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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Lol. I don't think it's bad or your a sleazebag if you date younger girls. One of 2 years isn't even that big of a deal.
  2. It could be possible but I doubt it. I mean if he is just "some guy" and just touched a girl down there not that earlier and didn't wash his hands off or something (gross ) and then fingered you yeah. If not I doubt it.
  3. Well your bf doesn't want to actually see you upset for one and it depresses him. God decides when he wants to take people for unknown reasons.
  4. If your not somewhat of a challenge a guy won't be AS attracted to you if you were playing a bit of hard-to-get. Shysouls just one of the 1% of guys out there that doesn't care if his gf isn't a challenge. There has to be some sort of challenge in a relationship, if not, that's a bad thing. You don't have to be a challenge all the time that is not fun for the guy, he'll eventually give up if your hard-to-get all the time. Hard-to-get is like a once and a while thing I believe. When a guy is starting to notice you and get a bit interested, this is a time you can play hard to get but show interest as well, when your friends don't play hard to get very much, in a relationship do it once in a while.
  5. Food is not medicine lol. Umm, just control your urges to eat when something sad happens. Eat something healthy (like a Slim-Fast bar) when something sad happens at first, and if you can try NOT to eat when something sad happens that would help you not gain a lot of weight. And exercise 2-3 times a week that'll help you lose weight you need at least 30 minutes of exercise. Don't go inside after your done and get some soda, or go get fast food, or eat candy that DOESN'T help at all. Drink water, it purifies the body.
  6. Guys reading this this is what happens when your a nice guy and you "wait" for the perfect girl, you don't know what you find attractive until you start dating some girls. I've added a lot of things to my personal "mental list" in terms of what I find attractive and don't find attractive about women from dating women. Ok and that crap about not taking your way and things don't work out in the long run, LOL. Guys this is bs. My friend was in line for pictures with one of his friends (girl) that he's known like all of his life (never dated) and he was teasing her just for kicks and she totally got a kick out of it and was teasing him back too, they were both having a good time. I don't remember what they were talking about but it was funny, it pretty much started when she was trying to get him to give her money but he didn't let her supplicate him, it was like "friendly teasing". All I remember about the rest of the topics was they weren't like teasing to get somewhere. Maybe you live by that term, but mostly every guy I know likes a woman that wears good clothes (not cheap crap but not extremely expensive) , and women believe me a little make up (not too much) will make you look more attractive than without make-up. Best clothing that a girl can wear is probably all the preppy stuff (i.e. A&F, AE, Hollister, etc.). And I'll be honest, messed up hair looks not all that great. I mean it's probably the eqivelent of what you think of a guy that doesn't take a shower every day, his hair is probably greasy and stuff and smells of B.O.
  7. Turn on: Sense of humor/laid-back/talks a lot (but really what girl doesn't talk a lot? lol) Turn off: Only cares about school, takes life too seriously (doesn't mean I like a girl that doesn't care about life and does drugs), doesn't work out (toning herself, especially abs muscular women , bug eyes, constant staring at you ALL the time -- like pressure for a relationship is kind of what it means to me, ditsy oh my god ditsy girls are just such a turn off (i.e. Jessica Simpson ).
  8. Well, if you had got more than one gf with your "nice guy"-ness maybe these guys your talking about would be encouraged. Just saying. If you got 10+ gf's in your life time I'm pretty sure people would consider trying your ways. Hell more than 1 at least.
  9. It's ok I still know you have a problem with that .
  10. Maybe, but I'm leaning towards no rvr350.
  11. See if she calls you on her own free will. Worry less I meant by like you being not very interested. Yeah.
  12. She still likes you don't worry about it, you probably made her worry less since you cuddled on your 3rd date. I'm glad your thinking about kissing her on the next date, that's a good thing, don't wait any longer than that though.
