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Josh G.

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Everything posted by Josh G.

  1. Ya, I would never give a girl a gift to go out with me, she may even take it the wrong way, if you want to show her how much you care, then just tell her, Good Luck!
  2. Hey, just be nice and say something like, "hey I enjoy talking to you, but dont you think we talk a bit too much? (if u want throw this in too, Its kinda bugs my parents that you call so much too), then be like, maybe we should only talk a couple times a week instead of a couple times a day. Hope that helps.
  3. ksk0_0, lol, no offence taken, but I usually post for advice, I suck at giving it Maggie18, Thanks for the imput.
  4. Well i heard about making hair thicker somewhere, eat flax seeds, like a spoonful or 2 a day, Im not sure how they taste, but I heard it works. You can buy them in a bulk food store or probally even at a regular supermarket.
  5. Ok, heres the question, what do girls do to show they want to be kissed, how do you know when you should do it. examples of anything would be good, like having a conversation, what happens with the eyes and stuff, they do they get closer and look at your lips or your eyes etc...., Any input appreciated.
  6. Well the point of a lapdance is to be sexy, you dont do it to try and go to sleep , and your in the position to have intercourse, and you r are very close, your chest could be in his face, and your vagina is close to his penis, usually rubbing over, and friction. Everything about it is going to arouse a guy. Hope that helps ya out.
  7. OK, here is the deal, I havnt talked to my gf much lately, saw her last friday, we kissed then I got on my bus and went home, when I got home, I was so exited about our kiss, I emailed her, said, "hey, hows it going, well Ive been thinking about you alot l8tly, And hopefully me and you can get together soon." no other contact for a couple dyas, so I sent her another email said something along the lines of " hey whats goin on, just checking to make sure you are alive, lol, I would call but I suck at talking on the phone so I will spare you the embarrassment, bye" but the next day I did call her, and wanted to see how she was doing and if she wanted to go on a date that night but she was busy and we only talked for a few minutes. Then I called her on christmas, said merry christmas, asked how she was doing, asked wut she got, blah blah, but i was starting to not be able to hear her because I was outside on my cell phone, I just got off my snowmobile and there were other snowmobiles going by so we said goodbye. havnt talked to her since, when we were on the phone, she told me she didnt get on the computer once, so I know she hasnt even read my last 2 emails, and she is going away so I dont think she will read them for a few more days now, But I was wondering, shoudl I email her again, since i cant get ahold of her, and if so... what should i say that will let her know ive been thinking about her alot and show her that I care about her, but it cant be mushy or anything because she not into that stuff, just something casual that will let her kno i care, and I think about her (cuz I do, all the time), thanks in advance, Josh.
  8. it depends how much you know him, and how much contact youve had with eachother.
  9. OK ya, if i were this guy and i was interested enough to give you a gift, if a girl did this i would be really happy, give him a small new years gift, liek 20 or 30 bucks, then set up a date. like give it to him and say, do you want to go see movie... (tonght, tomorrow, friday, this weekend etc.. wutever is convenient), good luck, make sure to set up a date, if your really shy, hes gunna need you to initiate soemthing to show him that you are interested.
  10. I just think that the 1st time, would be more special if it is shared with someone else who is experiencing it for the first time too, I wouldnt give it to much thought, if she wasnt a virgin, it would just be, I dont really know how to explain it, but hopefully somebody gets where Im coming from
  11. I would probally feel the same way, Its not that Theres neccasarily a problem with his gf. I feel that when I lose my virginity, I would like to experience with somebody I love who is also a virgin, that way it is special for both of them, I dont think I would care if I was not a virgin and neither was my gf, but If me and my gf decide to have sex, I have to admit, that I hope she is a virgin.
  12. If I were you, after break, act like good friends, get to know her, take her on a few dates and if you are interested in her, ask her out, I think it sounds like she is trying to get closer to you, to see if she you are her type, and giving you a little bit of a heads up that she is interested. Good Luck!
  13. wow, IM sorry to hear all of this, its depressing to read, I hope things work out for the best for you. Dont worry, there is somebody out there for everybody, we just have to be patient to find them, or to be found by them, maybe one day, she will come back to you, or you will find somebody else so good you will just forget abotu her. Just hang in there, and best of luck to you with your job and everything else.
