dude, get some guts, then talk to this girl, then at the end of the conversation ask her out. Just ask her out. It honestly is WAY easier than you think. And if you get rejected, who cares...there's plenty more girls out there. If you want to know if she likes you just check out her body language. (Look it up on google...) Does she smile at you on a daily basis, does she stare at you for quite a while and put one hand on her hip, does she go out of her way to say hi?, etc. ^ All those and more are some good signs..look up the rest of 'em on google. But mostly trust your gut feeling, you'll know if the girl's into you or not, all of this body language stuff is perceived through our subconscious, so trust it. If you feel negative and she's not interested, at least ask her out just to check if she rejects you, well hey she's not interested and that's life move on.
  15. RELAX MAN. I don't really know how to explain this but when I used to be shy I was sorta like you. It was really hard to talk to women, but you needa take some time when you're really bored and think about how its not hard and not scary to talk to women. Most women are actually pretty nice. You just need to stop thinking about girls judging you and speak your mind (well at least I think you are afraid of girls judging you..that's how I was when I was shy). Then over time, you'll find it easier and easier to talk to women. Next time just think like its one of your buds talking to ya when some girl that's hot is talking to ya lol. It should help. Because you'll start talking and'll be open and **** and then you'll be like "I did it, holy ****" so yeah...best of luck man. Shyness sucks, but the easiest way to get over it is to talk to women IN PERSON, don't use instant messeging or phone. In person = overcoming shyness. Also you might wanna get some more girl friends.
  16. Shy, these are ok lines to use for older women but, it'd be better if he just used "wanna dance", because at 13, I remember that was the easiest way to do it and it's fine you don't need some creative line to get her to say yeah, and the kid's probably hella nervous anyhow and its quick and he can get it out of the way. Although I have used "May I have this dance?" and got a sure, but I said it in a joking but meant serious at the same time kind of voice..so yeah I guess that might work. And in case you're wondering I did it in a joking but serious voice because it sounds dorky to say that...maybe a more formal dance like prom or something you'd say that normally but a regular high school dance...just do it casual or funny but serious.
  17. Well, this line: and this line: umm its hard to explain this one...lol, umm the best way i could explain what I'm thinking is like you know how a certain girl likes a guy and her friend likes him too...like the "the more girls that like you the more attractive you are to them" line or something along the lines of that. Yeah, its like that lol, if you can figure that out you'll get what I'm talking about. Oh yeah and that's not the only reason why I don't know how to explain the other parts of my thinking.
  18. I'm thinking her friend is attracted to you or something, and the girl ya like is afraid to go out with you because she doesn't wanna fight with her best friend over ya.
  19. Well, he's ignoring you because he doesn't believe your into him ya gotta show the guy some SIGNS!! He doesn't talk to you when his friends are there because he is afraid of being embarrassed if he screws up what he's saying or something...maybe his friends might think what he says is lame who knows lol, but the point of that is he doesn't wanna be embarrassed. I'd go with what maynard's said about what ta do "If he's staring at you, etc"
  20. lmao, isn't this the girl that doesn't like you? If it is...forget about it. If she's not interested, she's not interested!! Don't irritate her furthermore. If it's not, how to dance, well..watch others lol. What to wear? your best clothes, don't go in there looking like your grandpa with khakis and ****, just wear a polo or something and some pants, and smell good. Make sure you have deodorant on too. How to ask? lol, it's hella simple, how hard is it to say "wanna dance" your not proposing to her here
  21. I think opposites attract yeah...but we are attracted to people similar to us so you have to be dating like an introvert if your an extrovert, and extrovert if your an introvert, etc.
  22. If a girl's interested in ya, you can tell from body language. Plus you'll probably have the gut feeling she's interested anyway. (if you don't know anything about body language, google it).
  23. I think she still has leftover feelings for her ex, and the only thing you can do right now is let them settle it out. When she's completely over him (and he doesn't come into work yelling at her and what not), ask her out. It'd also be good to keep in mind, that you don't pressure her for a relationship when the time comes around (like as soon as you think she's over him, give her a few days then ask her out) but I think you know that.
  24. Told you she wasn't interested, but yeah..better luck next time man.
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