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Everything posted by ticklebug

  1. you can't specifically direct an away message to one person...so I'm not so sure you should interpret that as just for you... If she is in college...I'd more hazard that you are really just a friend to her....you have no way of knowing when you will see each other...and you have no idea who else she may be talking to on AIM...
  2. she's right, the same medical rules DO apply....you would have to be seen by a gynecologist to even get it, be examined to prove you had sex..and your parents would be notified.
  3. losted so is that saying you are actually having your period, or about to...right now? because if that is the case...it very well COULD be "just" that time of the month...as some women can show signs of depression around that time due to the major surge in hormones...
  4. for as long as you have been dating I'd just say knock off the fingers for now and see how she reacts....if she is still uncomfortable with you touching even her breasts after that...then you have your answer...
  5. amanda, you are an ex...what makes you think your feelings actually are a concern of his?
  6. amanda, I don't think it is anyone's intention to make you the bad buy here...what the intention is though, is to try to help you see it from his...or a neutral, perspective. Yes, you discussed exchanging gifts, but that was when you were together...whole different ball game when the relationship is over...what you discussed when you were together...be it the deep things like your future together to trival things like a gift exchange...is null and void. It doesn't matter what the two of you agreed to, or planned...and it isn't rude of him to not honor anything that was discussed or planned when you were together because the situation has changed. It's as if you ar still holding him accountable as a boyfriend...and you can't do that.
  7. queen well, you already made it sound as if you have solid plans...you invited her to a party, so why should she turn around and invite you to anything that might come up on her end? You may be her best friend, but you aren't her ONLY friend... the term "best friend" doesn't mean you come before everyone else...it means you two are able to share more and relate better together than anyone else she knows. Just because you don't like the other people she hangs out with on occasion doesn't mean she should ditch them for you, nor should she invite you to go out with them, because she obviously knows you don't like them...why have you come somewhere with people you don't like? So, yeah, IMO, you are making a bigger deal out of this than you have to be...it isn't like you don't have something fun to do...and you had fun going out before the two of you were best friends...so you can have fun going out without her now.
  8. jeffie she is basically asking for your help because she gets too weak and lets things happen that later she feels shouldn't (more than likely the fingering) try being the strong one and keeping your hands "up north" no matter how much she tries to get you to do otherwise in the heat of passion. See how she responds to it the next day.
  9. ????????????????? not sure why you posted this??? ocean, I sat in PM's with him for the better part of the evening last night to help him come to that decision. I don't think there is a person prouder of him than me at the moment...
  10. Glad to have helped. If she wants you around as an ego booster, tell her it costs $150.00 an hour. =)
  11. you know what hot... if his playing that song for you didn't excite you and make you happy and really is only becoming a source of tension for you....you really don't want this guy back like you thought you did. You are farther over it than you thought. So, I suggest you just let it go...don't obsess over it anymore...if he does call/text you an answer just let him know exactly what you thought...that when it came right down to it..it wa a bit creepy to you and you would prefer he didn't do that anymore. That you hope he has a nice new years/life and let it go from there.
  12. fairy one thing about counselors when they are dealing with young people. When a younger person comes to them, many times there is zero trust there, and many younger people are forced into therapy instead of wanting to go willingly. So a counselor is going to take time and talk to you, get to know you, try to earn some trust with you before getting into the deeper issues. So you get the reassurances that you are a great person, etc.... If you feel you are ready to dive right in and discuss harder things...you need to let that counselor know. So if I were you, I might want to give counseling another shot...
  13. oh John... hugs to you. I think you need to go with your gut on this one a far as something going on with her and someone else. It may not have come to the point of sexual (until possibly the 3:30 am incident) but all the indications were there. Regardless of her denial... Best that this happened before you married...it's worse to find true colors after an "I do" New year, new start...the right one is out there...
  14. mentor So you have no problems with being made to look like the fool who is hanging on just to make Lisa feel better about herself? Do you really think it's right to enable someone to justify hurting you so badly by simply inviting you up to a cabin? Is there really absolution in a cup of hot chocolate in your eyes? You need healing more than she does...she's getting on with things with your help or not...she isn't posting to a board or talking to a therapist about your break up... you are the important one here...you have to put yourself equal or more importnat than her...not below.
  15. consult your horoscope that day and see who's sign you are closer to?!??!!? just kidding. the way you were doing it is the most fair and reasonable.
  16. recovering...this poster did try to find out...and there was a refusal to answer. the idea of trying pursue a reason when you have already been given a clear indication the person that broke up with you has no intention of getting into it anymore with you changes it from curious to obsessive. so yeah, ask once...but only once.
  17. Mentor, they are going about their Christmas as usual, their lives...as usual...what, exactly, do you think they need from you? I know we touched upon this in PM's...YOU are the one who is spending Christmas sad, YOU are the one who is not doing things he normally would, YOU are the one in therapy. YOUR soul is the one scarred, not Lisa's, not her parents...they aren't up in that cabin mourning the fact you aren't there. If they are going about life and you are sitting there in the proverbial dumpster, the ony person you are failing, is yourself. You need to stop this self-torture...you and Lisa breaking up was not YOUR fault. It was her choice. I'm glad you didn't go. I feel as if you were invited purely out of pity and for Lisa to feel better about herself for what happened. You don't have as big of a hole as you think to fill...it's already filled with a number of people here who really care about you...and your well being.
  18. well see some other...that's the thing...there isn't a universal "best" every woman's body is different and you just have to experiment....
  19. bd don't go to one of her friends...if you want her respect be direct...
  20. nighters! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO!
  21. no problem hun! usied, most people use their 20's as the time to really figure out what they want to do/be accomplish in their adult life...you have pretty much 10 years to go through a trial and error process when it comes to your future before you have to worry about not having a "direction"...you still feel like this at 29...thenyou have a problem...right now...take risks...they are easier to recover from. It's better to be more soft hearted when it comes to people than cold hearted...so yeah you may get your heart or feelings trampled on..but each time you come out of it learning a little more and toughening up...if you had a negative view of everyone from the get go that is harder to get away from... but again...that all ties into finding out who you are as a person..and you are ony just starting that journey....so don't be so down on yourself...same thing applies to the age of 29....if you are still getting walked on like a rug...then you have an issue...
  22. hot it wasn't annonymous to him....nor really to you actually...you recognized who it was from pretty much immediately...that was what he was going for... like most things of this nature...how you reacted to it isn't probably what he intended you to do...he probably expected you to call immediately after and comment on it...
  23. nope...you wouldn't have to worry about swallowing if you used a condom...it catches in the condom...
  24. recovering... I never said understanding the reason doesn't help...but many peope can't or won't give it... the original poster said her ex wouldn't respond to her when she asked...no reason to obsess over why if you aren't going to get that conversation...
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