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Everything posted by MetallicAguy

  1. Well I have a tie between three things: 1.)Sense of humor - I love it when girls can make me laugh 2.)Good taste in music - doesn't favor mainstream crap, one or 2 bands is ok, as long as the voices don't sound like New Found Glory... , I hate that. 3.) Laid-back - Girls that take life too serious turn me off. Most of all though I like Sense of humor.
  2. Don't tell her your feelings while there in a relationship. And when there out of a relationship ask her out don't tell her your feelings, for some reason it always turns out bad when you do that unless you are 100% sure she likes you as well.
  3. 1.) Highlights make guys look gay, it was meant for women . 2.) There is different sizes yeah. 3.) Hell no. 4.) YES. Don't let a woman change you, stay how you are. Unless you decide to change yourself...except not for a woman. 5.) See asdf's answer for this one. 6.) I think.
  4. Thing is when you joke with women, it feels different, I'm not going to argue with you anymore because you NEVER will get it and your missing out I've been nice kiss *** boy its the worst thing I've ever done and it doesn't work. Whoopdeedoo. How did you detect there interest? From giving you a hug? Point is, if you haven't tried it you can't put it out there saying it hurts feelings and all this other crap. Do it, then tell us what happened. If you have NEVER tried it you don't.know. It's not the same...C&F works better than regular stuff you don't know until you try it. Exactly why you will never understand it...I mean you haven't done it...probably afraid to hurt a girl's feelings are you kidding? If you don't say it seriously it has a lot better of a reaction than just a regular joke, I've actually done it. You haven't teased you don't know, unless you saw someone else do it. A compliment may be a good thing, but complimenting like you do is kissing ***. Playful teasing is "vulgar and mean humor"? lmao. rofl. Agreed.
  5. Nooooo, she isn't......... dude I'm kidding, she's into you lol. Well when you see each other next time you don't have to tell her because usually telling her ruins it all. Instead you could show her you like her with your body language, and tease her.
  6. It's possible, I've never seen it. But yeah, if your "better" than her bf, in certain ways (not if your better looking or anything...though that is a good bonus ) in terms of personality yeah. I guess you could google "how to steal someone's girlfriend" .
  7. I'm done arguing with you, this is a pointless argument because you will never accept the fact that teasing actually works on 99% of women and it doesn't hurt their emotions XD, it does more good then bad how about you try it for yourself, Or are you just too afraid? Hey at least I tryed being nice one time in my life. You got help....lol...weaaakkk. Unless your cheesy you will tease the same thing everytime, yet the ROUTINE becomes predictable but the tease is different and that's what creates the emotion. Plus, it's not like you use it all the time, it's only when necessary. Like for example if the topic is on something simple and boring like school you need to lighten it up to get the girl comfortable and interested in what you have to say. Just because some girls don't like soft people like you doesn't mean there not "worth it". There is plenty of girls out there that are worth it that actually like c0cky and funny talk, how would you know if they weren't worth it? ...I'm supposed to be insulted? I've read Body Language by Julius Fast..enough said.
  8. She's trying to satisfy something her bf can't it sounds like.
  9. Thinking about it a second time (I don't really get how it all happened I'm kind of confused like she was walking your way like to talk to you then you turned and looked at her and she pretended to be interested in a random book?) She might have been trying to chat you up, or just thought you were attractive, then got shy and turned and picked up a book. See it as a good thing.
  10. Well, thanks for being honest, really needed to know that . Yeah, I think acne is a turn off to me as well but on girls.
  11. I think he's either a nice guy, or he isn't enough of a challenge. Maybe both. I don't blame you, there always should be some sort of challenge in a relationship or it gets boring...and fails. I think he's a nice guy because he's not much of a challenge and doesn't know how to keep a girl wanting to know what's next with the relationship. that's where I think he's more of the "best friend" material. I think it might end up into you breaking up with him with the famous "let's just be friends" line.
  12. You heading down the path of relying on a girl for your happiness, it's not her job to enlighten your life. Find a sport, work-out, some type of hobby that isn't geeky that you enjoy and do that for a while...and forget about girls and dating. Oh yeah, and changing your attitude to an optimistic one should help. No one likes to be around a negative person all the time. You have to love yourself before you can love others.
  13. Bowling is pretty awesome. I recommend it. Coffee isn't all that bad either. As lillady898 said only 9% don't like it. Which 91% wouldn't mind or would like going out for coffee. It's all up to you.
  14. I've had similar things happen to me, not like what you described (I hardly go in bookstores ) but same concept; to check me out.
  15. A lot of girls peers affect what they think of things, some grow out of it some stick with it even as they get older . It's not normal really....she is just stuck-up and has her own issues to deal with...what a child...lol.
  16. Well it all depends what kind of acne you have and how bad, but GO to a DERMOTOLOGIST, spend the big bucks, get the prescription for anti-biotics and benzoyl peroxide (the percentage of BP depends on how bad your acne is.). In the end, it's so worth it. (Using the antibiotic it has taken me 2 months to clear up my face , and I have DEEP-ROOTED acne which is a crappy kind, not this mild **** that Jessica Simpson has on the Proactive commercial that she was freaked out about...that was nothing she had like 2 zits LOL. Oh yeah, btw Proactive doesn't work unless you have mild acne, I've tried it.) Advertisements on TV for a cure for acne is such bull, don't fall into the trap in the end it doesn't work. Go to a dermotologist, they know there stuff.
  17. Exactly you want her to keep her on the edge of her seat (lol) while doing this, it makes her want to know what's going to happen next which is unpredictability = attractive. lmao. First of all what we really say when we're talking to people in person is 7% of what is really being understood. 38% is voice tone, and the rest is non-verbal. If voice tone is playful then that's obviously going to impact it a lot. And if our body language is open(no crossed arms, crossed legs, etc.) flirting, and more than likely to laugh a bit it's obviously positive so the girl will understand that your NOT offending her. Playful teasing,..serious? XD. Your never too old to have some REAL fun with girls . Too mature I believe is boring. Mature is ok, too mature = you are dry like toast. Hmm I'd rather go out for bowling, mini-golf of ice skating and then talk for a hour or 2(tease her when appropriate ) and then cuddle up and watch a movie lol, whatever works for you. Though I think your getting too mushy. When your too mushy it usually doesn't last that long..well that's at least my experience.
  18. Ok, so I used to be a guy with SEVERE acne, like total pizza face, no self-esteem really, well I did but it was hella low. Now that I've been using this anti-biotic and benzoyl peroxide pads I have no acne, I now have like 2 zits. I used to have around 38-45 on my face every day for 3 years...it looked so bad. But luckily I have hardly any pits and my face is somewhat tan so it covers it up, I have pits but there so small probably the size of a pin, they look like freckles. and i have about 5 of those on each side of my face. What I'm asking here is would this significantly impact the way girls see me? Like since I have like no acne anymore would it make me more attractive to girls? Well look like Ryan Sheckler for the most part without his huge eyes if that helps to picture if it'd make me look any better. So glad my acne's gone , it just eats away at your self-esteem.
  19. Well I couldn't get over my shyness no matter what I read really, what worked for me is I got lucky a while back when I was younger and some girl I really liked, liked me I never picked up on it because I didn't know body language for ****. But she was giving me all the signs and stuff and would always initiate conversation, etc. Anyway, maybe you should just show him some signs like wink at him and give him long eye contact it should give him a self-esteem boost and break his shell. That's how it worked for me (ex-shy nice guy).
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