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  1. well i talked to her friend and she said she liked me its just she wasnt wasnting a bf at the moment.fine.i guess i should have phrased myself different,but just because you say one way doesnt mean that im automatically going to sway my feelings.i respect her.end of sentence.what she wants is all up to her.all i was asking is how to get a girl to maybe be more interested in yourself.it seems i should just let it run its course ok i get it man.i guess i should have filled you more in on all of this before i post anything next time okay.
  2. depends on how cofortable you r with them
  3. i really like this girl and she seems semi interested i asked her out and she says she not ready for a bf right now, i was wondering if there was any help on the subject on how to win her over.and i dont mean this as like shes a prize or something, just i need help on the subject. -tony
  4. really to guys (at least to me physical attraction is the first thing you notice)but thats just the tip of the iceberg to guys if you could have the hottest girl in the world if shes high maintenence or materialistic or just a plain b**ch that girl turns from hot to ugly real fast,so yeah guys like hot girls duh .but what girl looks at a guy and can automattically tell his personality????none.so physical attraction is what everyone notices about someone they like first.end of subject
  5. well im a 14 year old, well as im not a girl its not the same, but if the girl and the guy really love each other then there is nothing wrong.i really think that they should wait a year or two before sex,unless the girl is absulutley and positivley ready.to me it seems girls r usally a little more thought out about these kind of things then guys r.but whether or not u believe the law is right (which its not), its still the law so be careful is all i have to say and definetly dont rush her until shes ready.
  6. thanks i mean i really liked her and that wasnt the anwser i hoped for but the truth hurts sometimes.thanks -tony
  7. well i asked a girl out and she sent me an email saying (hey tony. yeah i like you.. but i dunno if i want a bf rite now. your hella cool n s*** so dont get me wrong. maybe things will be different later on tho k. i still luv you) so wat do you think i know she doesn't want to go out w/ me right now but does she acctually like me or was she just putting me down easy????please some1 help confused-tony
  8. tell him the truth about y u called. if he doesnt believe you, then maybe you shouldnt go out w/ an untrusting person
  9. there is no guy escpeccially if this is his first real relationship that would no like to check things out before a commitment like this
  10. if hes saying all those things hes not cheating. be more secure about yourself
  11. it seems like you were just having fun that night you smoked and you shouldnt worry about that. and while u bfriend and his friends may smoke unless ur really against that take that as no discredit to him. hes a kid hes a kid hes having fun
  12. i dont know if this girl likes me. she seems to go out of her way to say hi to me in the hall and in third period she tells me to sit next to her and we look each other directly in the eye. she also seems to twirl her hair around, but weve been friendss for a long time and i dont know if thats all she thinks of me. if i ask her out and she says no i dont want things to be all weird btwn us what should i do (that whole personal space thing doesnt seem like something i would try) -tony
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