  13. 5'7 111.5 lol. I'm not even in a relationship right now...actually I had the thought of you with a woman that large (nice insult). My Body Mass Index is 17.5 , so I'm underweight, which isn't that big of a deal its only by 1 point so it doesn't matter. 18.5 - 24.9 is normal, 25 - 29.9 is overweight, obese is 30 or greater. If someone has a a BMI of 28.5+ I consider gross .
  14. Don't tell him "I love you" just yet. What he meant by "Yeah I think so" was probably "Kinda, it's getting there" at least that's how I would put it if I said that. "Yeah I think so" probably means what I said in the sentence before this and that he doesn't want to hurt your feelings so he put I think so at the end...because a regular "Yeah" is lying technically but again that's at least how I would mean it if I were in your situation.
  15. If there wasn't any other girls out there at the moment that we're as good as the girl, then it would be ranging from 2 weeks to a month and a half probably. If it was the opposite, I would have known before I told her I wanted a break.
  16. Oh yeah, since Shinobie and skyteph were talking about how women need to maintain weight and stuff, just in case any girl out there's wondering, you need (minimum) 30 minutes of exercise every day to see any weight loss (eventually). 2 or 3 times a week is to maintain it, I'm sure because, I exercise 2-3 times a week and I maintain my weight fine, but I also have a high metabolism, I drink lots of water, and fortunately don't have any problems with obesity in my genes, I really think genetics has a lot to do with if your overweight or not, don't make up the excuse that its your genes because you sit around all day and eat too much carbs and your not active enough. Just get 30 minutes of exercise every day, its not going to kill you. And to Shysoul and beec, I believe that you can't have one without the other, or the relationship feels like it is lacking. Even if I was really into the girls personality, for example if she was 4'10 380lbs, I'd keep her as a platonic friend. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I'm just being honest.
  17. Nicely say "I'm seeing someone right now". Don't come off as a jerk. Even though I know how you feel and you want to lol.
  18. She interested, if a girl get's within 18 inches of you a lot, like you said habitually then she is interested. That is the "intimate zone". Ask her out (if your interested of course ) .
  19. I think it'll be different in the catholic environment if they see it. They're probably going to find out that you have scars sometime this year anyhow so why not cover it up until someone sees them (somehow lol). Well are you a guy, or a girl? Your bisexual, so yeah it'll totally be weird around the catholic environment, they'll like freak out I'm assuming lol. Well if you didn't know, Christians are big on like if your gay you'll go to hell and stuff. I personally don't believe in the Democratic view of gay rights and stuff like that but I think what your parents are doing is wrong and they shouldn't turn you straight. Well, they did give you life and provide a roof over your head but still.
  20. She hella likes you. If you have enough time to go out with her (at least like 3-5 months) then you should ask her out. If not, that sucks man, but you have to move on. wherever your moving too should have some girls there, so it's not really a bad thing that your moving .
  21. It's possible that he could just be waiting for you to pursue him and get your interest up. Ever hear that joke in the 40 Year-Old Virgin, I forgot the main characters name but his real name is Steve Carell I think anyway, he says "Well when am I supposed to call her" and then Cal(a work buddy of his) says "when's the next olympics". A lot of guys play this game. But you never know sometimes there really busy, if you suspect he's playing the game call him on one of your girlfriends cell phones (obviously he must not know the gf because he can see her caller ID and hang up if he has caller ID) and once he says Hello just hang up because then you'll know he's home and he's playing the game. If you know he has no caller ID just call him off your number.
  22. I never really go for a girl's email address anyway lol, just sounds stupid, it might take her forever to email you back and its lame, why not talk over the phone? This is what all the new guys(who are just learning) tease girls about: . Yeah, its why its better to tease them if they did something clumsy, holds a pencil weird, etc. Make sure you don't phrase it wrong or you just end up saying something stupid and then you do more harm than good.
  23. You did it wrong obviously That is not C&F , you definitely have the wrong idea of it....anyway I'm done.
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