  14. Get into motocross!!!!!!!!!!!!! , I dirtbike, and nothing would be better to me than if my gf got into it 2.
  15. Ok, I was wondering, I havnt talked ot my gf at all since the last day of school exept for today, I called her up to see how she was doing, and to see if she was free to do anything tonight or tomorrow, to go on a date, maybe to the movies, she said she was really busy, and we didnt talk long, she just kept telling me how much work she had to do and how she was going to get in trouble for not having it done, so I said, ok i wont get you in trouble, Ill let you get back to cleaning and we said goodbye. This really sucks, becasue she is going to be busy after christmas too, and I already miss her alot and want to see her, but I dont think that will be happening at all for the next week and a half. Anyways, Im really mad that shes busy (not mad at her, what can she do about it), but I was wondering, would it be cool to call her on christmas day, and wish her a merry christmas and see how she is doing, and if so, what else should I talk about? or should I just leave her alone and let her be with her family? thanks in advance.
  16. Oh also, IF she says, I dont have a bf, Then maybe you can bust it out with somehting like, "do you want one?" or something better....
  17. You said under answer A, that you would have to ask her out quickly, as I found out, they will not sit around and wait for you, so no matter what, You have to do it in a timely manner. Maybe you should just be like "hey, what did you get for christmas", if she doesnt say something like" well my bf got me...." then ask, "so...what did your bf get you for christmas", assuming she has one, but then atleast you'll kno if she doesnt. Good Luck!!!!
  18. OK, Im going to tell you something you dont want to hear, but it is what I would do if this happened to my gf. I would break up with her, IF i got her pregnant, I wouldnt, I would stick it out, and be a father to the kid, but... if she cheated on me, and got pregnant, I wouldnt support her at all, (why pay the consequenses of something I didnt do?) and I would be heartbroken about the whole thing, and probally not talk to you anymore. Im sorry, I hope your bf is more understanding then me, But im trying to tell you, Dont be suprized if he isnt. Sorry to hear about all this, and best of luck.
  19. well its very well written, but as a b day gift, i would leave out f*ck, and i think in one line it kinda of hinted something sexual (note im not in the right state of mind to be jujging this so i mioght be wrong), unless shes into these types fo things, but othe rthnas thta its good, and makes me wish i was talented enough to write my gf a beautiful poem.
  20. WOW, ( lol, sorry) thasts pretty embarrassing, i think you should just come out and tell him exactly how you feel about it!, its not one of those gifts you have to pretend to like.
  21. I dont really know what to do, I just thought I might try and help, if Im wrong somebody else can correct me, If I were you, Id waut a little for her to contact you, and after Awhile, Id call her, and see whats going on.
  22. I dont think anyone should worry about this anymore, truthfully, It shouldnt matter, because if somebody wants you for a part of your body, then they r not worth worrying over it for. Me? Im happy where Im at, I dont really know or care how im doing in comparison to anyone else. My 2 cents.
  23. Ya I agree, if my somebody bought me a blanket id be like" Oh....wow! a blanket " but if my gf made me one herself, it would be an amazing gift 8) (by thr way, how old r u guys, thta might make a difference)
  24. I think its a good gift, as long as you didnt go over board and spend to much.
  25. OK, before I get into this, Im just gonna tell you, I was the most skeptical person, about highschool relationships, whenever somebody would say anything about love, I would kind of laugh to myself, and think how ridiculous it was. I always believed that love is an emotion that 2 people have to feel together for it to actually be love. But.... Now i feel kinda weird, Because, I havnt been going out with gf for a long time, but I think I love her, And even though she is kinda shy, and we go very very slow with things, I think that she may feel the same, but Im not going to jump to conclusions. There isnt anyone, or anything in the world that I think more about, Im not exagerating here, I think about her all day long. It used to be all I ever thought about was my car, it was all I ever talked about too, But I dont even care out my car anymore, I havnt even worked on it for a long time. People always used to say, Im a nice guy, but I NEVER smile, When ever I see her I smile like crazy, No matter what kind of mood Im in, she instantly makes me happier than anyone else in the world, And when Im not with her or talking to her, I feel really lonely, I would honestly do anything for her, and I want her to be happy no matter what, even if its not with me (as long as it is someone who will respect her and treat her right). what I want to know, if this really is love, or should I start thinking the way I did before, and shoudl I tell her How i feel, or is it way too early ( I think it might be, but would a girl want to hear it?) Thanks for anyhelp.
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